incredible high school life

Chapter 35 The Egyptian Temple

Chapter 35 The Egyptian Temple
Outside Laxma City.

This is a huge desert, and the golden sand-like land is shining brightly in the sun.Due to the temporary imperfection of the weather system, there will be no disasters such as sandstorms. All the sand is like particles quietly exuding golden light, just like being in a golden ocean. This is also a precious part of the brave adventure place.

Perfect landscape expression, although lack of weather changes, it still perfectly presents the general desert scene, because it is the reason of the game, it also becomes more shiny.This is also the reason why this game has a lot of scenery parties.

Now there is a group of scenery parties not far away who are sightseeing.Although there are quite a few monsters roaming the desert, and the golden armor perfectly blends into the desert, but for the brave, these monsters are too low-level, and they can't affect the atmosphere of their sightseeing in the slightest.

"Wow, I've heard that the desert here is very beautiful, it's really golden." The girls in the sightseeing team sighed.

"Is this gold?" The girl squatted down and picked up a handful of sand. The golden particles exposed between her fingers really looked like gold.But these are just golden sand grains created by the game, not gold.

"It's a pity, it's really beautiful here, but it's a pity we can't stay here for long."

Qiu couldn't help but nodded. This is indeed one of the most famous beautiful scenes in the game, and this is one of the reasons why the housing here is so expensive.After all, such a good view and housing are really rare.

But after entering the desert, although there will be no sandstorms or anything, there will always be settings for heat and blood volume to drop, otherwise, the desert settings will be meaningless at all.However, if you keep drinking red medicine, you can still stay here for a long time, but such people are in the minority after all.

No one would use expensive potions to maintain their view, except for some special people.

Qiu continued to walk forward, passed the luxurious pyramid, and saw the copy manager here, the old man who felt that his IQ was questionable.Since the last copy of the Sphinx, he has always suspected that there is something wrong with the planner's IQ. After all, the planner's NPC has such a low IQ.It's understandable that the old man doesn't know the answer to the riddle, but trading a piece of paper for a cherished fashion is really mentally handicapped.

"Young man, you look familiar." Seeing Qiu coming up, the old man said, "Oh~, it's the warriors who defeated the Sphinx. You helped me solve a big problem."

Didn't expect this NPC to be quite intelligent? Qiu was a little surprised. It turned out that the NPC's IQ was fine, so there was something wrong with the planner's IQ.

"Warriors, why are you here this time?" the old man continued.

"Old man, we want to explore the Egyptian temple." Qiu politely replied.

"The Egyptian temple, warriors, there is a paradise for the undead. Although there are countless treasures, it is very dangerous. Throughout the ages, many treasure hunters have been buried here. Are you sure you want to explore?" The old man looked cautious.

"Yes, old man, we are ready."

"Okay, young warriors, I wish you good luck." With a wave of the old man, Qiu and his companions disappeared, and the place where they reappeared was already outside the temple.

The temple in front of me has the atmosphere of ancient Egypt. The pillars made of huge stones support the Egyptian temple, and the stigmas are open papyrus flowers.There are huge reliefs carved on the front wall, which are statues of pharaohs of various generations.

Starting from Qiu here, there is a long stone avenue, with statues of holy sheep lined up on both sides, and some stone slabs wrapped in gold or silver foil are mixed on the road surface, which are shining.The stone pillars in the hall are like a virgin forest, and only the high side windows formed by the height difference between the middle part and the roofs on both sides are illuminated. After being divided into half by the beams and capitals, the light gradually becomes darker, forming the mysterious and depressing atmosphere of "apotheosis of kingship" required by the Pharaoh.These huge images are shocking, and the spirit feels oppressed under the weight of matter, and these feelings of oppression are the starting point of worship.

Qiu felt as if he was on the scene, feeling the appearance of ancient Egyptian theocracy.Of course, it would be great if there were no those wretched sphinxes, Qiu couldn't help but sigh.

This place already made him feel like returning to ancient Egypt, which is very grand, but what.
"What is this? Why is there such a thing? It's very interesting." The president touched the two sphinxes in front of the Egyptian temple.They didn't have serious expressions, one was smiling obscenely, and the other made a funny expression instead.

All in all, I can see that this plan is mentally handicapped, such a thing that destroys the atmosphere can be designed, thanks to which I want to praise him.But the game's models and art are really good.

Qiu praised and blamed in his heart, and pushed open the gate of the temple. The inside of the temple was filled with darkness. Qiu took out a torch from the props bar and lit him.The torch instantly illuminated the surrounding area, and it was empty without any monsters.

(End of this chapter)

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