Devourer from Pirates

Chapter 28 The Undersea Prison

Chapter 28 The Undersea Prison

In the evening, in the naval branch of Rogge Town, Loya and Sauro sat in an office.

"It's really thanks to you this time, Sauro, I, Loya, owe you a favor," Loya said with a smile.

"Hey hee hee, I'm not for you" Sauro laughed loudly, looking quite easy-going, without the wildness and domineering he showed during the war.

"This time they formed an alliance because of me. It seems that I killed too few people, which made them have such courage." Loya became cold.

"There will be opportunities to eliminate in the future, but Loya, what's the matter with you, why did you leave the navy suddenly, if Kuzan hadn't told me, I don't know why you stayed in the East China Sea with your strength, although there are pirates here, you also need to Protection, but it can’t affect the overall situation. You should go to the New World. Kuzan, Sakaski, and Polusalino have all passed away. I heard some time ago that our navy had a war with the bigmom pirates and suffered a lot of losses.” Sauro suddenly became serious.

"I still have something to do, but don't worry, I'm just leaving temporarily," Loya comforted with a smile.

"That's about the same, Loya, if you dare to betray the navy, we are no longer friends, although I can't beat you," Sauro said seriously.

"Haha, don't worry." Looking at Sauro who said this, if Roya didn't know, he really thought that someone else would save Robin in the future.

At this time, the door opened, and Ishit walked in, saluting: "Major General Loya, Major General Sauro, the phone number of General Warring States"

"Bring it," Loya said.


When Isite put a phone bug on the table, Loya didn't answer it directly, and said to Isite: "Go down first, take care of the wounded soldiers, and there must be no problems again."


After Ixite left, Loya answered the phone and said, "General Warring States, I'm Loya"

"Well, is Sauro there?" Sengoku's serious voice sounded.

"I'm here, Warring States General" Sauro next to him said immediately.

"What's the matter with you, why did you suddenly go to Rogge Town?" Zhan Guo asked very dissatisfied.

Loya raised his brows, and after a slight silence, Sauro said, "I'm sorry, General of the Warring States Period."

"I'm not saying that you went wrong. On the contrary, you did a good job. It is because of your early arrival that the casualties of the navy soldiers were greatly reduced, the town of Rogge was saved, and the glory of the navy was preserved. But you must inform me in advance. , you should know that your task is very important and you cannot make mistakes," Warring States said seriously.

"Yes, I understand"

"Come back to the headquarters immediately, there are new tasks for you," Zhan Guo ordered.

"Yes" Sauro replied helplessly.

"Loya, Sauro, the air commander and I will officially go to the Holy Land in a few days, and you should probably be able to guess what will happen to the navy," said Warring States.

"Haha, it seems that the general will be promoted." Luo Ya laughed at this time.

"You stinky boy" after the Warring States scolded, he said seriously: "During this time, you have made a lot of contributions, and now there are too many pirates, the headquarters plans to promote a group of lieutenant generals, and you two are also there in"

"General, oh! No, marshal, I don't need it, so as not to put pressure on you." Luo Ya was a little surprised. It is already very good that the Warring States allowed him to listen to the tune and not listen to the announcement. Lieutenant general, even general, he can have not thought.

"I know it's putting pressure on me, so I still don't get out," Zhan Guo said dissatisfied.

Luo Ya smiled slightly and said: "General, give me some more time"

After a short silence, Zhan Guo said: "I want to talk to Luo Ya alone."

"Yes" Hearing this, Sauro stood up and walked outside.

"Loya, are you a little disgusted because of the world's nobles?" When there was only Loya alone, Sengoku asked seriously.

Luo Ya raised his brows. It turned out that the higher-ups thought it was his departure. After hesitating for a while, he said: "No, protecting the saints is to stabilize the situation in the world. I understand the seriousness of this?"

"It's good that you think so. In fact, it's my fault that I was too anxious to help you to the top. You must know that you are an admiral I attach great importance to, and I don't attach enough importance to you. You must agree with your superiors. , thanks to the efforts of Commander Kong, the above has been passed. Although you have left temporarily, you have eliminated at least ten pirate groups during this time. Your results are recognized by Commander Kong. I also know that you don’t want to come back for the time being, but There must be a time, so that I can explain to my superiors," Zhan Guo said seriously.

Luo Ya's face was condensed, knowing that the Warring States was still under pressure, and said: "Marshal, my work is really hard for you, Commander Kong, Teacher Zefa, I am very grateful for your trust and tolerance, how about it! Give me For a year, I am willing to accept new tasks"

"One year" after the Warring States murmured, "Can you shorten it, there is one thing I hope you can pass as soon as possible"

Luo Ya was a little curious: "Marshal, you won't let me go to the new world?"

"Haha, you don't need to go to the new world for the time being, the situation over there has gradually stabilized, I hope you can go to the city," Warring States said seriously.

"The big prison under the sea" Luo Ya said unexpectedly.

"That's right, because of Roger, the number of pirates has increased significantly, and a large number of pirates have been taken into Jincheng. There is a lot of pressure there. In addition, the current director of the recommended city has an important matter, and he has to leave for a long time. Time, so we must send someone to stabilize the situation there, Commander Kong means to let you pass, this is because you have the strength, and doing so will also make the higher-ups feel more at ease," explained Warring States.

"Director" Luo Ya was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and said, "Marshal, why don't you let Magellan, deputy director of the city of advancement, take over?"

"Magellan is indeed excellent and powerful, but he has just been promoted to deputy director for less than a year, and he was promoted to director at this time, which is a bit too fast. In addition, his strength is slightly inferior to those of you general candidates. A little bit, so I plan to transfer you to serve as the temporary director, to help take care of it for a period of time, to train Magellan, so that he can truly become a director, and become the strongest rear gate of our naval prison." Warring States Road.

"Haha, General, you are really worrying too much." After hearing this, Luo Ya laughed.

"What do you mean?" Warring States asked puzzled.

"Others may not be clear, but I know Magellan. Regardless of his strength, will, and loyalty, there is no doubt. Now is a critical period. Don't pay too much attention to qualifications at critical times. Magellan definitely has the strength to be the director of the city." Luo Yazheng said, to be honest, after graduating from the academy, he wanted to go to the big prison on the seabed, because the big prison on the bottom of the sea held a lot of legendary pirates, some of them even had super fruit abilities, which were most suitable for him to devour, but carefully understand In the end, he gave up. Although Jinjin City seems to be independent, it has strict rules, a strict system, and a close connection with the headquarters. In it, especially the infinite hell on the sixth floor, every prisoner is in the headquarters. Those who filed the record, what abilities they have, and what mistakes they made are all clear. Once a certain person disappears, the headquarters will be shaken, and the government will immediately send special personnel to investigate carefully. Before you are afraid of anyone, rest assured that you can devour the ability, and if you go there, there is no difference from the headquarters. If you don't pay attention, the existence of the devouring beast is exposed, and you are likely to be targeted by the government's hidden superpower. It's big.

His current goal is the third fruit. This fruit is very important, not only because of strength, but also because of the advancement of the Demon Devourer.

After Zhan Guo was silent for a while, he said with some disappointment: "It seems that you really want to be a non-staff member of the navy. Since you said so, let Magellan try it."

"Marshal, wise," Loya said with a smile.

"Although I will give you another year, if there is a big war, you must participate. The other alliance that attacked Rogge Town is absolutely not allowed to let it go like this, and I will kill them all." Warring States said with a hint said angrily.

"Yes, Marshal," Loya replied.

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(End of this chapter)

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