incredible high school life

Chapter 44 Sakura Academy

Chapter 44 Sakura Academy
The long class ended in the interaction between Qiu and Reina.Although the teacher looked in this direction, he didn't say anything, probably because of his tolerance towards transfer students.After all, on the first day of school, transfer students were not provided with books or the like.

"Xiao Qiu, I haven't seen the school yet, can you introduce me?" After class, Linnai tugged on Qiu's sleeve and whispered.

"No problem, let's take a look now." Qiu thought it would be good to go out to avoid the limelight, so she left the classroom with Linnai.

First of all, I must first introduce the teaching building of the school. Qiu took Linnai out of the teaching building. This is the only teaching building in the school. All students study in this teaching building. It's the second grade, and the third floor is the third grade.It is hoped that the school will be divided in this way. Different ages can communicate with each other, and the current effect is quite huge, especially in the idol academy, which can increase the popularity.

"Then let's go to the building next to it, which is a commercial building." Qiu turned a corner and led Linnai to the special building. This building was built by the school to maintain its own characteristics. The first floor was opened by students and some uncles. Some small shops can not only exercise students' abilities, but also provide students with a place for leisure.

"On the first floor, it is the school's shop. If you don't bring a bento, you can come here to buy food. The food here is still very delicious. After all, they are all carefully selected shops, although some are opened by students. "

"I would recommend that shop more than here." Qiu pointed to a bakery shop. "The bread at that store is very delicious. There is also a limited amount of fried rice bread at noon. It is very good. If you are late, there will be no more. If Reina didn't bring a bento, we can come here to eat."

"The next thing is the second floor." The second floor is the venue for the dance hall, where even a grand concert can be held, and the specifications are all made according to the highest specifications.

"There are often alumni who come back here to perform, and the specifications here are even higher than some big concerts, but I haven't seen it yet." Qiu said that the first grade has not had a chance to see this, "but Lingna turned over in the first grade If so, we will have more time to watch together in the future.”

"Well, I will wait with Xiaoqiu until then." Linnai nodded seriously.

"You don't need to be so serious. I heard that there will be an alumni return event every year, and it is possible to see returning idols at the academy festival." Qiu showed his profound knowledge. He had studied this school a lot. In addition, as one of the three major idols, Kazuto also knows a lot, so I learned a lot.

"Go this way. This is the school's health care room. Although I haven't been here before, I heard from the teacher that something happens to many students every year, so the health care room is very necessary." Qiu glanced at the health care room with the door open. , he felt the need to go in and have a look.

"Is anyone there?" Qiu knocked on the door, but found that there was no response. He walked in, and what he saw was a clean white hospital bed, a clean room, and nothing superfluous.

The beds are separated by curtains to prevent the patients from infecting each other. This is a necessary work.

"I didn't see the teacher. Where is the teacher going? Then let's go." Qiu looked and saw that there was no sign of the teacher, and led Linnai to the next place.

"The third floor below is where some clubs are used for activities, such as food research, and health education and other weird clubs. Of course, Lingnai must never join this kind of club."

"For Reina, you haven't chosen a club yet, do you have any intentions?"

"Which club does Xiaoqiu belong to?"

"No, I'm in the home club. After all, if you still have to participate in club activities after school, your leisure time will be greatly reduced. This will destroy the world, and my life will become gloomy. This school will also There is no game department, I heard it was abolished some time ago."

"Then I will not join the club here for the time being. By the way, Xiaoqiu wants to go home together at night?"

"Is Rena in the same direction as me? Where does Rena live?"

"Probably, behind Xiaoqiu's house."

"Hey!? Behind?" Qiu was a little surprised. He thought for a while. Behind his house was a house for sale. It was the house of the Yamada family. The house was sold, the price is not high, but because it is not because of lack of money, so I am looking for a buyer carefully, and want to find a better home for my house, so I have not sold it recently. I want to sell it to Rena's family.

"So at night, Xiaoqiu wants to go home with me? Shouldn't couples go to and from school together? Shouldn't we try to do some things that couples do?"

"Well, it seems so."

Qiu agreed.

(End of this chapter)

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