Devourer from Pirates

Chapter 30 Destruction of the Six Pirates

Chapter 30 The Destruction of the Six Great Pirate Groups
On the second day after Sauro left, Rogge Town held a grand event to celebrate defeating the Pirate Alliance, and Loya also took this opportunity to let Ishit pass on the story of Sauro saving Rogge Town When going out, the common people need to know who saved them, so as to effectively establish the prestige of the navy and shape the heroes of the navy.

At the same time, Loya also interviewed some rich people in Rogge Town, mainly to obtain some subsidies for the injured and dead naval soldiers. The salary given by the Navy Headquarters is not much, so external support is needed.

Thanks to Loya's efforts and prestige, seven tycoons in Rogge Town donated a total of 500 million Baileys to thank the Navy for its contribution. At the same time, they built a medical building for the Rogge Town branch. Of course, the Navy also Will promise to give special care to their goods and stores.

When the news about the 500 million Bailey and the medical building spread, Loya's status in the hearts of the naval soldiers rose sharply, much higher than that of Sauro who actually saved Rogue Town.

Also because of this matter, Warring States sighed again, if Luo Ya is willing to return to the navy, he will have to worry less!The navy has no shortage of generals who can fight, but only such generals who have an overall view and can change the lives and temperament of soldiers.

When things after the war were basically handled properly, Loya began to wait patiently for the news of the seven escaped pirates.

After three days.

"Is the location confirmed?" This morning, Loya held a document, looked at Ixite, and said seriously.

"Yes, major general, of the eleven pirate groups that attacked Rogge Town that day, four of them were killed and captured. After the other seven left, there seemed to be a big conflict, and then they dispersed quickly. Our careful search and investigation of branches in various places, as well as the transmission of secret lines, have basically determined the location of six of them," Ishit nodded.

"Six, who is the other one?" Loya asked.

"It's the Crowe Pirates, the man who threatened Major General Sauro with Captain Penka," Ishit said angrily.

"Crow? This is indeed a pirate with a brain." Loya stood up and said indifferently: "Let's go"


. . .

On the second day, outside an island that looked like a steamed bun in the East China Sea, I saw a warship parked on the shore. At this time, the position of the bow of the ship, Ishit listened expressionlessly to the sound coming from the island. There were bursts of wailing.

"Colonel, we really don't want to help." A captain looked at the island in front of him, slightly surprised.

"No need, then Major General Loya, who is stronger than Major General Sauro, is over for the bully pirates." Ishit sneered, he came out of the headquarters, so he naturally understands how terrifying the real strong is. With the strength of Rear Admiral Loya and his status in the navy, originally only those big pirates with more than [-] million yuan and threatening the safety of the whole world were worth his shot.

As soon as the voice fell, there was a sudden violent rumbling sound, and an astonishing crescent-shaped energy that seemed to be taller than a house swept out from the depths of the island inside, and the energy cut half of the island. Not far away, a terrifying wave mark was drawn.

"This..." The soldiers on the warship looked at the wide scratches that suddenly appeared on the coast, and couldn't help opening their mouths.

"This is the real Lanjiao. It is said that although Major General Loya does not have the ability of devil fruit, his physical power value exceeds [-], and he is called a monster by the headquarters," Ishit said reverently.

"Power value" the captain asked curiously.

"That's a numerical value summarized by the headquarters for the combat effectiveness. The average soldier is only 10 at most, and my moral value is 210. The major general's combat effectiveness is almost forty times that of mine," Ishit said seriously.

"What? Forty times," the captain said in shock.

"That was half a year ago, maybe the major general is stronger now," Ishit said.

Not long after, soft footsteps sounded, figures flickered, and after the breeze blew, Loya returned to the ship with the head of the captain of the bully pirates Yuke in his left hand, and saw that the eyeballs of Yuke with the mechanical eyes had disappeared. Already, looking at the surprised navy in front of him, he said flatly: "Next"

"Yes," Ishit replied with a salute.

The warship started moving again, heading for the next target.

It was about dusk.

In a sea area, on a huge pirate ship shaped like a wooden sword, many pirates fell on the deck. At this time, the cold swordsman Deman's hands were shaking, and he looked at the man standing opposite with his cloak slightly fluttering in horror. Loya.

"Aren't you attacking Rogge Town just because of me? What's wrong, I'm right in front of you now"

Hearing this, Deman hesitated for a long time, then suddenly knelt on the ground, kowtowed and said, "Major General Loya, I was wrong, please bypass me."

Luo Ya frowned, "Fortunately, you are still called a cold swordsman. As a swordsman, you have such a backbone, you are simply embarrassing."

"Yes, yes, I don't deserve it, I don't deserve it." When Deman climbed to Loya's feet, suddenly a chill appeared in his eyes, and a dagger in his right hand came out from his cuff, stabbing fiercely at Loya's chest.

boom! !

After a soft sound, I saw that the sharp dagger was already bent, and Loya, who had already used the iron block, said disdainfully: "There are pirates like Roger the Pirate King, but there are also rubbish like you."

After finishing speaking, Loya slammed Deman's head hard with his right palm, and Deman immediately spat out a mouthful of blood, and fell to the ground with his brain burst.

The "second one" looked at the dead Deman, Loya murmured.

. . . .

Two days later, in an abandoned factory building in a town far from Rogge Town.

"Poisonous mist, it's ridiculous." Looking at the pink gas that filled the surroundings, a black light flashed, and the monster appeared on Loya's shoulder. After inhaling lightly, all the poisonous mist immediately went towards his body. It was swallowed up very quickly. Although the Demon Devourer had no attack power, it swallowed everything. The so-called poisonous gas was just food in front of him.

Looking at the pale poisonous spider Luna in the distance, Roja's figure flashed and grabbed her by the throat.

"Major General Loya, spare me, spare me, I was forced by them, I am willing to be your woman, your slave" Luna said in extreme fear.

"I didn't like killing women at first, but since you went to sea, a total of 31 men have died at your hands, and you destroyed nine families. Although you are beautiful, you are really vicious, and you can't keep it." Luo Ya gently After pinching, the poisonous spider Luna's throat was directly crushed, and her whole body went limp instantly.

"Major General" Soon, Ishit rushed in with the navy.

"Collect the corpse, don't affect the people," Luo Ya ordered.


Looking at Luo Ya who turned and left directly, the people present looked at the factory full of corpses, and discussed fiercely and excitedly.

"The major general is simply invincible"

"These pirates are really looking for death, and they even tried to provoke the major general. If the major general arrives early that day, it is estimated that none of them can escape."

"Okay, don't say any more, take all the corpses away. Although they have committed a great crime, since they are dead, we still have to give them a cemetery," Ishit ordered.

"Yes, Colonel"

Another day passed, and on this day, on the warship, Ishit took a newspaper and a letter of appointment, and respected Loya: "Major General, no! In addition, he will appoint a major general and a lieutenant general"

After Loya took a look, he saw "A New Beginning" written on the newspaper. In the picture was a Warring States man in a marshal's costume, and the text also explained that the original Admiral of the Navy, Kong, had officially entered the Holy Land and became the leader of the world government. Commander-in-Chief, a new era for the Navy has arrived.

"Has Lieutenant General Garp accepted the position of general?" Loya asked with a smile while watching.

"There is no news about this yet, but it is estimated that the possibility is not high. If Garp wanted to be a lieutenant general, he would have already done so," Ishit said with a wry smile.

"That's right, but the name of a naval hero has already surpassed that of a general. As for the general of the Warring States Period, it is a matter of course. Apart from him, there will be no second person at all. Do me a favor and send a telegram to the headquarters. Thank the government Trust, Loya will swear to the death to uphold justice, defend the world, and respect the orders of the Marshal of the Warring States Period," Loya ordered.


"Go to the next destination right away, I have other things to do, so I can't delay too long," Loya ordered.

"Yes, Lieutenant General Loya," Ishit saluted.

 Ask for recommendation, ask for collection, ask for everything


(End of this chapter)

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