Devourer from Pirates

Chapter 3 Rogue Town

Chapter 3 Rogue Town

The Golden Lion lost. Although he was indeed amazingly strong, he was still unable to escape defeat under the joint efforts of Garp and Sengoku, the two highest naval forces. The battle between the three of them destroyed half of Marin Fando. The Navy headquarters suffered more than 5000 casualties.

He will be imprisoned in the infinite hell of the large submarine prison. People who entered there have never come out, but only Loya knows that he will come out later.

With the arrest of the golden lion, Roger's death penalty became a foregone conclusion.

In Luoge Town, the hub of the East China Sea to the great sea route, reporters from all over the world have gathered here, and new stars who will shine brightly in the future have also come here curiously. The whole Luoge Town has fallen into a commotion. I want to see what One Piece looks like.

In the naval branch of Rogge Town, Crane looked at Loya, Sakaski, and Kuzan in front of him, and said solemnly: "The execution will be officially executed tomorrow. In order to ensure that no accidents happen, except for the two thousand soldiers in charge of security, The three of you are in charge of the three directions of the execution ground, and if there is a problem, do it immediately."


"Okay, then you can arrange it yourself! Remember, put on casual clothes," He reminded.


Not long after, in Rogge Town, Loya, dressed in black casual clothes, came to the lively circular execution ground. Looking at the execution platform that had been set up and guarded by naval soldiers, and the reporters taking pictures around him, he felt helpless. After shaking his head, he suddenly turned his head, looked at Kuzan who had been following behind, and said angrily, "Why are you following me?"

Kuzan smiled slightly, scratched his head, and said, "Why are you so out of touch, are you still angry on the boat?"

"I'm not so stingy, but the lieutenant general said, divide into three directions, you have nowhere to go!" Luo Ya said.

"The death penalty hasn't started yet, and if Roger really wanted to escape, he would have left long ago." Kuzan rubbed his nose and said indifferently.

"You're like an air conditioner, stay away from me," Loya said disgustedly.

"Isn't it better to bring an air conditioner in this weather?" Kuzan heard this, not only didn't move away, but got closer, and said with a smile: "Lieutenant General Garp said that although he doesn't like you, he recognizes you , I wish I could get closer to you"

Looking at Kuzan who looked like a sticky cake, Loya shook his head and said, "I'm going to eat something, can you come?"

"Of course, but you treat guests, money is a bit tight recently," Kuzan laughed.

"Then why not call Sakaski!" Loya said.

"Don't! He's here, it must not work here or there," Kuzan immediately stopped him.

"Haha, you are afraid of him" Luo Ya laughed.

Kuzan shook his head, frowned and said: "I just think some of his ideas are too extreme. In fact, I used to think that justice is absolute like him, without any insults, but these years I followed Lieutenant General Garp , I think something is wrong, yes, he will definitely be the best and bravest soldier in the navy in the future, but justice should not be like this, it should be treated differently according to different people and different things, and should not treat people other than yourself All justice, all vetoed, as long as it does not affect, you can make others insist on their own justice.”

Loya raised the corner of his mouth and praised: "This is lazy justice and absolute justice."

Kuzan was taken aback, touched his chin, nodded and said: "It seems to mean that, I am lazy, Sakaski is absolute, Polusalino is a bit ambiguous, but what are you? What do you think of justice? ?”

Loya smiled, "What do you think?"

Kuzan took a closer look at Loya, and said: "I think you are your own justice. Your justice depends on your heart. You think it is right, even if it is wrong, it is right. You think it is wrong. Even if it is right, you must resolutely eradicate it.”

"Haha" Luo Ya laughed loudly and said, "Do you see me that way?"

After scratching his head, Kuzan said seriously: "In fact, there is no absolute fault in justice. It is still the same sentence. Different people have different positions. As long as it does not affect the overall situation, it doesn't matter."

"It doesn't matter, what is the difference between the so-called self-righteousness and pirates, aren't you scolding me?" Luo Ya said with a cross-eyed look.

Kuzan smiled and said: "The last time you were on the boat, you were angry because of Teacher Gion and Zefa, which means that you have your own principles and bottom line in your heart. This is actually enough, and it is impossible for everyone to Like Sakalski"

Loya looked at Kuzan, who seemed lazy, but his words were full of wisdom and generosity, nodded and said: "You really deserve to be Kuzan, no wonder Lieutenant General Karp appreciates you so much, I invited you for today's meal, what do you want to eat? It will be all right"

"Just waiting for your words," Kuzan said happily, then suddenly frowned and looked into the distance.

Luo Ya also felt a powerful force coming from behind him, which is the initial ability of knowledge and domineering.

"Master, it smells so delicious!" the excited voice of the Demon Devourer sounded.

Luo Ya turned his head and saw a man at most 20 years old, with a big back, shiny hair, a long horizontal scar on his face, an earring in his right ear, and a fur coat on his body. The heroic young man appeared not far away with a group of subordinates.

"Crocodile" Loya frowned.

"He's strong," Kuzan said with a frown.

"Don't make extra trouble now. One Piece's death sentence has attracted the world. Come two powerful young men. It doesn't matter. Let's go." Loya pulled Kuzan and left with a smile.

Crocodile, who was walking, seemed to feel that someone was watching. After turning his head to look, he looked at Loya and Kuzan who had turned and left, with a trace of doubt on their faces.

"What's the matter, captain?" a subordinate next to him asked curiously.

"Nothing, let's go" Crocodile shook his head.


On the other side, the Demon Eater shouted excitedly in Loya's mind, "Master, kill him, I feel that he is much weaker than Kuzan and Sakasky, and his devil fruit is of high quality."

The corners of Luo Ya's mouth raised slightly, but he didn't answer. He led Kuzan to search for the restaurant. After searching for a while, he suddenly found a burst of noise. After walking slowly, he saw two men fighting.

"What's going on, I can't control my hand"

"Me too, get away from me

The two fighting men panicked and said words that surprised the people around them. Some well-meaning people stepped forward to dissuade them, but they were knocked down directly.

Seeing this scene, Kuzan frowned. After Loya raised his head slightly, he saw a young man with blond hair, sunglasses, and a pink feather coat on a roof not far away. With a slight movement of his fingers, he stood on it with two strange-looking subordinates, watching the two fighting with interest

"Brother Ming" Luo Ya glanced at the two men under control. One of them picked up a sharp knife from the nearby fruit stand and shook his head slightly.

"Finger Gun - Cold Hunting"

After Loya flicked his fingers, a terrifying vigor, like a real bullet with a faint light tail, instantly smashed the sharp knife that was about to be stabbed. At the same time, Kuzan disappeared beside him in a flash.

The controlling Doflamingo stared, turned his head, looked at Kuzan who was already standing not far away, smiled, and retracted his right hand, the two controlled men immediately came out, their faces pale spread out on the ground.

"You can watch the punishment, but you are not allowed to hurt the people. Once again, it means a war." After Kuzan said lightly, his whole body flashed and disappeared instantly. His speed was not much better than that of Luo Ya. .

Doflamingo immediately looked down, looked at Kuzan who had been following Loya to find the hotel, grinned and said: "Hey, it seems that the navy has also sent many young masters over this time."

"Master, this is not bad, Rogge Town is simply a big meal now." In the mind of Loya who left, the Demon Devourer said happily.

Luo Ya shook his head, Brother Ming's strength is not a joke, not long after, Luo Ya and Kuzan finally found a good restaurant, but when the two just entered, a arrogant shout sounded, "Give me Step aside"

Loya and Kuzan seem to have foreseen it, and gently stepped aside from the route, only to see a tall strange man with a huge figure, a hairstyle like onion, a devil-like appearance, two horns on his forehead, pointed ears and teeth The proud Cong passed by, and the customers in the shop all looked at him with fear.

"This is really all coming." Kuzan's eyes flickered coldly. Although he was lazy and righteous, so many dangerous people were together, which made him a little bit unbearable.

"Don't worry, we'll talk after we finish the business." Loya held Kuzan, but put his right hand on his back. After flicking it lightly, a drop of pure black ink that looked like ink fell on the demon man's clothes.

The black ink seemed to be alive. After moving slightly, it got into the gap of the clothes and disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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