incredible high school life

Chapter 154 The Arrival of the Angel

Chapter 154 The Arrival of the Angel
Weaknesses found at C3 locations

Please notify the general immediately to make a breakthrough.

A group of men in black on the outskirts of Sakura City held a walkie-talkie and communicated to the other end of the walkie-talkie.

"Understood, the general has been informed, and we will arrive at C3 in about ten seconds."

Just during the time of talking on the walkie-talkie, a man in a black suit and a white shirt appeared in front of the man in black.

"Is this right here?" The man took out a cigarette from his body, took out a lighter and lit it, and faint smoke lingered in front of his eyes.

"Yes, General, we have been searching for many days, and finally found the weak point of this enchantment. So far, we have only found this one place, and it should be moved soon." The man in black directly narrated, because of this weak point To the point, they spent a lot of manpower and material resources, and even fought many battles with the troops guarding the barrier before they could find the weak point in this situation.

"Then you have to hurry up, don't say much, you stand far away."

The general waved his hand.The people in black quickly exited the area, about tens of meters away.


The man in black stepped back tens of meters again.

"Can you retreat 200 meters away? What are you doing so close? This weak point can only be entered by one person." A # character appeared on the general's head. What are these people doing? He can't accidentally hurt his own people, right? Don't waste time, this weak point is almost transferred.

"Sorry, sorry." A group of people retreated another 100 meters before getting out of the dangerous range.

"I obviously want to see the general's demeanor up close." The people in black whispered among themselves.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm sure I won't be able to see it from such a distance. It's not so easy to see the demeanor of the Four Heavenly Kings."

"Especially the second-ranked general, it is even more difficult to see. In general, they cannot be dispatched. This time, the No.2 general was directly sent here. It seems that the master has already become cruel."

"The direct actions of the second general of the four heavenly kings can really show the Lord's will. And the third and No.4 heavenly kings are still on standby. The elder sister heard that he is also recruiting here, and the battle plan on the west side has stopped. There is no need to win over the small country over there, and the small country without even a god is far less important than the plan here."

"It seems that the Lord really attaches great importance to this side. When the general is about to exert his strength, stop arguing and watch."

The voice of a man in black brought everyone back to their senses, and they watched the general's movements intently.

"This group of guys." The general looked helplessly at the group of guys who even took out their support cards and shouted for support, and couldn't help feeling whether his decision to accept the resurrection was wrong.

Although he has new power and a group of new subordinates, this era is really strange.

But let's prioritize completing my lord's mission first.

He clenched his fists tightly and chanted an unknown incantation. After a while, his hands were filled with purple flames. This is exactly the power he gained after resurrection. The notch is still adequate.

"Shenyan? Liaoyuan." The flame in his hand rushed towards the enchantment in front of him, but was blocked by an invisible film in an instant, but the flame was not extinguished, instead it was like a gangrene Constantly melting this invisible film.

A few seconds later, a big hole was opened in the white enchantment. The general quickly retracted the flame and walked in through the big hole.

"I finally came in. It seems that I can complete my task soon. It is really a troublesome task. It is better to let Brunhilde come over." The general looked around and disappeared beside the barrier.

"The report detected that the power of the envoy level appeared in Sakura City. Although it only took a moment, it can be speculated that the weak point of our enchantment has been broken through. It is expected that only one person will enter the enchantment." When the general enters the enchantment In an instant, anyone with special powers can feel this huge energy.

Although it was only for a moment, they could be sure that an enemy had sneaked into the barrier.

Even those young people know how to put away their power and hide it. If the huge power of the envoy level is not restrained in time, it will be like a dazzling light bulb. Anyone with special power can feel it.

Therefore, the probability of the envoy breaking into the barrier is even greater, because only the moment of entering the barrier, the power cannot be hidden. Maybe many people will regard it as an illusion, but they who have been monitoring here, how can they It won't feel wrong.

This is not an illusion, it is true that Odin's envoy entered this enchantment. ,

"You have to tell the eldest sister, we can't solve this kind of thing." The liaison officer in casual clothes was sweating profusely. He couldn't handle this kind of thing. He was not an opponent with the power of the envoy level. , it is better to say that even if all the liaison officers here are added, they are not opponents.

"Big Sister? It seems that there are people with the same strength as me here, but think about it, how can there be angels staying behind in such a place full of enchantments." Behind the liaison officer, the general said to himself language.

"Ahhhhh, Odin's divine emissary." In a panic, the liaison officer dropped his phone, and he looked at the blond man behind him in panic. How could the divine envoy be here? He didn't go there immediately. In the urban area, do you collect information here instead?
"Don't worry, I don't have the hobby of killing young people. It's better to say that our purpose is not to do any unnecessary actions other than your heirs. Although appropriate casualties are necessary, but this kind of meaningless casualties, I will still avoid it." The general looked at the panicked liaison officer and said with a smile.

"Our purpose is not to harm the Japanese people, but to make them change their minds." The general left without looking at it.

"By the way, tell your eldest sister, the envoy of Odin, to come and see him, and remember to protect the fragile heir of his family, and don't let me catch it. Otherwise, I will not be polite." The figure of the general As they drifted away, there was only one sentence left for him to convey.

Seeing the figure of the general leaving, the liaison officer picked up the mobile phone and got up from the ground, saying, "Won't it cause meaningless casualties? But the consequences of changing Japan's national policy by means of threats are a thousand times worse than now." More than ten thousand times a million times."

"This must be stopped." He hurriedly opened the phone that fell to the ground. Fortunately, except for some damage to the screen, other functions were still normal.He called his boss and hurriedly reported the incident.

(End of this chapter)

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