incredible high school life

Chapter 96 The Secret War

Chapter 96 The Secret War
The class was very peaceful, and Qiu looked at the two of them out of the corner of his eyes.He was relieved that the two of them just looked at the podium for the whole class and there was no more quarrel.But it was just a sigh of relief, because there was another protagonist who was not there.

The real test came at noon.How to explain it.Rena should help him when the time comes, he sneaked a glance at Reina, and Reina gave him a blank look, pointing to the blackboard, telling him to concentrate on class.

Well, it seems that there is no such thing as a later date.He picked up the textbook, continued to watch the teacher's gestures, and began to take notes seriously.

The three of them spent the whole morning like this, even after class, there was no room for communication.It's better to say that they all have their own small groups, and as Kazuto's younger sister Manatsu, every class will be surrounded by enthusiastic boys and girls asking various questions.

The well-educated Manasuma also answered one by one, and soon became good friends with the girls in the class.He also has his own small group.So Qiu was ignored early in the morning, everyone looked very busy, and he was happy to read books and take notes by himself, after all, it had been a long time since he had such a peaceful time.

Although I hope that everyone can live in peace like this, it doesn't matter even if he is ignored, but this is impossible.It is the last class now, and the following is the most severe time of today.

He looked up at the clock in the classroom. The clock was ticking. Every time the second hand moved forward, it would make him a little heavy. He wished that the class would last for another day, so that he would not have to face the next scene.

But all this is delusion, all is false.So I watched helplessly as the hour hand completed its mission and stopped at 12, and the bell for the end of get out of class also rang on time.

It was lunch break time, and now he was a little nervous and apprehensive like a prisoner facing a police officer.But he still has to face the upcoming scene. I don't know what will happen, and the unexpected is also a little exciting?

He shook his head to get this thought out of his mind, he wasn't shaking M, this kind of thought was definitely not allowed.

Linnai stood up directly, picked up the lunch box and walked towards the door. Before leaving, she glanced at Qiu and motioned him to follow.

Qiu Ye stood up, packed up the bento made by her mother, and prepared to follow to the rooftop.

"Where is Brother Qiu going?" Seeing that Qiu was about to leave the classroom with Rena, Manatsu would not let this happen.She declined an invitation to have dinner with her companions.Just to have dinner with Qiu, how could the target run away.

"Ahem, let's go eat, it's already noon, let's solve the problem of lunch." Qiu had to stop walking, turned her head and said.

"Can I come with you?"

"Don't you want to be with Heren?" Qiu thought it would be a good idea to let Manasuma and Heren have dinner together. It should be very pleasant as a brother and sister.And it won't involve trouble here.

"No, brother has to deal with little girls at noon, let's eat with brother Qiu, otherwise it's too pitiful to be alone." Mana shook her head, she didn't want to eat with the smelly brother, she usually sat at the same table every day Tired of looking at it.And what are so many girls doing around, even if she is a younger sister, she will receive a lot of hostile looks, so she won't suffer like this.

Besides, her purpose has always been very clear, that is, Qiu in front of her, how can she let her go.

"Okay, let's come together." Qiu nodded under Rena's murderous gaze, he couldn't watch Mana having lunch alone, he couldn't be so hard-hearted as a friend's older brother.

"Okay, wait for me." Mana who had achieved her goal had a happy face, she turned her head and brought her lunch, followed Qiu, and also walked towards the rooftop.

"Where is this going?" Mana asked curiously.

"Secret base, you will understand when you arrive in Manasuma." Qiu replied with a mysterious smile.

Along the way, Linnai's face was dark. Although she was not as extreme as before, she was still very unhappy that there was one more person in the way when eating.After going up a flight of stairs and finally reaching the top floor, Qiu took out her key and opened the door to the rooftop.

"Is this right here?" Manxia followed Qiu and walked in, looked around, and found that the environment is indeed good, but why are there girls here? This familiar figure from the back should be Sister Yingyue.

"Yingyue, are you here already?" Qiu saw that Yingyue had laid out the tablecloth and put away the lunch box, and greeted her aloud.

"Qiu Jun, and student Quan, good afternoon. Who's behind?" Yingyue frowned as she looked at the figure hiding behind. This figure was somewhat familiar.

Hearing Yingyue's inquiry, Mana shuddered. Although she knew that she would face this situation sooner or later, she was still a little guilty. After all, Sister Yingyue had advised her before, and now she is still on this path.

Don't be cowardly, Mana, you've also liked brother Qiu for a long time, it's just that he came a little later.She cheered herself up secretly, and walked out from behind Qiu.Anyway, she can't hide anymore, she might as well come out openly.

"Sister Yingyue, good afternoon." Mana bowed to Yingyue to say hello.

"Besides, that sister Yingyue is very sorry." Mana apologized again, she still didn't listen to Yingyue's persuasion and went on this road, so no matter what, she would bring trouble to Yingyue sister, after all, they will be Competitors, she didn't want their sisters' feelings to be implicated.

"Maxia, it really is you. I had doubts before, but I didn't expect you to be more determined than I imagined." Yingyue didn't show a surprised expression on her face, but smiled normally and asked her to sit down.

Manazu's method of testing her before was too clumsy, she had already seen what Manazu meant, so she just wanted to scare her later, does this look serious?

"I'm just kidding, don't take it too seriously." Yingyue waved her hand, she really just wanted to scare this cute little sister before, this reaction is really interesting.

"Really?" Mana was surprised instead.

"Eat!" Linnai's face turned darker as she watched the happy conversation here. The two were originally in the same group, and her situation will become more dangerous in the future. One person is dangerous enough, but two people can do it.

The sullen Linna interrupted the reminiscence, and the two sat up obediently.It is still on the left of Ling Nai and the right of Ying Yue.As a newcomer, Mana took a look, and sat down beside Yingyue obediently.

Qiu looked at the three people who did not quarrel, very surprised, but also very satisfied, so he should be able to have a good lunch time.

 PS: The update is here, Happy Chinese Valentine's Day!Everyone!

(End of this chapter)

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