incredible high school life

Chapter 69 For the Game Department

Chapter 69 For the Game Department

"Nohara, Nohara Saki, a second-year student at Sakura Academy, the current deputy director of the drama department, please give me your advice." Xiaosaki stood up kindly and introduced herself.

"Kitten-chan, Akizuki-mao, first-year students of Sakura Academy, please give me your advice." Kitten-chan stood up and introduced.

"Stone, Qing Kongqiu, a first-year student at Sakura Academy, please give me your advice." Qiu also followed suit.

"Xingxing, Xingyuan of Tianshangyuan, a third-year student of Sakura Academy, and the current president of the student union, please give me your advice." The aura of the president is the same as before, and the finale appearance is really different.

"However, it seems that we have never paid attention to the president's ID. Is it actually called Xing Xing? Everyone's ID is basically the same as their real name." Qiu discovered the truth.Nohara is Kosaki's surname, Kitten is Kitten's name, and the president uses the first letter of his name.Did he just take it at will?

"Speaking of it, Shitou, do we have revenge and complaints now?" The president glanced at him and showed an inexplicable smile.

"Is there any hatred?" Qiu looked blank, as if he hadn't offended them recently.

"I haven't taken revenge for stepping on my dead body last week." The president's wrist clicked, and Qiu remembered that there was indeed such a thing.But I still remember after a week, this woman is too vengeful.

"Stone, I remember the last event, you let me fight with slime, which made me sick all day." Nohara also had a gloomy face, she hated sticky things the most.In order to pretend and listen to Qiu's nonsense, he was pestered by slime for a while.

"Didn't you do it voluntarily? And who knew that slime was stalking you, and he obviously didn't stalk me." Qiu hurriedly defended, is this an offline revenge?It's good to meet friends.What an atmosphere of seeking revenge.

"Anyway, now the old and new grudges are counted together, President, you come first or I come first." The two showed terrifying smiles, Qiu shivered, this is the rhythm of death.

"No, you can bully Shitou." Kitty Maojiang stood up and stood in front of Qiu.

"Just kidding. Xiaomaochan sat down, how could we know as much as him." The president smiled, and pulled Xiaosaki to sit down.The two of them just negotiated to give Qiu a blow, and it was just a joke.As a team leader, Qiu has offended them a lot, and they usually don't take it to heart.

"President, you are all right, don't make such jokes, it scares people to death." Qiu is really a little scared.Although let's talk about force, Nohara and the chairman can't beat him.But how could it be possible to fight back in such a matter, he could only be beaten.

"Next time, it will be more convenient for us." The president teased.The next time you retaliate directly in reality, it will be your own subordinates.She is really too witty, public revenge is absolutely possible.

"Speaking of which, why did the president get me into the student union? Even if we knew who we were in advance, there's no need to get me into the student union." Qiu asked the question in his heart.

"This is a great plan, Stone, you have to understand that some things cannot be achieved by one person alone." The president showed a mysterious smile.

Although Qiu still felt a little unreal at the beginning, but now after making a fuss.Everyone is back in the game again.So it's natural to say
"What plan? President, what are you going to do?"

"Of course the game department was established. Originally, this school had this department, but it was canceled because the number of people was too small and did not comply with the club regulations. I temporarily detained their activity room to facilitate our activity room." President Pat the table, a little excited.

"Game club, does this kind of club comply with the regulations of the student union?" Qiu was a little at a loss, because it doesn't sound like the school's regulations.And which high school will set up a game club to play games, isn't this a mistake.There is still a possibility in college, but in high school, there are really not many.

"It is enough for two of us to pass. Now there are four people. The minimum standard of the club only needs four people and one consultant teacher. If you are a consultant teacher, I can find it for you, as long as we pass it. Principal and deputy It is very simple for the president to approve the application for the establishment of a society. Even if he is unreasonable. And if the scale is not large, the higher-ups will not take care of it." The president continued excitedly.That's all she likes, playing Brave Wars with krypton gold.

"Is it really good to cheat like this?" The corner of Qiu's mouth twitched a little. It turned out that the president had such a plan, and the two passed through the game department or something.It was entirely possible, Qiu had to consider the feasibility of this plan.If they can spare part of the time for the Raiders of the new copy, their progress will catch up with the high-level teams that have already opened up wasteland.Originally they were at the forefront, but because they had to study during the day, they couldn't keep up with the progress.

"But if this is the case, I might have to take a make-up exam at the end of my study period." Qiu felt a little headache because his grades were not very good.If you set aside part of the time for club activities, then you will have even less time for studying, and you may fail at the end of the period.

"This is a trivial matter. I will give you tutoring when the time comes. Don't worry, you will definitely be able to pass with me." The president patted his chest and accepted the task of passing the final exam.

"President, I don't have any objection to that. But, President, do you use all the money from your family? It's better not to spend it recklessly." Qiu He persuaded as usual.

"These are all my own money, not from my family. I just used the pocket money from my family to do some business." The president looked at him with some contempt, how could she spend the money from the family.

"Hahaha, but you can't spend it indiscriminately. You see where you spent it, and you bought a villa that is useless." Qiu Gang was about to say something, but he suddenly realized that he couldn't make such an opening. Even if it's your own money, you can't spend it indiscriminately.

"That villa is also very useful. We are no longer in the union hut when we go offline, and if we upgrade equipment in it, the success rate may increase. After all, it adds a lot of luck." The president retorted with a guilty conscience .

"Then did you succeed? Just that staff." Qiu sneered. He knew that the president had failed to strengthen the staff dozens of times.

"Successful, I have now strengthened to the full level."

"Didn't the little cat strengthen it for you in our guild? When did you strengthen it yourself?" Qiu's cold eyes swept across the guilty president.

The president couldn't help being a head shorter, and the aura of being the student president of Sakura Academy disappeared.

 PS: Thank you for your recommendation tickets, although it is very late every time, thank you for your understanding.


(End of this chapter)

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