incredible high school life

Chapter 174 Come to the aid

Chapter 174 Come to the aid
"I'm injured?"

Brunhilde watched his purple blood splattered on the armor, covered his face and laughed suddenly, "Sure enough, there are still some powerful guys in Japan. I have underestimated you time and time again."

"Now, I officially admit that you are my opponent at the same level as me, Qingkongyan, you are indeed one of the most outstanding human beings I have ever seen." Brunhilde's snow-white shoulders were covered by re-formed armor, she He stretched out his long black sword and pointed it straight at Yan.

"But, how long can you last in this form?" Brunhilde slashed at Qiu's head with a black sword in his hand. "You haven't fully mastered this power. If you use it reluctantly, you won't feel well." Bar?"

Yan blocked Brunhilde's attack, and once again grasped the rhythm with a flash of sword energy. He and Brunhilde kept colliding, using his speed advantage to continuously suppress Brunhilde's attack.

"Even so, I still want to fight. I have my son and wife behind me. If you want to arrest me and take my son away, how could I not risk my life to protect him?" Yan roared, insisting to the limit It won't be long before the difficulty takes the top score. The human body is really fragile. It has already broken through the limit, and it is still like this. If it is given another two years, no, one year will be fine, then he will be completely Against the determination of the woman in front of him.

"Very enlightened. I have lived for a long time and met many enemies. There are also many people who have the same enlightenment as you. Even so, I have never lost." Brunhilde said suddenly.

"I used to have this awareness, so I would kill them jealously every time, because it is impossible for me to have such a beautiful thing again." Brunhilde stood with Yan Zhan expressionlessly.

"So, please die too." The black sword suddenly became extremely fast, and Brunhilde's speed increased a little again. She burst out with all her strength, trying to end Yan here.

"So after you become a god, can your strength only be like this? If you don't have an enlightened heart, even if your natural strength is superb and your talent is extremely high, it's nothing more than that." Yan's ice sword began to shatter, and his other The hand once again condensed into an ice sword, which completely blocked Brunhilde's attack.

"Even if you go through a hundred years, a thousand years, or even ten thousand years like this, you will not grow at all." Yan's white saber energy began to permeate his body, and the air around him quickly condensed into ice cubes.

Brunhild quickly left Yan's side. Even she couldn't fight Yan in such a cold. She clearly felt that Yan's limit was approaching, and it was her time to win.

"It's the last time, let me show you the consciousness of human beings, Brunhilde, can your empty body really block my attack?" Ice swords began to appear in the By Yan's side, their number increased until they rushed to the sky.

Faintly, the white cold air began to combine them, and a huge dragon body appeared in front of Brunhilde. She saw the sound of the huge ice dragon roaring towards her, and felt that her body was shaking. trembling.

She forcibly stabilized her body, closed her eyes, and raised her hands high towards the sky, chanting "Listen to my call, God of thunder"

"Try my strongest skill, Brunhilde." The dragon body made of ice condensed, opened its mouth and roared towards Brunhilde, Yan raised the long sword in his hand, and slammed Throwing it out, the ice dragon took down the ice sword thrown by Yan in one gulp, roared again, and headed towards Brunhilde standing in the sky.

"The Final Profound Truth: Roar of the Ice Dragon" Where the ice dragon passed by, all the places were frozen, and even the barrier made a "squeak" sound, as if it was about to be frozen.

"Qingkongyan, I won't lose. The power that the Father God gave me is invincible." Brunhilde in the sky looked at the roaring ice dragon and opened his eyes.At this moment, the sky was covered with overcast clouds, and purple thunderbolts rolled continuously in the sky. She pressed down her hands fiercely, and the purple thunderbolts came down in response, colliding with the white ice dragon.

"God's thunder descended from the sky, and ten thousand thunders descended into the world." The white ice dragon collided with countless thunderbolts, making a huge explosion, and even Brunhild couldn't detect what was going on inside.

"Who will win?" The two looked at the place where they collided in mid-air, and they both believed that they would not lose.

At this time, a figure rushed out of the smoke, and the huge ice dragon still roared towards Brunhilde.

"What? What!" Brünhildr stepped back, frantically arranging defensive spells, and the huge ice dragon bit her in the air.

"Success, success." Yan panted, the armor on his body disappeared, and Murasame reappeared in his hands, supporting his body, he had no strength to fight anymore.

"It's really a sharp blow. If my body is the body of a god, I might already be dead." Brunhilde's voice came from a distance, and purple blood continued to flow from her body, black and white. The armor has been broken, and the golden sword in her hand is supporting her body. She still has the strength to fight again. Her body is the body of a god. These injuries are not enough to make her lose her mobility.

"Go and die next, just like those people who are enlightened." The golden sword was raised high, Yan had no strength to resist, did he die like this?

His wife and son were still behind, he couldn't die yet, he tried to hold on to pick up the village rain to block the blow, but his speed was too slow.

"When" sounded, Brunhilde's sword was blocked, and she felt like she had cut a stone.

"I'm late, Lord Yan." The girl in the witch's costume threw out a talisman to hinder Brunhilde's attack.

"A Japanese witch? It seems that you are another envoy of this city." Brunhilde withdrew her sword. In her current state, it is more than enough to kill a Yan, but it is not enough to deal with an intact Japanese envoy. Know how it turned out.

Although the information said that the Japanese God Envoy had a short training time and was very weak, but she had suffered a lot just now, and she did not intend to believe this unreliable information.A mere human being who has practiced for 40 years can beat her to the point of losing her mobility. No matter how strong this girl is, even if she has half the strength of the man in front of her, it might be difficult for her to escape today. matter.

(End of this chapter)

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