Chapter 17

A few days later, Marine Headquarters, Marin Fand.

"Warring States, you must give the government an account of this matter"

In the spacious room, looking at the drooling phone bug, Zhan Guo slightly frowned and said, "Let's not talk about whether you have any evidence, just because Luo Ya is a rear admiral of the navy, why do you CP investigate for no reason?"

"The power of CP is given by the five elders, we have the right to investigate anyone"

"Then if that's the case, why did you come to me?" Zhan Guo said disdainfully.

"Loya is a member of the Navy. As the admiral who is about to become the admiral of the navy, you should not be responsible for the former direct supervisor of Loya?" The voice was angry.

"Since this is the case, listen to me. Loya and our navy will take care of it ourselves. He is really implementing a top-secret plan. If you have no evidence, just slander and frame the plan here and mess up the plan. I will Let you understand that the entire CP is a fart in front of our navy." Warring States became cold.

"Warring States, you..."

"If you have an opinion, go and complain to the five elders." After Zhan Guo finished speaking, he turned off the phone bug and asked curiously: "Luo Ya, why did you suddenly go to the Kingdom of Goa?"

He didn't care about CP's accusation at all. Not to mention CP5, even CP9 has no right to be arrogant in front of him. On the contrary, Luo Ya's actions made him a little curious. After Zhan Guo said, he looked outside and said, "Come here!"

A colonel and staff officer from the "Warring States General" ran in.

"Is there anything strange going on in the East China Sea recently?" Zhan Guo asked.

"Yes, according to the general's order, we pay special attention to the East China Sea. During this period, many pirate groups were inexplicably wiped out, especially a few days ago, a cruise ship was originally stopped by pirates, but only for a moment. It exploded, and all the guests and crew members on the cruise ship can testify to this incident.”

Warring States smiled slightly, and said: "This must be Luo Ya. Except for him, in the East China Sea, no navy has such overwhelming strength."

"We also think so. Major General Loya is on par with Major General Kuzan," the colonel's staff admired.

"But this kid seems a little too relaxed, go tell me General Zefa, you can give him some freedom now, but send him a telegram to give him half of the pirates that appear in the East China Sea now" Warring States Road
"Half," the colonel said in surprise.

"It's fine if I don't give him everything," Warring States scolded.

"Yes, Warring States General"

"Oh! Also, send me all the pirates that might be killed by Loya to the holy land of Mary Joa, and tell those people not to turn good people into bad people, and don't turn the navy into pirates." Warring States Seriously.


. . . . . .

A few days later, in the hotel of Goa Kingdom, looking at Granville who slowly opened his eyes, Roya said gently: "Wake up."

Granville was taken aback for a moment, and then said anxiously: "Loya, the officer knows that I have betrayed you, so go away!"

Agitated, Granville grabbed the wound, a look of pain appeared on his slightly pale pretty face

"Don't worry, don't worry, it's okay," Luo Ya said softly, then picked up a glass of water next to him and handed it over.

"It's okay." Granville was taken aback.

"Drink your saliva first, I have a gift for you later," Loya said with a smile.

After hearing this, Granville took the cup in confusion, and asked curiously, "What gift?"

Loya walked to the side with a smile, picked up a wooden box on top, and said, "You have been in a coma for seven days."

"Seven days" Granville said after being startled, "That transformation mask"

"My dignified rear admiral became a thief, if he still can't get it, then how can it be done?" Luo Ya laughed.

"Really, that's great. With this mask, others won't be able to spot you," Granville said happily.

Loya shook his head slightly and said, "I don't intend to use him."

"Why?" Granville was surprised.

"For the two of us, one mask is not enough. If they don't want to live, come on," Loya said.

"Two people." After being taken aback for a moment, Granville suddenly asked a little shyly, "What do you mean?"

"I understand everything. You received serious injuries because of me. CP5, you will definitely not be able to go back. You are an orphan, so you can only follow me for the time being. In order to show my sincerity, I will give you a present." Luo Ya Handed over the wooden box.

"What is this?" Granville took it, opened it lightly, and was shocked, "This, this...

"I thought you would throw it away in fright?" Loya sat beside him and laughed.

"This is Ludas." After Granville opened the wooden box, he saw an unbelievable human head with eyes open inside.

Rudus, the chief of CP5, Granville's immediate boss.

"That's right, it's just a CP5, I don't care about it, it's okay to come here to make trouble, what's the use of saving your life!" Luo Ya said calmly.

"But, but how did you kill him?" Granville was puzzled.

Loya smiled and said, "King Ferdis II of the Kingdom of Goa will entertain me tonight, do you want to come together?"

"Ferdis II" Granville was stunned. She felt that she had been in a coma for the past few days, and a lot of things seemed to have happened.

. . . .

At night, in the extremely luxurious and resplendent palace of the Kingdom of Goa, where the nobles were never allowed to enter, a slightly pockmarked, slightly ugly man wearing a crown looked at Granville and knelt down and said, "Great Ranville, I'm sorry, please forgive me"

"You, you are Flo," Granville said in surprise.

"Not bad" I saw that after the man pulled his face slightly, his body changed immediately. It was really Flo who was let go by Loya, and the white and almost transparent mask in his hand was a deformed mask transformed by Vegapunk.

"He will be the new king of Goa in the future." Luo Ya, who was drinking red wine next to him, said with a smile.


"I may use this Kingdom of Goa in the future, so I can only take it," Loya said casually.

"But this is too dangerous, and it is very likely to be discovered," Granville worried.

"The kingdom of Goya is so strict, who dares to offend the king, as long as Flo is more secretive and fierce, no one will find out," Loya waved his hand.

"Master is right. Although I am not used to it these days, if I am a little aggressive, the people below will immediately kneel down in fright," Flo agreed.

When "Flo" heard this, Loya stood up and said, "You are courageous and capable, so I returned the shadow and gave you a throne. You can do whatever you want as a king." , I will not bother you if I have nothing to do, but you remember clearly, I can give it to you, and I can also take it back. I, Loya, will never give people a second chance. If you dissatisfy me, then you will truly understand what pain is.”

"I understand, master, please rest assured, master, I will never let you down." Flo has seen Loya's horror these days, especially his transformation ability is useless in front of Loya, no matter how he Change, Loya can recognize it.

In fact, he didn't know that even though the appearance had changed, the taste remained the same, how could this hide the Demon Devouring Beast.

"Okay, I'll give you this phone bug. He can contact me at any time. If there is a problem, run away immediately. You are the first subordinate I recruited. Since you are willing to return to your heart, don't make any problems," Luo Ya said

"Loya, although Flo may be able to hide it, but the death of Ludas may be investigated by the higher authorities, and may even alarm the Navy headquarters," Granville reminded at this time.

"Haha, I've already been alarmed. The General of the Warring States Period just gave a long and endless list, and I will be busy in the future," Luo Ya said helplessly.

"Master, do you need help?" Flo said, he killed Ludas himself and cut off Ludas's head. Now he is in the same boat as Loya, and he can't escape anymore, but he I also figured it out, the master Loya seems to be good, not only is he strong, but he was given a king from the very beginning, which is much more comfortable than the CP5 members who are born and die every day and have no income. The ability to change lines.

"Not for the time being." Loya waved his hand and said, "We owe a favor to Granville this time. You asked Goa Kingdom Shipyard to build an ordinary but applicable sea ship. I can use it."


"That's okay, let's go," Loya waved.

"Master, why don't you stay a little longer?" Flo asked to stay.

Loya smiled, patted Flo on the shoulder, and said, "No need, just be your king and enjoy yourself. That's the same sentence, you can do whatever you want if you are obedient."

"Thank you master" Flo thanked.

"Oh, by the way, the Kingdom of Goa seems to be Lieutenant General Garp's hometown. Be careful of him. Although he dislikes this place and usually doesn't come here, he has a good nose. In addition, the four-yearly World Government Conference , you don’t want to participate, just send someone there, the strong in the Holy Land won’t joke,” Loya reminded.


"Glanville, let's go," Loya said.

"Let's go now!" At this moment, Granville suddenly felt a little bit reluctant.

"Is there anything else you need?" Loya asked curiously.

"He has become the king, so it's not that the whole of Goa can do whatever he wants. I used to pay for the clothes myself, and I didn't put my heart into it at all," Granville said yearningly like a little girl.

"Hahaha" Roya laughed loudly, and said to Flo: "Then you spend a little bit!"

"It's too simple, I'll have someone take you there later, take all the clothes, and take it as my apology," Flo said.

"That's about the same." A trace of excitement flashed across Granville's face.

(End of this chapter)

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