Devourer from Pirates

Chapter 153 Yan Emperor

Chapter 153 Yan Emperor
Just when Luo Ya had restored the memory of the previous Emperor Haotian and all the demons came to obstruct him, outside the universe, a billowing, infinite, gray chaos appeared in front of his eyes. From a macro perspective, a huge Incomparably, the colorful balls are constantly undulating in the airflow, this is the universe that Loya and the others live in.

But at this time, in the northeast of the universe, there was a surge of black ink-like gas, which seemed to condense into endless ghosts, demons, and endless sharp hissing sounds echoed endlessly, like ocean waves, radiating an unknown amount of light Years, hitting the light screen outside the universe.

Not long after, as a nine-storied golden pagoda full of black and yellow aura, immeasurably tall and wide, came out vigorously, the black air suddenly seemed to have encountered a nemesis, and it was difficult to make any progress. After the golden pagoda, another swaying flame Lian, a blue lotus flower, flew out, and in an instant, within a range of tens of millions of light-years, it turned into a raging sea of ​​flames. In the sea of ​​flames, endless and extremely fierce sword energy cut back and forth.

The hissing sound instantly turned into wailing, fear, and despair.

After the "bastard" shouted loudly, there was a huge wave in the chaos, and the barrier of the universe trembled a few times.

"Emperor Yan, Sword Ancestor, are you really going to break the peace treaty and start a new war for Haotian?"

Hearing this, under the nine-storey golden pagoda, three stalwart figures emerged. The one on the left had white beard and hair, holding floating dust, and a round of yin and yang Tai Chi was slowly rotating behind him, and his whole body was glowing with soft white light.

The one on the right has black hair like a waterfall, draped behind him, and a white robe reveals endless majesty. On his knees, a handle that looks like a rusty broken sword trembles slightly.

And the one in the middle, with a tall and straight body, sits on a fire lotus, with a slightly lazy smile on his face, quite indifferent, as if he doesn't have any prestige, but looking at his position, it can be seen that the three of them are standing on top of each other. The leader is really Yan Emperor Xiao Yan.

Hearing the angry voice on the other side, Xiao Yan scratched his ears, shook his head and said: "You are blind, from the beginning to the end, the three of us have not stepped out of the domain gate, but you launched an attack for no reason, to say that you broke the contract , and you come first"

boom! ! !
After a loud noise, a dark throne rushed out from the black air. There were nine thrones, all surrounded by demonic energy, covering their real bodies.

On the throne in the middle, a phantom with a condensed ax and axe said in a condensed voice: "You should be very clear that Haotian killed the prince of the demon clan back then, and the demon lord would never allow him to be resurrected. The greatest insult to the demons"

"The crown prince of the Demon Race invaded my Xuanhuang Universe back then and was defeated and killed. No matter what you say, it is still our fault. The martyrs who cooperated with our Xuanhuang Universe deserve to die." Xiao Yan's expression froze.

"Emperor Yan, you are indeed an astonishing talent. You have entered the Supreme Realm in less than three epochs, but if you think so, you can be self-righteous, and the result will only be the next Haotian." The ghost sitting in the center Next to it, a purple-like figure who looked like a magic snake said coldly.

"Haha, Purple Demon Snake Emperor, what qualifications do you have to say about me?" Xiao Yan said coldly, the two-grade golden fire lotus in his eyes turned slightly, and suddenly the body of the purple demon snake suddenly ignited. A raging golden flame.

"Ah..." After a slight wail, the billowing devilish energy whizzed out, but the devilish energy was like strong oil to the flames, it couldn't be extinguished at all, but it became more and more vigorous.

"Damn it, God's Flame has fallen!" Only after a black magic ring radiated, the flame was slowly suppressed.

"Emperor Yan, do you really want to officially start a war with my demon clan?" Seeing this scene, the ghost in the center said angrily.

"You don't want to go to war. This emperor has never flinched in his life. Let me tell you, this emperor does not need to personally intervene in the rebirth of the Emperor of Heaven, but according to the agreement, no one in the Supreme Realm is allowed to step into the Xuanhuang World. Who dares to step into the world?" One step, the emperor must burn him to the point where there is no dross left, try it if you have the guts." After Xiao Yan said in a cold voice, his body was generally dark black, glowing with streamers, shaped like a ruler, and a weapon like a sword came from behind. It floated out slowly, exuding a prestige even more terrifying than the Eastern Emperor Bell.

"Emperor Fire Eternal Ruler"

Looking at the divine soldiers that appeared, the figures of the nine statues seemed to tremble slightly, obviously a little scared.

"Emperor Yan, what a majestic prestige, it seems to make you arrogant, you probably don't even pay attention to the devil." After the sound of light footsteps, there was only a halo surrounding a person behind him. Mo Yan, dressed in a white palace attire bursting with precious light, was extremely beautiful, with a sneer on her face like a flower, she stepped on a black lotus and came in front of everyone.

"Greetings to the Holy Maiden" looked at the coming woman, and saw nine figures sitting on the throne descending one after another, standing and saluting slightly.

"Moyue" and the old Taoist on Xiao Yan's left, the former mysterious palace master, Haotian's brother Taiqing, immediately shouted coldly.

After hearing this, the woman smiled slightly, and the whole chaotic world seemed to be bright in an instant, she shook her head and said, "Senior brother, you used to call me Yao Chi."

When "Yaochi" heard this, a trace of sadness flashed in the eyes of the old man.

"Ah Choo" At this moment, Xiao Yan suddenly sneezed out of his identity, rubbed his nose with disgust, looked left and right, and said, "Why is such a big fox smelling so bad?"

Everyone was taken aback for a moment, but at this moment the woman's face turned cold instantly,
"Even what Emperor Yan said is that some people occupy the body of the Empress Dowager and really think they are the Empress Dowager, but if others don't know, whoever treats him as a person, fortunately, the Empress Dowager can be reborn, and when the Emperor of Heaven returns, they can be husband and wife One body, hand in hand" Jianzu Aotian on the right agreed meaningfully.

"Bold enough to insult our saintess"

"It was her who insulted her. What's the matter? I dare not admit it." Xiao Yan stood up suddenly, looked at the beautiful face, and said mockingly: "Although the Emperor of Heaven did not enter the Supreme Being, he was pregnant with the Three Treasures, the Eastern Emperor Bell, and the Emperor of Heaven. The sword, the list of gods, even the Supreme is not his opponent, but you can't do anything to the Emperor of Heaven, and even invaded the body of the Queen of Heaven, causing the Emperor of Heaven to leave with hatred. Today, I will wait for the three of you to come here again, and you are still showing off and pretending to be the Queen of Heaven, you Where does the face come from, where does the pride come from, you are actually just a cheap servant girl showing off your beauty, the emperor is disgusted when he sees you, if you still have a bit of face, don't come out to shame yourself."

Hearing this, the nine demon emperors were stunned, and even Taiqing and Jianzu were taken aback. It's been a long time since Emperor Yan uttered such sharp insults.

"Don't think that if you are a woman, this emperor dare not scold you. If you take off this emperor's robe, this emperor can still be a hooligan," Xiao Yan said in disbelief.

"You..." the woman flushed with anger, and waved her hand fiercely, only to see a huge black peach tree suddenly appear from behind. Above, a grand, infinite momentum swept away.

"Peach Tree" Xiao Yan's expression froze.

(End of this chapter)

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