Devourer from Pirates

Chapter 12 Transformation Mask

Chapter 12 Transformation Mask
"Sir, what's the matter?" At this moment, the waiter of the restaurant rushed over and asked suspiciously.

"Get the hell out of here," Luo Ya said with a cold face. Since his debut, he has never suffered such a loss.

"Sir, please speak up if you have something to say," the waiter tried to persuade.

"Go away" Luo Ya's tenderness completely disappeared, only absolute coldness, with a wave of his right hand, countless shadow bats rushed out from under his feet, biting all around, the guests present were startled, looking at the coming bats, They ran outside in fear.

Soon, after the chaos, only Loya and Granville remained in the messy restaurant.

Looking at Granville with a serious expression, after Loya shook his right hand lightly, the flying bats immediately gathered and turned into the Devil-eating Shadow Sword and landed in his hand.

"You shouldn't provoke me," Loya said, and walked towards Granville step by step.

Seeing this scene, Granville's eyes were fixed, and a flicker disappeared in place. After Loya saw it, he swung his long sword fiercely, and an amazing sword light swept out, tearing the floor and directly piercing through On the ship wall in the distance, Granville's figure instantly appeared. After rolling around a few times, he covered his arms with a pale face, and blood slowly left behind.

"In front of me, is the Six Forms useful?" Loya shook his head.

"I'm from CP5, if you dare to kill me, the government won't let you go," Granville gritted his teeth.

"Really? Then I'll wait." Loya raised his sword again, and when he was about to swing it down, he suddenly frowned, only to hear the sound of gunfire.

"Pirate?" Loya murmured, slowly put down his sword, and walked towards the cut-off ship wall. After looking through it, he saw bright flames in the distance, continuous bangs, and the water surface around the cruise ship It exploded from time to time, and bursts of fear came down from the upper floor.

Loya turned his head and saw that Granville had disappeared. Looking at the huge shadow of the boat approaching, he shook his head helplessly. After a flicker, he rushed out from the cut off place.

Soon, there were bursts of rumbling sounds, and the pirate ship that was about to rob the cruise ship exploded, igniting a raging fire in the dark night, filled with fear, and after howling, everything gradually calmed down.

In the cockpit of the cruise ship that survived the disaster, a captain was surprised to see this scene with a binoculars, and said, "Hey, what's going on?

Next to a guardrail on the second floor of the cruise ship, Granville, who escaped, looked at the pirate ship that was directly sunk in front of him, gritted his silver teeth, and knew that Loya had done it, "You really deserve to be a candidate for the admiral , this kind of strength is not something I can compete with, I must leave immediately."

Looking at the lifeboat of the cruise ship not far away, Granville jumped down quickly, just after untying the rope, a funny laugh sounded.

Granville trembled, and when he looked back, he saw Loya approaching behind him.

"Where are you going?" After Luo Ya punched, Granville passed out directly.

. . . .

On the second day, on a small black boat, when Granville woke up from a coma, he jumped all over and immediately jumped up. Looking at the drinking and smiling figure in front of him, he gritted his teeth and said, "Loya!"

"Wake up," Loya said with a smile.

"What do you want to do?" Glanville glanced at the vast and boundless ocean around him, and said coldly.

After hesitating for a while, Luo Ya smiled and said, "I'm sorry, I misunderstood you."

"What?" Granville was taken aback.

Luo Ya put down the wine bottle and said, "You just treat me as a bitch, I'm talking nonsense about public toilets, don't take it to heart"

After he wiped out the pirates yesterday, he heard the Demon Devourer say that Granville is not only not a public toilet, on the contrary, it can feel that Granville is still a virgin, no wonder she reacted so strongly at that time.

Granville blushed and said in surprise, "You, how do you know?"

"You don't need to know this. There should be a small island not far from here. You can get off there later! Don't follow me, I have a bad temper, and I might change my mind," Luo Ya said.

Upon hearing this, Granville relaxed a little and asked curiously, "Where are you going?"

"You still want to inquire?" Loya laughed.

"No, I'm just curious. Why do you leave the navy with such an existence? You should know the rights of the general. Is it the navy that is bad, or what did the government do to you?" Granville looked at the bandaged arm and sat down slowly. down the road.

"Didn't you say it? I have a secret mission," Loya said.

Hearing this, Granville rolled his eyes and said: "Don't think that you are free and handsome, and the Warring States is protecting you, so you have no scruples. The higher-ups have already suspected you, otherwise I wouldn't come close to such a dangerous situation like you. figure"

"It's really boring, so many pirates don't care, why are they staring at me?" Loya shook his head.

"Loya, you can't do this. It's fine if you're just an ordinary person, but you're not. You used to be a candidate for a general. How could the government ignore such combat power! There is no real action now, because it hasn't been done yet. Be clear about the situation, and once they are clear, they will never let you go, Commander Kong, Sengoku cannot disobey the orders of the five elders," Granville said seriously.

"Five Elders" Luo Ya's complexion changed for the first time, and then he smiled and said: "The Five Elders are indeed far from something I can compete with, and the existence in Huajian is the highest that I can't touch, but with the The words of One Piece before his death, I guess the five elders will not have the heart to control me for the time being."

"What about me? You are not afraid that I will speak ill of you," Granville suddenly said seriously.

"What are you talking about me? Which taboo I, Roja, have committed now?" Loya asked back.

Granville frowned, then shook his head and smiled: "Don't be so confident, you must have your own plan when you leave, and although the strength of CP is not as good as that of the navy, it is indeed spread all over the world. If you want to be safe, you'd better hide it "

"Oh! Then tell me, how to hide it?"

"Just change your face," Granville said casually.

"How to change face?" Luo Ya said unexpectedly.

"The reason why I came out this time is because I found out that at an auction that will be held in the Goa Kingdom, there is a thing called a deformation mask, that is, the mask eats the fruit of the deformation type. As long as you wear it, it will be It can change into any shape. It is a new technology developed by Dr. Bergabank that allows inanimate things to eat devil fruits. Originally, this transformation mask has been in the research institute, but it was accidentally stolen. My task is to take it back if I can take it back after confirming it, and if not, to notify the higher-ups,” Granville said.

"I've heard of this too, but I didn't expect it to be true. It's interesting." Hearing this, Luo Ya rubbed his chin and said with a smile, "Why did you help me?"

"Just take it as gratitude that you didn't kill me," Granville said.

"You are not afraid that the higher ups will blame you"

"The higher-ups don't know, there are too many unfinished tasks in this world," Granville said indifferently.

"Haha, okay, let's go and see if the beauty can accompany you," Luo Ya invited.

"Hmph." Granville raised his head proudly, squinting and said, "That depends on your sincerity."

"Haha" Luo Ya laughed out loud.

(End of this chapter)

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