Chapter 98

This class was surprisingly quiet, and no one bothered Mr. Chuntian, who would cry at any moment.

An Yi, Qiu looked at the English on the blackboard and stretched.The person in charge of wiping the blackboard has already gone up, he packed up his notes, spread them out on the table, enjoying the sunshine, and couldn't help but say "Anyi~" again.

I don't know whether it's God's gratitude, or the girls have their own thoughts, and the autumn in the afternoon passed comfortably as they wished, and they didn't want to leave their seats until school was over.

"Although I know that the student union will be very easy in the future, why do you still have no motivation?" Qiu said goodbye to the three people who had arrived, and walked towards the small room behind the teaching building listlessly.

"Cheer up, at least you are the vice president who is under one person and above ten thousand people. Although it is just a symbol, you have to do it with vigor." Qiu patted his cheeks in front of the student union's apartment, wanting to be more sober." Do your best in everything you do, you are the best Qiu!"

Qiu cheered himself up. After all, he officially joined the job today, and he has no experience in the student union.Qiu raised his hand to open the door, but the door opened by itself.

"Shitou, you're here. After calculating the time, it should be up. Come in." The president who opened the door was the expressionless president. She is in school now, so naturally she will not be the same as before.

"Okay." Qiu also walked into the living room without being polite.The two secretary and accountant at the desk are already drinking tea quietly, it seems that the waiting time is not short.

"Don't these few need to go to class?" Qiu asked curiously, and then he realized that he asked a stupid question.

"Of course not. For Xiaoyin and Xiaoqin, these are too low-level. Naturally, the school will not force them to attend classes. Everyone will stay here when they have nothing to do." The president still explained thoughtfully.

"This explanation makes people even more sad." Qiu waved his hand, how could he ask such a stupid question, isn't it because he is making himself uncomfortable.

"Sit down." The president, who took the main seat, signaled Qiu to sit on his left.

Qiu sat down, looked at the two women opposite, and waited for today's meeting.

"Today's meeting is to deal with today's lost and found. All clubs have lost a lot of things. Let's see if there are any here. Then we will sort them out and let them come and get them." The president did not write the topic on the blackboard, but Picking up the tea in his hand, he said calmly.

"Hey? There are no financial problems. Are there any disputes?" Qiu was a little surprised. Are there any of these things?
"The funding plan has been prepared since the beginning of the year, and it is already running very well, so there is no need to worry about it. Are you doubting my qualifications as an accountant?" Xiaoyin said a little unhappy, "Junior, you are provoking again Is it?"

"Ahem, dare not, dare not, I just don't understand why it's all trivial things." Qiu quickly explained that he thought something big would happen at the student union meeting, but he didn't expect it to be just trivial things, so he made a sound.

"The student union is for the students, so these are the responsibilities of the student union. If it is a big event, it will not happen often. It is just these trivial things." Nan Yinqin, the secretary of the student union on the other side, explained aloud, "By the way To put it bluntly, I am responsible for the dispute, and there are still only a dozen cases this year, so there is no need to pay special attention to it.”

"Cough cough." Qiu coughed harder. Did he offend both of them? Will he have small shoes to wear in the future?

"Okay, okay, let's get back to business, what are the lost items today, Qin will report." The president brought the topic back, the scene was too embarrassing, she had to come out to save the scene.

"Sixteen baseballs from the baseball club, two footballs from the football club, one taekwondo shirt, three basketballs, and some lost stationery, student IDs, etc." Qin pushed the glasses" student ID It has already been returned, and there will be no one here to pick up the stationery, so I plan to send it for recycling. The club’s things have been sorted out, and they have been notified here to pick it up.”

"Today I received a request from the baseball club for an increase in funds. They said that their baseballs were used up too quickly and were often lost, so they applied for an increase in funds. I found that there are quite a lot of baseballs due to requisition, so I refused to drop them and replied They'll just come and get it by themselves when the time comes." Xiaoyin continued.

"So it's already done?" The president asked elegantly while drinking tea, "Then what's the next question?"

"The previous thing is about to succeed." Qin glanced at Qiu, then at the president, and saw that the president nodded before continuing.

"The community's protest has come to an end. Some small and greedy communities have followed suit, and some associations that are about to be disbanded have asked us to keep their activity rights and funds, but this side has also refused." Qin paused .

"This has caused dissatisfaction among some medium-sized associations. There are still shadows of those large associations behind these associations. I don't know what agreement was reached, so they also started to protest."

"However, there are still quite a few smart clubs. Except for those clubs and some medium-sized clubs that were instigated, the other clubs did not make much noise, and the track and field club, which is a large club, also expressed support, but it did not No actual action was taken."

"Of course, the basketball club and the football club also made considerable noises, but they didn't take any actual actions, like testing our reaction again."

Qin continued to analyze, "According to reliable sources, that group of people should be ready to challenge candidates, so they should call in a few weeks. If we take a tough attitude now, it may make them delay this time even more. In this case It’s not worth the candle.”

"This kind of farce should really end sooner. If we try to keep quiet, they will think that there is some conspiracy on our side. Why don't we continue to do it as usual, appease those associations, and don't act tough. attitude." Bored, the president took the teapot and poured a cup of tea, the tricks were simply pleasing to the eye.

"If we scare them, wouldn't we have nothing to play with? Is Qingkong going to play? I can give you a spot as an examiner." The president turned to ask Qiu.

"Ah?" He felt that he had heard a great event, do you want him to participate?So as the vice president, he must not be able to say no, right?
He could only nod his head, and the president over there also ended the topic.

"The following topic is about the application for a new activity department." The president began to raise the topic "The game department applied for by Star Edge of the Heavenly Academy, approved."

 ps: It's not too late, almost

(End of this chapter)

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