incredible high school life

Chapter 31 Surprise

Chapter 31 Surprise
"Qiu Jun, see you at school tomorrow." Qiu, who had already turned to leave, heard a senior sister calling from behind.

"See you tomorrow!" Cho shouted, stretching her arms.Although I don't know if my senior sister can see my movements, but the voice must have conveyed it.

After coming for a long time, there was no sound, Qiu gathered his mood again and walked home along the way when he came.

The thick night did not bring a sense of oppression to Qiu, on the contrary, the whole heart was filled with a fiery feeling, and a warm current flowed through the heart, making it even more warm.

April has gradually entered the summer, and the nights make people feel cooler.He took out his mobile phone from his pocket and looked at the time in the center of the screen. It was about 7:40 p.m.

"It's already so late." Qiu muttered to himself.Don't know if you can catch up with the president and their journey of the Raiders dungeon when you go home now?Forget it, go back and have a look.

Putting the phone back into the pocket, it suddenly occurred to me that Linnai didn't send a text message today. Normally, she should have sent a text message a long time ago, right?Why not today, Qiu thought as he walked.Is something going to happen?It's better to wait or send a text message to ask.

"Ding Dong." The phone rang suddenly. Qiu took out the phone again and found that it was a text message from Linnai, and it really said that Cao Cao had arrived.

"Xiaoqiu, I'm a little busy today, so I sent the message very late, I'm very sorry, laugh."

Qiu laughed, Linnai looked very happy, still joking, he replied as he walked, "Did something happy happen? I thought something happened to you. After all, I haven't received a text message so late tonight. "

"Not at all, let Xiaoqiu worry, it will be fine after two days, and then I will give you a surprise." Linnai replied the text message, and Qiu could even imagine Linnai clasping her hands in apology on the other side.

"Surprise? What is it?" Qiu was curious.

"It's not a surprise if you say it, so Xiaoqiu just wait for it honestly, and it will arrive in two days." Linnay put it off. Although some information was revealed, it made people even more imaginative.

It will arrive in two days. Will it be a specialty of my hometown?Maybe it was a letter from my grandparents, but I haven't received a letter from my grandparents for a long time.Qiu thought about it seriously, because there were too many possibilities, which made it even more difficult to guess, which gave him a headache.

"So do you have to be secretive?" Qiu felt helpless. People like to be secretive these days.

"Of course, this is to give Xiaoqiu a surprise. If you say it in advance, there will be no surprise effect, so Xiaoqiu just wait honestly and don't make delusional routines." Lingnai said in a tone of not telling you , making Qiu a little crazy.

"Ara, isn't this the child of the Qingkong family? Why didn't you go in at the door? Did you forget the key?"

The voice sounded familiar. Qiu turned her head and saw that it was Mrs. Chuanyuan who was next door. She looked at herself at the door of the house before realizing that she had already arrived home.

"Sorry, Mrs. Chuanyuan, I just forgot to open the door because I was chatting with my friends, so I made you laugh." Qiu said a little embarrassed.

"Ala, I also said that your parents went out to play again and left you at home."

"Aha." Qiu felt a little embarrassed. It seemed that her parents were notorious for being unreliable.It is true that this kind of thing has not happened before, and sometimes I have to live in someone else's house temporarily.

"Then I'll go first. Say hello to your mother for me." Mrs. Chuanyuan opened the door next door with a smile and walked in.

Qiu took out the key from her body, opened the door of her house, and forced herself not to think about Rena's surprise.The door opened with the sound of the key, and it was not time for the parents to rest, so the lights in the house were still bright.

"Xiaoqiu, why are you back so late? Have you eaten yet?" My mother asked Qiu's voice as she poked her head out of the kitchen.

"I've eaten~ Mom." Qiu Tuo replied in a long voice, lying down on the sofa.

"Then go to bed early, and you have to go to school tomorrow." Mom turned around and continued to wash the dishes in the kitchen.

"Okay~." Qiu stepped on the stairs and went upstairs.

Going upstairs, Qiu took out her mobile phone again, and Linnai had already replied "something is wrong, let's talk next time", Qiu put the mobile phone back on the bed, but thinking that the president and the others might still be waiting for her, she forced herself to throw away the lazy phone. Heartbroken, he stood up again, pulled out the chair, and turned on the computer.

(End of this chapter)

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