Chapter 71
Qiu felt as if he was back in the game now, discussing the future of the guild.Although they are not the characters in the game anymore.But their friendship didn't change because of meeting.

We get along very well.Qiu looked at the other three who were enjoying themselves.Kitty Maojiang is trying to express his wishes, Nohara is showing off his new equipment, and the president is thinking about how to grow the guild as always.

This is basically a daily routine in the game, but seeing it in the real world is a different feeling.

"Shitou, remember to collect the information about the difficult book when you go back tonight. Try the next difficult book at night. You have to keep up with the big team. You have pulled down too much." The president tapped on the table lightly, still considering Chula, who was thinking about something, came back to reality.

"No problem, I have been thinking about this for a long time, and I have prepared it a few days ago." Qiu nodded. This is something he had prepared for a long time ago. After all, as the team leader, he still has to be responsible for the team.What's more, the difficult things are done every update, and now it's just repeating the previous behavior.

So here you can see the importance of experienced people.If one of you is not prepared, it is easy to cause group destruction in the new version.Now it's not like the early days of the game. Everyone has been killed dozens of times and has the passion to continue fighting.

Battle of the Brave is a national game that has been in operation for two years.It was unknown when it first went online, and Qiu also saw it by chance when he was looking for Xinyou, and soon he fell in love with this game.As a cross-age role-playing game, Battle of the Brave does not lose to other games' historical background, novel setting, and perfect mission line.The copy that was close to reality quickly became popular.

And Qiu and the others were the first batch, enjoying considerable benefits.There is also a series of costumes that have just been released after the test, which are now priceless in the market. As a team of veteran players, they are more familiar with the game.Also more sentimental.

So it's not just because the newcomers are unfamiliar, but also because of their strong friendship. Maybe if someone leaves, they won't accept newcomers.Slowly watching this game until the end, living with the memories of a few people, this is probably the end of his ideal.

But these will never come true again. After all, they are all in the same school now. Even if the president is promoted, in fact, there is a university directly under their college. Far.

As for the president, if you go to university, you should be in the directly affiliated university.Generally speaking, people from Sakura Academy will not go to other places for further study.Unless those top students want to continue to break through.Sakura University is more about cultivating interests, so some people who want to study still have to go to Tokyo and other places.

As for Nohara, it should be the same.Qiu took a look at Nohara, who was still kneading and kneading Kitten-chan. If the drama department wanted to develop, it should also be at Sakura University.As for Kitten Sauce, I'm not sure, but Kitten Sauce is only a freshman in high school like him, and we still have a lot of time to get along with each other.

"Are you ready for Nohara's words? Have you received the requested equipment recently?" Qiu snatched the kitten sauce from Nohara's arms, and looked at Nohara's dissatisfied eyes and said.

"Stone, I have already prepared these equipments. When I contacted the Flame Group last time, there were some left over there, and the president bought them. Now my equipment level should be considered beyond the standard." Nohara looked proud.

"Why are you so proud? It's because of your absence that the group has been wiped out dozens of times without even passing a book." The president poured cold water on the proud Nohara.

"You let a pure output fighter act as a human shield, how can you survive." Xiaosaki was a little annoyed, she added some pure strength, and had no defense at all.Just the poor defense on the equipment, probably not enough to take two shots from BOOS.

"You still know that you can't make it through. After all, who is going? Didn't you confidently say that you can make it through?" The president was furious when he thought about what happened some time ago.

"Did I say it? It's obviously yours, so it's no problem, so we went together." Xiaosaki stared at the leader with her eyes straight.

"All right, all right, stop arguing." Qiu had a headache, why did she still care about this matter.Aren't these two good friends?Why is it that they don't look like they are arguing now, but look like enemies.

"Uncover it, it's a trivial matter. I didn't stay with you after that. Our team configuration is quite special, so we can't do without anyone." Qiu made a pause gesture, indicating that these have nothing to do with individuals.

Indeed Qiu's team is very special.As a fighter with pure endurance points, Qiu's defense and blood volume are more than three times that of ordinary fighters, and if equipped with equipment, it can even reach more than five times.Warriors all have quite a recovery percentage skill, so he can be counted as the first meat shield among warriors.But in terms of output, it can only be compared to the novice-level existence, and it is far inferior to fighters of the same level.

Correspondingly, Nohara is a fighter who only adds strength, and his strength is more than twice that of fighters of the same level. If he adds equipment, his attack power can be more than three times that of a fighter. With some weapons with special effects, the output is probably the same as that of a fighter. First.Relatively speaking, the defense and blood volume are much weaker than fighters of the same level. They can't even withstand one or two attacks from the BOOS. If they attack in a large area, they may die when they hit it.

But to borrow Nohara's words, "No matter who touches it, it will die, so if it is a little bit crisper, it will die, and if it is a bit fleshy, it will be dead. Why not be a little bit crisper and hit more output.".Qiu thinks it makes sense, but for him, it's enough to just play the role of human shield honestly.A range attack is absolutely impossible to kill him.Even with instant death attacks, he is invincible.This is a very valuable skill. It was learned from a limited skill book dropped in an activity book.

Kitten sauce and the chairman are more normal.As a krypton gold player, the president chooses the best equipment on the market, and the reinforcement has reached the top level. The attack ability is self-evident.There are even some krypton gold props given in lottery activities, and the output can definitely rank among the top three in the entire server, which is beyond doubt.This is also the reason for Qiu Ganquan's meat shield. In terms of output, Nohara and the president are definitely the top output level of the whole server, even reaching the top three.

The relatively weak Kitten Sauce is more of a mascot than a therapist.With a very high degree of luck, they all doubted whether the kitten was the illegitimate child of the operator.No matter what kind of copy, you can find something good.So except for some revealing clothes that the president likes, everything else belongs to Kitty Sauce.

Looking at the cute kitten-chan, even if you are in a bad mood, you will be healed.

(End of this chapter)

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