Devourer from Pirates

Chapter 21 Pirate Alliance

Chapter 21 Pirate Alliance (please recommend, please collect)

After a quick month.

"Have you heard? Recently in the East China Sea, there was a man named Loya who had already wiped out eight pirate groups by himself."

"It's not eight, it's nine. He wiped out the Fire Demon Hand pirates some time ago. I heard that he is a very scary pirate hunter."

"What kind of pirate hunter, your information is outdated long ago. He is in the navy, and he is a major general. According to a proud captain of the navy, he is not only a major general, but also a candidate for a general."

"Big, General"

"This, such an existence, why did it come to our East China Sea?" Surprised voices sounded continuously. In the hearts of many people, the general represents invincibility and legend.

Because of the list of the Warring States Period and the matter of Granville, Loya began to search for pirates in a targeted manner, instead of drifting randomly. Weak, so under his pursuit, as long as they do all kinds of evil, it is basically impossible to escape, and if some people go to sea for their dreams, and their crimes are not so serious, Loya will just ignore them.

And with the continuous hunting and killing of Loya, a large number of pirates in the East China Sea who have received the wind dare not stay any longer, and many even go directly towards the inverted mountain. They would rather escape into the dangerous great route than face it. Loya is like a god of death.

But soon there was news that because of Loya's horror and hunting, a group of the most powerful pirates in the East China Sea planned to form an alliance to deal with Loya. It is not known whether it is true or not.

. . . .

In the East China Sea, on an unnamed island that looks like a crescent moon, there are pirate ships floating around the island, and many pirates are patrolling the beach.

"Eleven pirates, a total of eleven, the number alone exceeds 500 people, and they will definitely be able to destroy that Loya," a young pirate wearing a hood said excitedly.

"Don't get too excited, the other party is a rear admiral, and it is said that he is a candidate for the general." A slightly calmer, older man next to him said seriously, looking into the depths of the island.

At this time, in the center of the island, under a dense coconut grove, in a solemn atmosphere, I saw a captain of the pirate group sitting in two factions, men and women, old and young. serious face.

"I'm very glad that everyone can come here today. Why? Everyone knows." In the seat of the chief seat, a middle-aged man with a bald head and a long beard, about 40 years old, who looks like a monk, is sitting there. Soft, he may not seem like a good person, but everyone present understands that he is the captain of the Ghost Pirates, Reilas, who has just been offered a reward of 300 million Baileys. He robbed more than 20 islands and died in his hands. The people here have exceeded hundreds of people.

"Of course we know this. Before Roya came, we could do whatever we wanted, but now, even the people below dare not move out at will. Even a village is afraid of Roya coming. This kind of thing must be resolved." Wearing a captain's cap, a golden hook in his left hand, and a thick red beard, Yuke, the captain of the bully pirates who offered a bounty of 900 million Baileys, said angrily.

"I don't object to the elimination of Loya, but who will be the leader? It's impossible for everyone to fight randomly." A young man with light purple hair, a turban on his head, a gorgeous golden armor, and a big cloak was arrogant. road.

"Click, do you still want to be the leader? You are only offering a reward of 700 million Baileys, and you are only 25 years old. You can come to see if you can." A woman with a spider tattoo on her shoulder and a scantily dressed woman on the opposite side said disdainfully.

The leader of the Red Widow Pirates, the poisonous spider Luna with a bounty of 800 million Baileys.

And the young man he disdains is the future overlord of the East China Sea, the captain of the Creek Pirates who was finally defeated by Luffy, but now he is not the future overlord, he has a terrible fleet, and he has just set out to sea not long ago , but even so, he quickly made a name for himself.

"Poisonous spider, how dare you tell me that?" Seeing that Luna dared to despise him, Klick instantly stood up angrily.

"You think I'm afraid of you." Luna exuded a dangerous smell.

"If you are like this, then I will join the Baiji Pirates." I saw a young man dressed in black cat skull logo captain uniform, wearing glasses, black hair, looking elegant and calm, slowly stood up , walked directly to the outside.

Seeing this scene, Leilas immediately shouted: "Crow"

The Black Cat Pirates Crowe, in the future, the pace is terrifying, the killing is amazing, because he hates being chased by the navy, and the man who is going to seize the inheritance, has a very high IQ. In his previous life, it is said that he is second only to the vice-captain of the Four Emperors Red-haired Pirates Ben Beckman, like Crick, is just a fledgling, with a reward of 700 million Baileys.

Hearing the shout, Crowe stopped slightly, pushed his eyes lightly, turned his head to look at everyone and said seriously: "Loya is an elite of the navy, a major general, a candidate for a general, since you want to deal with him , then don’t think about the status, if you want to think about it, wait until it’s eliminated, it’s useless for us to think more at this time.”

After Klick and Luna frowned, they sat down with a sideways glance.

"Crow, I've heard it a long time ago. Although you are young, you are strong and smart. What are your plans? Let's talk about it together," Leilas said.

Crowe looked at the gaze, pushed his eyes again, and said: "Just now what Klick said is good, we really need a leader. In fact, there is no need to fight for this. Captain Leylas is the oldest and has the highest reward. Naturally Let him be in charge, everyone, don't be so fussy about this title, once Loya is eliminated, everyone can do whatever they want, but if a leader fights for a long time, or even fights, then the alliance is a joke."

After hearing this, everyone was silent for a while, Yuke said: "Okay, it's settled like this, but after eliminating Loya, our Bully Pirates will leave instead of submitting to the Ghost Pirates."

"Haha" Leilas shook his head and smiled, and said: "Yuke, and everyone, do you think I will have this idea now? The reason why everyone is here is because they feel that they are not strong enough to break through the great route. To be honest, if it wasn't for Luo Ya, who would hold this party!"

"Brother Leilas takes the lead, I agree," Luna laughed.

After slightly hesitating, Klick nodded, and soon, the others agreed.

"Well, the first problem is solved, and the next thing is the most important thing, how to deal with Loya." Crowe said seriously like a military adviser.

"It goes without saying, let's go together and get rid of him," Klick said arrogantly.

"No, that would be a huge loss." A middle-aged man holding a long sword and wearing a long hat shook his head and said, galloping to the cold swordsman Deman, the leader of the Pirates, who offered a reward of 600 million Baileys.

"That's right. Loya's strength goes without saying. He wiped out nine pirates in one month, especially the Fire Demon Hand. He has a bounty of 1000 million Baileys. So in order to ensure nothing goes wrong, in addition to going all out, we also need Stay behind," Crowe said seriously.

"What do you mean?" Leilas said seriously.

"Civilians, if Luotai is powerful, we will coerce civilians to escape. Isn't the lives of civilians the most important concern of their navy?" Crowe sneered.

"This is a good idea, but where is the goal?" Luna asked curiously.

Crowe looked serious, "Rogue Town"

Everyone in "Rogge Town" focused their eyes and became serious one by one. Many of them went to sea because of the words of One Piece before his death.

"Choosing Rogge Town has several advantages. First: it is the place where the One Piece King died, and it attracts everyone's attention. Once he wins there, Loya will definitely know it. Second: Rogge Town is a place where our pirates need to make a pilgrimage. , there is a special meaning there, and it can better encourage the following. Third: there are many people in Rogge Town, and there are many Baileys. After winning it, we have gained a lot. Immediately flee to the Great Route, I think the eleven pirates can hold on even if they go to the Great Route," Crowe said seriously.

As soon as the words fell, Yuke immediately stood up and said appreciatively: "Crow, come to my ship and be the deputy captain!"

Hearing this, even with Crowe's calmness, he was stunned for a moment. Leylas glanced sideways and said, "Is this the time to pull people?"

After speaking, Leilas looked at everyone present and said, "Do you have any comments on this proposal?"

After everyone looked at each other, they shook their heads. Loya's plan was indeed perfect.

"Since this is the case, then we will occupy Rogge Town, kill Loya, and pay tribute to the great Pirate King Roger and the Great Secret Treasure." Leilasla picked up the wine glass on the table and stood up.

"Salute to One Piece" all the captains raised their glasses and shouted.

(End of this chapter)

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