incredible high school life

Chapter 61 The plan unfolds

Chapter 61 The plan unfolds

"President, dodge to the left at full speed."

"Kitty cat sauce, big recovery."

"Nohara, prepare for Whirlwind."

Qiu, who had already returned home from school, was directing the dungeon with all his strength. This was the process of adapting to them after their equipment was upgraded, so they chose the more familiar desert dungeon.

Pharaoh II also lived up to his arrogance. Under the indiscriminate firepower, the gorgeous robes also showed signs of being broken.

Because it was a normal dungeon, there was basically no pressure on Qiu's team, and he could better observe the output of his teammates.

The output of the president who got the new staff increased by nearly [-]%.After going through the hidden dungeon, Kitty Sauce has a more stable mentality, and the amount of healing has increased by nearly [-]%.As for Nohara, Qiu glanced at the DPS output data, and there was not much change. After all, the hidden dungeon did not bring him much change this time.

"Okay, let's wrap up today." Qiu watched Kitty Maochan wearing a beautiful wedding gauze and pulling her skirt to touch the treasure box, and couldn't help laughing.

"It still hasn't come out, alas." Nohara looked at the shiny treasure in Kitty Sauce's hand and sighed. He had longed for the artifact sword in this dungeon for a long time, but the burst rate of ordinary dungeons is too low, and they also have to hide the dungeon. When he met that time, this thing was hard to come by, and he didn't have any extravagant hopes.

"Okay, that's the end of today's dungeon. Let's go back to the president's house and go offline. Next time, we'll go to the depths of the desert to challenge the most difficult dungeon." Qiu walked out of the dungeon and glanced at the desert Deep down, there is some expectation that it will be their proof that they have once again announced that they have stepped into the forefront of the top team again.

Qiu returned to the house with the president. The president briefly summarized today's dungeon, and each of them logged off.

Qiu took off his earphones, stretched his waist, looked at the message from his girlfriend Linnai, and replied word by word that he was very satisfied with his current peaceful life.Then he turned his head and saw Senior Yingyue's text message, which made him cheer up so as not to reply wrongly and cause some unnecessary misunderstandings.

He looked up at the sky after replying, and suddenly thought that it seemed useless to be serious anymore, the misunderstanding had already been settled.After saying good night to both sides, he closed his phone and fell asleep.

The next day the sun rose as promised, and the "tick-tick" sound of the alarm made Qiu, who still wanted to sleep for a while, cheer up.After all, if you are late, it is really unkind to make your friends wait longer.

Yawning, Qiu put on his clothes obediently, looking at himself with a haggard face, he was not optimistic about his study status today.No make-up exam this year?He stared blankly at the mirror.

After thinking about it, it is entirely possible for my own results, and if the current situation continues, maybe this year's vacation will be ruined.It seems that it's time to start the first study session, so let's invite Kazuto to come.

"Mom, morning." Qiu stretched her waist and came down from upstairs.

"Ah, good morning Qiujun."

Shu looked at the two girls in front of the table as if she saw something mysterious.My childhood sweetheart Linnai turned her head sullenly, and senior sister Yingyue greeted herself gracefully.

Why, senior sister Yingyue is here, if Linnai is here, it is understandable because she lives close, but he remembers that senior sister's home is quite far away from theirs.Before, I just came to the intersection with Heren, but now they all come to the house, but who opened the door.

"Xiaoqiu, how can you let girls wait for you for so long, luckily my mother and my company have nothing to do today."

It turned out to be you, the culprit.Looking at the smiling mother, Qiu felt a little broken in his heart. Mom, you dare to let them in in such a tense atmosphere, how could your son be able to eat.

Qiu washed up quickly, and sat nervously on the chair by the dining table. Seeing that his father was still reading the newspaper calmly, unmoved, he also felt that his mood had calmed down a bit.He picked up his own milk, and suddenly he saw his dad's secretly sticking out thumb, and he couldn't help but spit it out.

Don't be ashamed, I thought you had repented, so you were waiting for me here.

Qiu wiped the corners of his mouth under the strange eyes of the two, and began to enjoy today's breakfast.He knew that if he didn't eat quickly, there might be troubles, and he didn't want to go to school hungry.

Surprisingly, this morning's meal was eaten very quietly, and the things Qiu worried about did not happen.

The two girls finished their breakfast peacefully and said goodbye to their mother.

"Auntie, goodbye." Senior sister Yingyue and Linnai said goodbye politely.

"These two children are quite polite, and they seem to be very good. Son, you have your father's youthful demeanor." Dad's heavy palm patted Qiu's shoulder, making him roll his eyes involuntarily.

There was also a satisfied light in the mother's eyes, she seemed to be very satisfied with Linnai and Yingyue-senpai.

Yingyue looked at Qiu's mother's satisfied light and breathed a sigh of relief. She was still a little nervous when she originally decided to come to Qiu's house today, as if she wanted to see her father-in-law and mother-in-law.It's really great that Auntie is satisfied.She turned her head to look at the girl next to her. The girl from her childhood was doing better than she imagined. This was probably her advantage, after all, she had been with her for so many years.

A sense of crisis lingered in her heart, and this feeling of being at a disadvantage made her feel a little frustrated.But it's just a little thing, she can't give up.Come on, Yingyue, she secretly encouraged herself.

"Yingyue, Qiu, and Quan, good morning."

"Good morning." Yingyue replied subconsciously.She regained her senses and took a look, and it turned out that she had reached the intersection without knowing it.It seems that she will be separated from Qiu soon. Although the classrooms of the first and third grades are very close to each other, if there is no reason, she can't act without authorization under the eye of her childhood sweetheart.She has gone too far, and she did such a thing even though Qiu had a girlfriend.Fortunately, although I still have a fever when I think about it, the gap with that childhood sweetheart has been shortened a lot.No matter how good the relationship was when I was young, there is still some distance when I grow up.

"Forget it, let's let you go today." Yingyue's lips curled up slightly, and she whispered.

Linnai looked at her number one enemy inexplicably, what was she laughing at?Did she have any communication with Aunt Qiu in the morning? I remembered that they arrived together in the morning, and there was no special time for communication.

She was a little puzzled.

(End of this chapter)

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