incredible high school life

Chapter 25 The Coming Storm?

Chapter 25 The Coming Storm?
Seeing Senior Yingyue's happy expression finally, Qiu unconsciously raised the corners of her mouth.Qiu glanced at the sky outside the door, didn't he realize it was already so late, sure enough, happy time is always short.

"Yingyue, it's very late, do you want to go back?" Qiu looked at the sky that had been dyed black, and couldn't go back any later.

"Is it already late? Let's go back." Yingyue looked at the sky outside, and indeed saw the bright moon, followed by waves of hunger.

"I am really happy today, Qiujun, thank you. This is the most meaningful day I have ever spent."

"Well." Qiu touched her nose in embarrassment, "This is not only the most meaningful day for Yingyue, but also for me."

"Qiu Jun."

Qiu opened the gate of the video game city, only to find that Senior Yingyue was still standing there with a blush on her face?He wasn't sure either.

"Yingyue, it's late, it's time to go back." Qiu called Senior Yingyue again, and Senior Yingyue came over and grabbed the corner of his clothes. He was a little surprised, why did she grab the corner of his clothes.

"Qiu Jun, let's go." Senior Yingyue's faint voice made Qiu a little confused, but it was getting late.He had to send the senior back home safely.

"Is Yingyue very hungry?" Qiu looked behind him, and senior sister Yingyue had loosened his clothes and followed behind him.Considering the reasons why he would feel hungry, he thought that Senior Sister Yingyue was already very hungry.

"Gu~" The voice from behind made Qiu understand that it would be better to find a shop.Qiu resisted not looking at senior sister Yingyue's expression, she should have blushed when she lowered her head.

"What would Yingyue want to eat?" After hesitating, Qiu turned around and asked Senior Yingyue for her opinion.

"Just eat whatever you want, Qiu Jun decided to eat it." Senior sister Yingyue turned her head as if she was in an awkward situation.

"Well, let me think about it." Qiu thought about whether there is any delicious restaurant nearby, and whether he should go to the restaurant where he worked as originally planned. I remember that Senior Yingyue also wanted to check it out. Probably very shy.But it is true that he is a person who doesn't eat out often, so he really can't think of where he can get it.

"Yingyue, why don't you go to the coffee shop where I work, the proprietress cooks delicious food." Qiu thought for a while and replied.

"Boss lady?" Senior Yingyue looked surprised, and Qiu suddenly felt that this was a toothache trip.

Walking through the quiet path, this path is the fastest way to get to the coffee shop. Some old customers will go this way to get closer. Qiu is naturally one of the people who advocate saving time and effort, but I heard that this path There will be some bad haunts, he hasn't seen them for a long time, and recently it feels that the bad ones have disappeared.

"It's that kid!" When Qiu walked along the road with his senior sister, he heard some voices vaguely, but he didn't see anyone. He thought it was an illusion.

"Did Yingyue hear anything?"

"No, Qiu Jun should hurry up."

Senior sister Yingyue urged, this path is indeed not well lit and a bit dark, it is unavoidable for girls to be a little scared, after getting this information, Qiu speeded up.

"Will Yingyue be afraid?"

"No, Mr. Qiu is still by my side." Senior sister Yingyue said with a smile, she looked especially beautiful under the dark light.

"That, it's almost Yingyue." Qiu turned her head a little embarrassed, and could even see the blush on her face.

At the same time, two poorly dressed men came out from the place they just passed by. "Fortunately, that demon didn't see us, otherwise it would be terrible."

"It's all the devil's fault. There are fewer and fewer comrades walking this way." The young man with earrings and hair dyed yellow sighed.

"I can't help it. I heard that the boss brought dozens of people to surround this demon. They were all overturned and all of them were broken. The demon still looked sorry. I've been sorry. It must be an S. It's too scary. .”

"Who says it's not? It's getting harder and harder to be a gangster. Should I resign?" The yellow-haired youth looked up to the sky and sighed.

"It's really not easy to do. I heard from the seniors that there used to be a girl named Martial God who dominated Sakura City. Many of them are no longer gangsters."

"The job prospects are not good, and the income is not stable. In the end, why did you go on this road in the first place."

"I don't know, maybe it's also a yearning."

"Who knows."

"Let's break up, let's go back to our respective homes, each finds our own mothers, and we will rarely come to this road in the future. The seniors have already reminded us. Fortunately, we hid in time today. Get beaten." The yellow-haired youth waved his hand, turned and left.

"See you soon."

"En." Looking back, he stretched out his hand to say goodbye, and the young man with yellow hair went back lonely.

(End of this chapter)

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