Chapter 137

After bidding farewell to his companions, Qiu embarked on the road of part-time work, so he can rest easy for dinner today. He also told his family in the morning that Sister Ying will prepare working meals for him.

Along the way, I saw a lot of pedestrians rushing towards the station. Is it time to be busy now?Qiu looked at the phone, and it showed the appearance of 05:30 in the afternoon.

"Senior, you are finally here. Sister Ying has been too busy for the past two days. Sometimes I have to entertain guests in person. Our manpower is completely insufficient." After Qiu pushed open the door of the restaurant, she was suddenly startled by Fei. Jump.

"Fei, I said, why are you wearing this?" Qiu Gude was taken aback by his junior's attire. Isn't this the maid outfit she saw that time?

The black and white maid outfit set off Fei's beautiful figure, and black stockings had been put on her smooth long legs, which looked very tempting.

"You said this." Fei tipped up her skirt and made a gift for Qiu. "This is my proposal to Sister Ying. I will equip everyone with some special clothes. Today is the maid's deacon outfit."

Qiu was a little shaken. He didn't expect Fei to be so mature, and she had already put on mature black. He still underestimated this junior, and had grown into a reliable adult.

"Senior!? What are you in a daze for?" Fei looked at Qiu standing there in confusion.

"Nothing?" Qiu whistled. He didn't see anything. He didn't feel shaken after seeing the junior's fat times.

"It's very suspicious." Fei looked at himself in Qiu's line of sight, only seeing a faint black.

"Senior!!!" Fei's face was flushed, even a nervous she knew why senior was shaken.

Qiu's eyes were blurred, he pretended he didn't hear anything, and walked towards the kitchen "Ahaha, I have to say hello to Sister Ying."

"Senior!!!" Fei followed Qiu's footsteps and walked towards the back kitchen, her shy look was very different from the previous performance in the maid cafe.

If her brother sees it, she will cry.But this grand scene can only be witnessed by everyone in the back kitchen, which also avoids the tragedy of his elder brother crying and fainting in the toilet.

"So do you want to wear this? Is it not suitable for me?" Qiu Worry looked at the deacon uniform handed over by Bai. He was not the kind of person who would take this kind of clothes casually.

"Aizawa's words should be very suitable." Qiu still took the clothes. Although he was very reluctant, he still couldn't separate himself from the public. The theme of this month's restaurant was like this. Even he still had to obey the arrangement.

And if you don't wear it, wouldn't it be more outstanding in this situation.This is totally against his code.

"Look for yourself." Bai sighed, and she pointed out the window holding the dinner plate in one hand and the photo album of the standard butler ceremony in the other, surrounded by girls enthusiastically.

"It's still so popular, or rather, it's even more popular." Qiu looked at the busy Aizawa, fortunately he had Aizawa, otherwise his workload would be quite heavy.Aizawa, who attracted all the girls' firepower, helped him share a lot of pressure.

"Yeah." Bai sighed again, she couldn't help it, and she didn't want this, but this wood.

Qiu looked at Bai's expression and didn't know what to say. He could only rely on himself for this kind of thing. His own life was still in chaos, and he couldn't help, so he could only silently bless him.

"I'm going to help, let's work hard in the back kitchen." Qiu went to the locker room to change clothes, greeted Bai, and hurried out to help, but the front was already too busy, even if Aizawa was outstanding, he couldn't remember it all at once. Live so many dishes.

Although there is Fei's help, it is too busy.This busy scene did not ease until after Qiu left the stage. After all, it was the peak time for eating. As the office workers got off work, they ushered in the peak time for eating. Everyone was very busy. Fortunately, Qiu Fei Aizawa They all have good physical strength, otherwise they would have been exhausted long ago.

Even so, two hours later, Qiu collapsed on the table in the lounge.

"It can't be done, there are too many people. Three people could handle it before, but now it is full every day. There are not enough people." Qiu enjoyed the air-conditioning in the lounge and drank the cold drinks provided, and felt revived come over.

"Senior, please." Fei handed over her handkerchief, she is also resting now, there are not so many people, and Aizawa is enough for the time being.They took turns resting, and Aizawa had already rested before.

"Don't you think about it?" Qiu looked at Sister Ying who also came to the kitchen to take refuge. She was also quite tired. After all, she took care of so many people's meals. Even if she stayed in the kitchen for many years and was very energetic, she would still tired.

"Already thinking about it, the recruitment of chefs has also been put on the agenda, Bai and I are also very tired, I didn't expect the popularity to grow so much, especially after implementing Fei's suggestion, it is already in a state of being full every day. "Sister Ying's wobbly body forced Qiu to sigh for her.

"So whether the business is good or bad will have different effects. Although I like the previous situation very much, Sister Ying's father wants more people to taste your craftsmanship. I can't live up to my uncle's expectations." Qiu suddenly Full of energy, he has met Sister Ying's father, he is a very kind uncle.Due to physical reasons, the restaurant was handed over to Sister Ying to run the restaurant. The dream is to let more people taste their handicrafts.

Now Sister Ying's restaurant has become a very popular restaurant after Yingyue's recommendation and Fei's suggestion.The casual café has turned into a popular restaurant.

"I feel like the signboard of the coffee shop is useless." Qiu Tucao said, he couldn't see that this restaurant has the feeling of a coffee shop at all. If there were few people before, people would come to relax and drink coffee. Now they all come to eat However, coffee has become the least sold thing.

"This is also included in the plan, and we are going to restore the original signboard." Sister Ying said weakly. She thought it would be easier after taking over, so she changed it into a coffee shop, but the good days only lasted for more than a year. Instead of being relaxed, they became more busy. Naturally, the service of the coffee shop was no longer needed, which would instead increase their burden.

"Do you want to restore the original name? But that kind of retro signboard is not suitable for a new restaurant." Qiu was a little surprised, but the current restaurant has been renovated, unlike the old restaurant before. If you wear that kind of signboard, it will be neither fish nor fowl.

"As for the name, think about it later. Anyway, it will be good to make a sign in a few days, and the coffee is ready to be canceled from the menu." Sister Ying made a decision.She has to figure out a way for her own restaurant, and if this continues, everyone will be exhausted sooner or later.

(End of this chapter)

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