Chapter 39

Qiu Yinyin felt that her future life would never be peaceful, and complicated emotions emerged in her heart.

"Student Quan, find a seat and sit down. If you have a break in the afternoon or at noon, let the monitor take you to familiarize yourself with the campus." The head teacher adjusted his glasses and made arrangements.

"Teacher, if I visit the campus, can I find someone else?"

"Huh? If Quan has someone he knows, then he can arrange it by himself." The teacher thought for a while and agreed.

"Thank you teacher." After thanking Linna very politely, she strode towards the empty seats under the stage.

Qiu glanced at the seats around him. He was sitting in the back row of the classroom, and there were a lot of empty seats in the back row. Wouldn't it be that Linnai wanted to sit near her?Sitting next to me as a girlfriend is indeed understandable, but Qiu just has some headaches.

"Xiao Qiu~" Linnai walked to Qiu's side, made a happy voice, and leaned closer.

"Wow, Linnai, the teacher is watching right now, don't come over suddenly." Qiu was taken aback, this is still in class, so it's hard to recognize each other now under the eyes of everyone.

"What's the matter? After all, we are boyfriend and girlfriend."

"Hey, look at the eyes around you." Qiu felt a headache, seeing Linnai and Qiu being so close, everyone around them gave unkind eyes.

Linnai looked around and felt that something was wrong, so she sat on Qiu's right.There was no one on the right side of Qiu, because of being implicated with Kazuto, few boys would sit with him, and the girls naturally gathered around Kazuto, and Qiu's side was naturally empty.Qiu also likes this place better, because he is next to the window, so he can see a good view, and it is also quieter, he doesn't like very noisy environment.

Seeing that there was something wrong with the eyes around her, Linnai could only find a seat and sit down, which happened to be the empty seat on Qiu's right.Although Qiu had expected it a long time ago, he still had to worry about his future. Although he was very happy when his girlfriend came, and sitting next to him was just an expression of intimacy, but now he was in a very dangerous situation. If a great war breaks out, it may cause a catastrophe that will destroy the world, and he himself is a sinner.

A tear rolled down the corner of Qiu's eyes, goodbye God, maybe one day my body will float on the street unclaimed, maybe it will sink into Tokyo Bay, or even die without a whole body.

"Xiao Qiu, what are you thinking about? Show me the book." A tender white hand suddenly appeared in front of Qiu and shook, Qiu was startled.

"Wow, Rena, why are you so close to me?"

"I just came to school and there are no teaching materials. Xiaoqiu, please lend me a look." Linnai's body was getting closer and closer, and even Qiu could smell the fragrance of her girlfriend, which was a minty fragrance.

"Rena, did you wear perfume today?" Qiu sniffed, the scent reminded him of his hometown, the smell of Miyamachi.

"Perfume? No?" Rena was a little puzzled, but her face turned red instantly.

"Stupid Xiaoqiu! Go to hell! Hmph!" Linnai turned her face away, refusing to accept the textbook Qiu gave.

"Pay attention to the two people over there. Although Student Quan doesn't have textbooks, you can read the books first, but don't go too far. After all, it's class time, and other things besides learning should be done after class." The class teacher made a voice, and she, as a I can't stand being single anymore. Damn young man, he has a boyfriend at such a young age. I'm so envious. As an older leftover girl, I can't stand it anymore.

"Okay, okay!" they both replied in unison.

Qiu spread out the book for Linnai who was next to her to read, and Linnai gave out a cute smile, just like this class ended, it doesn't matter how many jealous eyes Zhongqiu received.

After class, Linnai was surrounded by girls, all of whom were gossiping.

"What is the relationship between Izumi and Aozora?"

"I'm his girlfriend. We are childhood sweethearts. We grew up together." Linnay smiled and replied.

Qiu listened to these words and had already sentenced herself to death. If Linnai knew about her senior, there would not be much fuss now.My childhood sweetheart has been as strong as a boy since she was a child. Even though she is very feminine now, her personality will not change.

"Hey, it turns out that Izumi is Aozora's girlfriend!" The girls looked at Qiu with disdainful expressions, like looking at a paramecium.They knew that not long ago, senior sister Shiraishi, who was Qiuhe's idol at the academy, was confirmed as a girlfriend, and now she has transferred a childhood sweetheart who is also a girlfriend.

He was simply the scum of Sakura Academy, and the boy who was eavesdropping behind his back also showed an indignant attitude.Why is it not enough to take away our academy idol, even the beautiful girl who is new to the class is also in the pocket of this scumbag.

(End of this chapter)

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