incredible high school life

Chapter 7 The Still Unconfessed Present

Chapter 7 The Still Unconfessed Present

"Miss, the master told you to go down for dinner." There was a voice outside the door, Yingyue stood up from the bed in fright, and breathed out when she heard the voice of a maid, she thought it was her parents who came, it would be very embarrassing if she was found out.

"Okay, I'll go down right away" Yingyue replied, after hearing that, the maid turned around and left Yingyue's room, hearing the footsteps of the maid walking away, Yingyue threw her phone on the bed, she still had to eat dinner first , Looking for Qiu Jun again, I have to think about what to say.

Yingyue got up, put on her shoes, went downstairs, saw that the dinner was prepared in the hall, and sat down quietly, Yingyue's father saw Yingyue sitting down and asked

"Yingyue, how was school today?"

"Father, today is as happy as usual," Yingyue replied, "There is nothing different from before."

"Oh? Is the child from Suzuki's family also in your high school? Mrs. Suzuki talked to me about this when Mrs. Suzuki came yesterday."

"Didn't father ask about this before? I've known the son of the Suzuki family for a long time?"

"Really? I'm still a little forgetful recently. I sometimes forget many things about the company." Yingyue watched her father caressing her head and sighing. After her mother passed away, her father had aged a lot and worked hard. Yingyue was a little worried that her father would overwork and collapse.

"Since your mother passed away, I've been forgetful a lot. It seems that I'm still old." The father said with emotion. Indeed, since his wife passed away, he tried to use work to cover up his sadness, which eventually led to some small injuries in his body. Problems, especially forgetfulness, but it doesn't interfere with work.

"Okay, don't say much, let's eat first, you should be hungry too."

"Yes." Picking up the knife and fork gracefully, Yingyue divided the veal steak and some other food in front of her, maintaining the demeanor of a young lady, Yingyue's father nodded in satisfaction and began to eat.

After eating, Yingyue returned to her room, picked up her mobile phone and continued to think about how to send Qiu a message. After some hesitation, she decided to greet "Qiu Jun, good evening" in a normal tone. After typing, Yingyue sent out.

On the other side, Qiu who had already finished eating, Linnai's text message also arrived on time, but he was a little lucky that he didn't receive the message from his senior sister in the first place. Fu's situation, but probably for the bottom line of morality.

Linnai: Qiu Jun, have you finished dinner, do you miss me? (with a selfie)
Qiu glanced at the selfie, it was taken by Rena on the way to school, the beautiful childhood sweetheart, with the scattered cherry blossoms, is very beautiful, as expected, her childhood sweetheart is already so beautiful, not at all compared to her senior sister It's bad, although there may be some differences in temperament, but compared to the temperament of the eldest lady, Xiaojiabiyu's girl next door has a pretty good temperament.If it really makes the choice, it will be even more difficult to choose, but Qiu, who is still his childhood sweetheart, has no such worries, and he will definitely stick to it until the end.

Qiu: It's still hard to believe that Rena used to be exactly like a boy.

Rena: It all happened when I was a child, and at that time, many girls were just like boys.

Qiu: Well, actually, my girlfriend is so pretty, which makes me a little worried.

Rena: What are you worried about?It's okay, I rejected all the school's confessions.

Qiu: Is Rena so popular?

Linnai: No, it's not very popular, it's just that there are occasional love letters sent over, and I have already rejected them well.

Qiu: Is it suspicious?

Linnai: Anyway, I refused, Xiaoqiu is too much! ! ! ! !

When Qiu saw the message sent by Linnai, she could imagine the displeased look that had already pursed her lips.

Qiu: Okay, no kidding, how is Rena doing today, is there any trouble at school?

Rena: I don't mind if it's troublesome. I've been attending classes well, and the teachers like me very much.

Qiu planned to continue replying, but suddenly an unread message appeared in front of his eyes, and the label was Yingyue.

Yingyue: Mr. Qiu, good evening.

Qiu was a little hesitant about whether to reply, but today he promised his senior sister that she would definitely reply. It would not be good not to reply at this time, so he edited:
Qiu: Senior sister, good evening.

Yingyue: Didn't you say you want to be called by name?

Qiu: Good Yingyue, good evening.

A satisfied emoji was sent over there, would senior sister also use emoticons? I thought that a young lady like senior sister would not use these cute emoticons.

The text messages from childhood sweethearts also follow up:

Linnai: Xiaoqiu, you won't fall asleep, will you?

Qiu: No, I was just in a daze just now.

Linnai: Xiaoqiu is a little strange. Is it the reason why he is not in a good mood recently?

Qiu: Yes, probably because of lack of sleep recently.

Qiu had no choice but to lie, otherwise it would be difficult to explain the reason why she has really lost her spirit recently.

Rena: Let's go to bed early that night, and we will continue our chat tomorrow.

After talking, Rena didn't send any more messages, probably because of her sleep problems, after all, it's very late now.The senior sister over there also chatted a few words afterwards, and said good night to each other, and went to sleep.

Qiu lay on the bed, put his phone aside, looked up at the ceiling, and was a little lost. If he was like this, he still had the potential of some scumbags. He must find a chance to make it clear that he can't go on like this.

How on earth did he become like this? Obviously he is an ordinary boy, Qiu thought of this, but he fell asleep deeply without any results.

(End of this chapter)

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