incredible high school life

Chapter 166 Brunhilde

Chapter 166 Brunhilde

All these doubts need to be answered by people.

However, anyone who can answer him has something to do, so he can only keep thinking, thinking, thinking on his own.

However, everything is not in his cognitive domain, and he is waiting for an answer.

"Lost lamb, what are you waiting for?" While Qiu was thinking, a blond-haired, blue-eyed Western woman in silver-white armor asked him standing in mid-air with a sword in her hand.


After Caesar restrained his breath, Yan also restrained his breath. He didn't have the idea of ​​boasting about his victory. It was enough to let everyone know the battle situation here, and other things were superfluous.

"Yan, let me give you a piece of advice." Caesar crossed his legs and looked at the sky, "Brünnhilde should have known the news of my failure. After my breath disappeared, it represented a signal of failure. She will soon Bring the third and fourth envoys to break through the barrier. If you want to protect your son, go back as soon as possible. I don't know how long it will take for them to break through your barrier.

"Then I have to go back as soon as possible." Yan stood up, frowning tightly, and rushed towards the direction of the house. He could feel the breath of his son had arrived at home.

"As a bet of failure, I will help you stop the third and fourth envoys. Please stop that Brunhilde." Caesar also stood up, and his physical strength had recovered by half.

It has to be said that the recovery ability of the envoy is still very strong. Thanks to this body, he has no problem blocking the third envoy who is below him in combat power, and the fourth envoy as an intelligence officer.

"Then please." Yan's voice came from a distance.

"This guy is really in a hurry." Caesar sighed, and began to search for the breath of the third and fourth envoys. Originally, he only wanted to wait for the third and fourth envoys to enter the net, but he found that the third and fourth envoys had already arrived. In the city.

"This is not so good." He rushed towards the third and fourth envoys, but his direction was exactly the same as Yan's.

"Is it too late?" The scenery in front of Yan's eyes was changing rapidly, but no matter how fast he was, his anxiety could not be relieved at all.

"It can be faster, faster." Yan said silently in his heart, and further increased his speed.

"Lost lamb, do you want to know the truth?" The blond woman sat with her legs crossed in the sky, looking at the vigilant Qiu and said with a smile.

"Who are you? Why are you here? Aren't you afraid of being discovered?" Qiu looked at the woman in the sky, and he knew that she must be with the white man just now, and they were definitely not ordinary people.

"Ordinary people here can't see me, so don't worry young man, I can answer you any questions you have." She still didn't panic at all, it didn't matter to her even if she was seen by ants, only she She thinks that only people with equal status can make her eligible to face up to her.

"So, what's the price?" Qiu calmly looked at the woman in front of him. He knew that everything has a price, and it is impossible for people to get something for nothing.

"The price? I will get this kind of thing myself, and you don't need to bring it up yourself, the heir of the Japanese god." She smiled contemptuously. For this kind of human being who has no power at all, she doesn't think that she can get it from the palm of her hand. escape.

"I want to know, who are you? Who am I? What is the successor of the Japanese god?" Qiu knew that the woman in front of him might have incredible abilities, so he couldn't escape, and he wouldn't. Need to find out the truth of everything.

"Who are you? Qing Kongqiu, a member of the human race, the heir of the Japanese gods, understand?" is your enemy."

Brunhilde said lightly that she didn't care about telling the truth to the human being in front of her. Maybe after knowing the truth, he would be more obedient.

"Odin? The Nordic god king? This should be a myth, right?" Qiu couldn't believe his ears. He had also heard the name of Odin, the king of the gods in Norse mythology.

Do myths really exist?So why did the gods show up now, and why did they kidnap him?
"I'll answer your questions for you, and I'll give you a little explanation." Brunhilde said lazily. She has plenty of time to explain to Qiu. rival enemy.

"Of course myths exist, as do gods, but they gradually fade out of people's sight."

"Until the global Ragnarok came, all the gods suffered major or minor disasters, and there are only a few surviving gods in our Northern Europe. As for you Japan, there is only one."

"It wasn't until ten years ago that the surviving gods woke up one by one. The disaster had passed, and their suppression no longer existed. Therefore, wars broke out among the gods all over the world, but they were quickly subdued."

"They all have their own kingdoms and domains. They are still gods after all, and they want to protect the people under their flags. So they met with the leaders of various countries and arranged for the formation of alliances. Countries, large or small, joined the nearest alliance. Among them, these are the three major alliances."

"In order to expand, the three major alliances naturally have to win over various countries and provide them with shelter."

"Of course, in the current era, the power of the gods is still rare, and each god is a rare combat power, so if you want to expand, the power of the gods is indispensable. For Northern Europe, Japan is such a goal .

"He has the only god Akira, and the power of tens of millions of gods who died because of the disaster can also create another god. Although it takes time to create, for the gods, their lives are infinite. So timing doesn't matter."

"The combat power of the two gods is also a very important goal for the Nordic Alliance, so our goal is to come to you. As long as we catch you who have not mastered the power of the gods, we will not be afraid that Amaterasu will not submit."

"Then why don't you make gods yourself? Why do you have to arrest me?" Qiu asked the most core question, since everyone has gods of death, why don't they collect those powers to make gods?

"The remaining power of the dead gods is rare. For Northern Europe, where the number of gods is scarce, this is impossible." Brunhilde shook his head. The number of their Nordic gods is not many.

"But for Japan, which claims to have 800 million gods, even if the remaining power is very scarce, it is enough to create another god."

(End of this chapter)

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