incredible high school life

Chapter 89 We Are the Champions

Chapter 89 We Are the Champions

The game has already started, although it is a touching reunion, but now they have to go all out to fight.

Betting their dignity after training for a year, Qiu must help them win this battle, even if the opponent is his junior brother, he will not let it go.Besides, this junior was not something he could easily defeat. He hadn't experienced such a close match for a long time.

The two sides had already settled their poses, and Qiu focused on his opponent's movements.

The two faced each other, neither wanting to attack first.

"Face." Qiu roared, swinging the wooden sword straight towards his head.

Ueno watched the bamboo sword hit his face, but didn't try to stop it.Instead, he swung it towards the open space on the right.The two bamboo swords collided together.

"Eldest brother, it's better not to play such things as playing tricks." Ueno said with a smile.

"This sword is just a test. It seems that your kung fu has not been slowed down over the years." Qiu retracted the wooden sword and smiled. He didn't think such a sword could hit his junior, this time it was just a test.

"Brother, don't underestimate me." Ueno waved the wooden sword towards his face casually.

Qiu smiled and blocked directly from the right side. Basically, everyone understood the routine of their seniors.It's overthinking to use such a small routine to win.

"Then I'll be serious, Junior Brother." Qiu put on his posture again, he's going to be serious, this is the first battle of their reunion, let him test Junior Brother for Grandpa.

"Come on." Ueno also repositioned his posture and his expression became more serious. The next battle he will face is a storm.

"Both sides have opened up their positions again. This time, both of them have returned without success. It seems that they need to regroup and attack again." The commentator next to him suddenly became passionate. As a professional commentator, he also understood that the following will be It's a fight between dragons and tigers.

"Aozora is ready to attack again. His posture is not an ordinary kendo posture." The commentator was a little dazed, "Ueno also took the same posture, what are they going to do?"

Generally speaking, everyone will fight according to ordinary kendo competitions, hitting the opponent's body with the sword to score points.Their swords are basically always on the front, but the two of them keep their swords on the hips, like those real kendo starters.This kind of spectator game can't be serious, right?The commentator was a little dumbfounded. It's not that he hasn't seen those real kendo competitions. It's the real swordsmanship used to kill people. It's called "fast, accurate and ruthless".

"Are you ready, Junior Brother, I'm going to fight." Qiu Cai didn't care what the commentator thought, he was now ready to use all his strength to fight a hearty battle.

"Come on, big brother, let me see your strength over the years." Ueno's hand holding the wooden sword was already trembling, and he was excited. He had never met an opponent who could show him real swordsmanship in these years .

Since leaving the countryside, he has won the national competition single group championship all the way, and after being invited by Dongjing Junior High School, he officially dominated the national competition.No one is his opponent, this feeling has made him a little tired.

Although he is training every day, Ueno feels that his improvement is not obvious. He needs a real battle to get back his former feeling.And now the elder brother is his best opponent.Although he fought and failed repeatedly, he never gave up, and he also wanted to really win.

Qiu looked at his junior brother in a daze, and swung his sword directly to tell his junior brother that the battle had begun.

Qiu's sword hit Ueno's shoulder incomparably quickly. The referee said the score was valid, and Ueno came back to his senses. He regretted his behavior a little. Why did he lose his mind in such an important battle?

But now he has no time to think, Qiu's sword hit him like a storm.He had to fight desperately, he couldn't lose yet.

"Junior brother, has your sword become so slow?" Qiu frowned at Ueno who could only parry.

Their kendo takes the path of "fast, accurate and ruthless", with medium and fast as the main, and other as supplementary.If you fall into a disadvantage in speed, it will be difficult to have a chance to come back.

"Senior brother, come again." Sweat dripped down Ueno's face, he had already consumed a lot of energy under Qiu's attack.On the other hand, Qiu on the other side still has time to teach him a lesson.

This comparison of physical strength made the commentator a little dumbfounded.This Ueno player is known as the future of Kendo. The boy who rose like a comet back then is now so embarrassed in front of another boy.

"Secret technique, swift attack and continuous chopping." Qiu didn't plan to release the water, but planned to end this farce quickly. This junior has let him down so much, I didn't expect him to fall like this in a few years.

"Secret technique, swift-flowing swirling sword." The sword in Ueno's hand swirls like a swallow, and all the attacks are made with no dead ends.

"Secret technique, Swift's eighteen consecutive slashes." Qiu Zhi swung eighteen swords in a short period of time, stacking them into one sword.

"Contestant Qingkong slashed out a sword. It doesn't look as fast as before. Is he tired? He slashed so many swords so fast." The commentator is also a person who has seen the world, and he quickly adjusted into a new State of commentary.

Ueno smiled wryly, he knew what kind of trick it was.This is purely crushed by technology, and he can't do this kind of slashing eighteen swords in a short time. It seems that the senior brother is very dissatisfied with his achievements in recent years.

But he still had to block the sword with the wooden sword in his hand, and the wooden sword broke in response.With the weapon broken, he naturally has no ability to resist.

"Eldest brother is too shameless." Ueno complained as he threw away the broken wooden sword.

"You have been living longer and returning back these years. If you can slash sixteen swords in a short time, then your sword will not be broken." Qiu looked at Ueno with dissatisfaction. , he really couldn't stand his junior brother's clumsy performance.That's why he directly shot to end this naive game in his opinion.

"Brother, I'm sorry." Ueno had to admit that he had been slack for a long time, and he couldn't even make fifteen swords now.When he just left the gymnasium, he could already make thirteen swords.It has only improved a sword in these years.On the contrary, the elder brother who could only slash fourteen swords when he left could already slash eighteen swords.

"I'll reprimand you in the future. It's not time to talk, so let's go down." Qiu glared at the junior and said.

The two walked down side by side before the referee announced that the winner of the match was Qiu.

Everyone in the kendo club in the background wept with joy. This was their first championship, and they reveled.

"We are champions! We are champions! We are champions!"

 PS: First, there are still 500 pieces to make up immediately. Today, I have gastroenteritis, so it is even slower

(End of this chapter)

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