incredible high school life

Chapter 64 Finding the Truth

Chapter 64 Finding the Truth

"So that's it. I know what they want to do. I said why the small community has been protesting recently. It turned out to be their fault. It seems that I don't know where to know Qiu Jun's level of force, and Qiu Jun just happened to be the vice president of the student union. , just carried out targeted actions. But they don’t know that the outside rumors are all false. Besides, they should also know the situation here, do you think this method will work?” Yingyue stroked her long hair , she really disdains these troublesome presidents.But since she was bullied, he had to fight back.

At the same time, on the other side, Kazuto squinted his eyes. He knew about it. After all, it was hard not to know if the clubs were doing such a thing.He knew what they wanted to do, but what he didn't expect was that they found his brother. It seemed that Qiu joined the student union at a wrong time.However, this method will not cause substantial damage to Qiu, and he didn't want to take care of it at first, but Qiu asked him for help at night, so he went to help his brother out of the siege.

"But if they come to school together in the morning, Quan and Yingyue should know about it. I said why Qiu begged me for help." With a dark face, he said why Qiu was so happy. He also agreed.Now he doesn't want to go, after all, two women play a scene, maybe he also has to take the blame.

How could he go with such sinister intentions.Kazuto wavered, but finally decided to follow.After all, he promised Qiu and kept his word.And he's just an innocent person, so he won't take much of the blame, right?
Maybe?He was a little uncertain, after all, his younger sister often let him take the blame, and was reprimanded by his father every time.

"Forget it, don't think about it, the boat will be straight when it reaches the bridge, and adapt to the situation at night." He also thought about it, after all, no matter how big the trouble is, they will never be the ones who suffer.

Although Linnai didn't have any good news, Yingyue came to her during class and told her the news.Although they are rivals in love, they are still a united front when it comes to the outside world. The outside world must be eliminated before they can digest it internally.

And for Linnai, she has the status of childhood sweetheart and girlfriend, which has a huge advantage, so it is completely worthwhile.Let's drive away those vixens who want to play tricks first.

"That's how it will be done at night." She discussed with Yingyue, and at night, she hit the women who wanted to get close to Qiu in all aspects, and lost confidence. Naturally, there will be no women who want to get close to Qiu in the future.

Qiu looked at the two women joining forces outside the door and sighed.It's not that they were still noisy at noon, but now they are on good terms with each other like best friends.Girls are really strange, and now it is not obvious that they are rivals in love.

"Student Quan is really not bad at all compared to Senior Sister Baishi, and compared to Senior Sister Baishi's image of a young lady, it seems that Student Quan from Xiaojiabiyu is more to my taste. It's a pity that the flowers are all stuck in cow dung Oh, good cabbage will always be humiliated by pigs." The boy who made sarcastic remarks over there even took a look at Qiu.The boys next to him nodded in agreement.

Qiu glanced at them indifferently, he was used to it.Anyone is used to being said that every day, he is that cow dung, so what about that pig.They can only be sour on the sidelines, why should he care about a group of them who can't eat grapes and say grapes are sour.

"Xiaoqiu, I'm looking forward to the evening." Linnai and senior sister Yingyue walked up to him after parting, and said with a smile.Although that smile is somehow creepy.

"Okay." Qiu didn't know the truth, so she was still very nervous.

On the other side, Linnai, who already knew the truth, knew that Qiu was also a victim of this incident, so she didn't intend to blame her.But even Qiu's charm is great, attracting girls.She would not blame Qiu for his actions, she was still reluctant after all.

The afternoon passed extremely slowly in the eyes of the four of them, and the people with their own thoughts finally waited until school was over.

After school, Qiu, Reina, and Kazuto watched the classroom disappear one after another.

"Is Reina-chan going back with her boyfriend today?" Reina's girlfriends came over and asked.

"Yes, it is."

"It's really a sweet couple. I'm so envious. When will I have a boyfriend?" In front of me is Gao Chuan, with a slender figure and black healthy skin. She belongs to the swimming department and is a boy in the class. There is also considerable popularity in China, but everyone who heard the confession was sunk without exception.

"Sangu, don't think about it anymore, let's go and don't disturb the time of the two of you." On the other side, the slightly shorter student is Sawaki Light Color from the Kendo Club, which is different from Gao Chuan.The handsome Sawaki-san is very popular among girls.

"Light-colored sauce, Sangu-chan, goodbye." Reina waved goodbye.

Seeing that there were only three people left in the classroom, Yingyue walked in. Now their goal is the confession place behind the teaching building, and then they will wipe out those hateful women.

"Suzuki-kun, are you coming too?" Rena looked at Kazuto who was following them and asked curiously.

"It's me who shouted. I think Heren has a lot of experience in this area, so he might be able to help you." Qiu lied without changing his expression.

"Qiu Jun, it's not good to lie. If it's only compared to the number of love letters, I have more than He Renjun." Senior sister Yingyue pursed her lips and exposed Qiu's actions.

"Ahem, boys and girls are different." Qiu coughed twice in embarrassment.

"Come here, let's take a look." He is relatively calm, he has a Buddhist mentality now, anyway, he will pretend not to know anything when the time comes, and completely enter the role of passerby.

The back of the teaching building is used as a confession place all the year round, and there is an open space for students to express their creativity.I heard that there were some students who put words, sent flowers, and lit candles to express their hearts. It is an idol academy.They give students enough space to create and let them play boldly.This is also part of a student's life. After all, their school does not prohibit love affairs. If it can inspire students' inspiration, the school managers can accept a piece of land dedicated to the students.

Although the land in the city center is very expensive, for the school directors who are stupid and have a lot of money, they have already bought so much land, and this piece of land is not bad.It can stimulate students' imagination and creativity, why not do it.

Many idols who have gone out from here often come back to see this land.This is where they were confessed in the first place.It is also the place where the most couples in the entertainment industry are born.The couples who entered the entertainment circle from here are rarely separated, and there have been rumors that they will be together forever after a successful confession.

(End of this chapter)

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