incredible high school life

Chapter 87 Signing Party

Chapter 87 Signing Party
Sitting in the car sent by Kato's family, Qiu was resting with his eyes closed, and the open space made him very seldom comfortable.

Of course, whoever can drive away this annoying fly next to him will be fine.The voice of constant gossip with others made him a little impatient.Why are humans always so gossip.

"Okay, okay, Kazuto, let's see if your things are ready?" Qiu had to open his eyes to change the subject, and the idol's gossip was scary.

"This has been prepared a long time ago." Kazuto suddenly took out a black box from the back seat. The box was very simple and looked like an ordinary box, but the dense codes on it made Qiu feel a little dizzy.


"Have you already reached 9? Kazuto, you are really a loyal fan." Qiu carefully looked at the box, is it so tightly protected?

"Of course, for this signing, I brought two sets of new books and locked them in a combination box so that no one could steal them." Speaking of which, Kazuto changed from his usual appearance, looking like a fanatic .

"Is it necessary?" The corner of Qiu's mouth twitched, his friends are already crazy fans.

"Yes, what should I do if the book is stolen or lost when I see Teacher Xia Shizi? Wouldn't it mean that I won't be able to sign it?" Isn’t Teacher Xia Shizi’s name even more valuable? Isn’t it embarrassing? What if someone robs you. Only such a lockbox can protect such precious wealth.”

Qiu couldn't help but be a little stunned by Teacher Xia Shizi's biggest appearance.Although I found that my friend's attitude was a bit unusual before, but I didn't expect that this has evolved into a brain-dead fan. Is this novel so attractive.

"Lend me one to read." Qiu took out the first one and planned to read it again.It's not that he hasn't read it before, but he didn't read much, probably only the first volume, and he only read the rest roughly.The impression is not very deep, but the signing event is to talk to the author, he needs to revisit the past, in case he makes a joke when the time comes.

"No problem, it will be even better if you like Qiu. When the time comes, we will follow in the footsteps of Teacher Xia Shizi and conquer the light novel world. I will watch Teacher Xia Shizi climb to the top of the industry." Heren saw himself Jiyou is very happy to be treated like Amway by him.It would be really great if my friend could become a fan of Teacher Xia Shizi together with me.

Qiu ignored Kazuhim who was still excited.Instead, he quietly looked at "Love Metronome 1" in his hand. He had read this book many times and was very moved, but he didn't insist on chasing it afterwards. Now it seems that he really misses it. '

"Huh..." Qiu took a deep breath. After reading the whole novel, he was still as moved as ever.This situation even reminded him of his own situation, maybe it can be used as a reference when he goes back.

"Will Heren give me a set?" Qiu raised the book in his hand. He planned to take back a set from Heren. The signed version would be more valuable for collection.

"No problem, it was originally for you. Teacher Xia Shizi's autographed version would be even better." Heren readily agreed. He originally brought it as a gift for Qiu, so he didn't hesitate at all.

And even for other people, if this can be exchanged for a like-minded teacher Xia's fan, he doesn't mind at all.

"Thank you very much. It seems that this signing will be very exciting." Qiu Ye became a little excited. Originally, he was just a companion. Now that he thinks it looks good, he really wants to sign.

It's great to meet the author face to face, and even better to be encouraged.Such a signing event is really great for fans.He suddenly had some understanding and a human mood.

But he couldn't do such a thing of putting a set of books in the lockbox, which is indeed a bit too fanatical.

"So Kazuto, why did you fall in love with this novel?" Qiu remembered that Kazuto Amway gave him the novel at the beginning.

At the beginning, the performance of this novel was not as good as that of the novels of the same period, but it was introduced to him by Kazuto, and he gradually fell in love with this novel.Although it is also a best-selling novel, it is still not as good as those big-selling novels.He hadn't seen Kazuto have such a reaction before that.

"Don't you think the character creation is great? And what about a beautiful encounter in such an ordinary city? There are also some beautiful characters, everything is born in the ordinary, this is a kind of life born in the ordinary The flower of love, how beautiful. Shouldn't we like this precious heart of love?" Kazuto made a bunch of long-winded speeches, but he had read them carefully, and he didn't miss any detail.

'"Yes yes yes!" Judging by the situation, Qiu knew that Kazuren had entered the fanatic mode again, and he absolutely couldn't talk to him now, otherwise, he would probably have to listen to Kazuren's spoilers for two hours. It was too hard for him.I didn't feel like being spoiled after watching it, so it's not an exaggeration to say that I want to beat someone up.

Qiu refrained from making complaints. The idols in the school wanted ordinary love, and they also looked forward to the flower of love born in the ordinary.He will never have it in his life.Qiu glanced at Kazuto with a strange look, and then looked away.

Qiu put the "Love Metronome 1" back in his hand, and took out the second volume to read carefully.Anyway, there is no way for him to continue to take a good rest because he is chatting with people along the way, so he might as well continue reading light novels for a while, and then he will have a better communication with the author.

Two hours, neither too long nor too short.Qiu spent the time reading the light novel in his hands, accompanied by Kazuto's excited voice.

After getting out of the car, Akihabara was again at a glance, and it was still in a prosperous state. He, who had just been here yesterday, came back smoothly.

"The novel signing will be at ten o'clock, and it's already past nine o'clock. Let's hurry there, otherwise, we won't be able to get the front row seat."

Before Qiu could catch his breath, Kazuto started to walk forward in big strides. His goal was the venue of this book signing event, where the first scene of the male and female protagonists was located.The road and people have been very exciting.

"This time, teacher Xia Shizi put the place where the hero and heroine meet, which really moved fans like me."

 PS: It's too miserable not to have a single ticket.

(End of this chapter)

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