Devourer from Pirates

Chapter 35 The North Sea

Chapter 35 The North Sea

After two and a half months hastily passed, the time has come to 1501 in the lunar calendar of the sea.

Loya seems to have completely disappeared in the East China Sea, and no one has seen him, but the deeds of Loya and Sauro destroying the Pirate Alliance did spread from Rogue Town and became the worship of the people in the East China Sea. hero.

In the Goa Kingdom, in the office of the chief executive, Granville was reviewing official documents. Compared to when Roya left, she seemed to be more majestic besides being beautiful, because Flo knew that Granville was in Loya. The status in his heart was far beyond his comparability. In addition to national government affairs and the like, it was more cumbersome, so he simply handed over all the rights to Granville, and enjoyed it with peace of mind.

"Chief Executive" At this moment, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in" Granville said.

"Yes..." After the door opened, a young, beautiful, graceful and slender woman in an office suit with an extraordinary temperament came in, holding a document and said: "Chief Executive, this is the first person that His Majesty the King is going to marry." The identities of the six princesses"

Granville took a careful look at it, nodded, signed a word on the document, and said, "Since there is no problem, then send an order to seal it, Shirley, and you will be responsible for it yourself."


Flo is generous, and she will not be stingy. In addition, to them, the Goa Kingdom is just a tool for them to serve Loya. As for Shirley, she is the most loyal and capable man trained by Granville. of.

"By the way, how is the training of the Brilliant Guard?" Granville asked concerned. The Brilliant Guard was formed by her some time ago. It was named after the cruise ship Splendor she and Loya met for the first time. He secretly selected people from among the poor in the garbage dump. Since then, he has been trained by his father Nagle, and even passed on his proficient shaving, but no one has learned it yet.

"Very good. In addition, they are full of gratitude to the Chief Executive. They have trained very hard. Even Uncle Nagli said that in a few months, they will definitely be of great use," Shirley replied.

"Okay, make arrangements. I'll go see them tomorrow." Granville said with satisfaction. The reason why she selected them from the garbage mountain was firstly because these people were innocent and had no records to check. How bitter it is, I know how to be grateful and loyal.


"Oh! By the way, let the kitchen prepare. Tomorrow I will cook for Dad myself," Granville ordered.

"Yes, Chief Executive," Shirley said with a smile.

"Also, what happened to the matter I asked you to check?" Granville suddenly said seriously.

"I'm sorry, Chief Executive, this Lieutenant General Gion is no small matter. All his information has been kept secret. The only thing I know is that she is now at the headquarters, and according to reliable information, this female Lieutenant General, even if she travels, is newly appointed. Admiral Warring States will arrange at least three lieutenants to protect her," Shirley said seriously.

Granville's eyes moved, "Is she a world noble?"

"No, this situation happened suddenly two years ago. It seems to have something to do with Lieutenant General Loya." Shirley said with a hint of deep meaning. It seems to be all around the vice admiral.

"Really?" Upon hearing this, Granville sneered, "It turns out that she is nothing more than that, and she also relies on Loya."

"Chief Executive, this female lieutenant admiral has a high status in the Navy headquarters. It is said that he is the younger sister of the naval chief of staff, Crane, or else..."

When she just said this, Shirley trembled all over, and after looking in surprise, she saw a dazzling purple light suddenly bursting out of Granville's eyes, and eight dreamy tails emerged from behind, vaguely uncertain.

"You told me to avoid her," Granville said coldly.

Shirley's complexion was pale at this time, and in her eyes, Granville seemed to be sitting on a golden phoenix chair, exuding an extremely majestic majesty.

"Subordinates dare not," Xue Li knelt on one knee in fright.

"No matter how many Baileys are used or how many relationships are used, keep checking for me," Granville ordered.


"I'd like to see what she got," Granville said coldly, and the vision in the room completely disappeared.

Shirley, who was kneeling on the ground, finally breathed a sigh of relief. The chief executive's ability is really getting more and more terrifying.

At this time, the phone bug on the side suddenly rang. Granville glanced at it and waved his hand: "Stand back! Give me some useful news next time."


After Shirley left, Granville answered the phone, and a respectful voice sounded immediately, "Chief Executive, this is Richard."

"Richard" Granville became more serious immediately, "How's the matter?"

"Let me tell the chief executive that we have arrived at the Kingdom of Crete in the North Sea. This time the world auction does have a devil fruit, and it is of the natural type. However, because the auction is quite large this time, many nobles from the North Sea came. , and even the king, even the Wensmoke family of North Sea sent people to participate.”

"The Vinsmoke family" Granville stared.


"Is it Vinsmoke Gage, the master of the Vinsmoke family and the king of Germa Kingdom?" Granville frowned.

"That's not true, it's a steward of the Vinsmoke family, and Vinsmoke Gage doesn't seem to be here," Richard replied.

"This is strange. The Vinsmoke family has always looked down on devil fruits. They pay more attention to technology. The high technology in the kingdom has always been the favorite thing of the kingdoms in the North Sea. How could they suddenly attack devil fruits? attention," Granville said gravely.

"My subordinates don't know, but this time Crete's World Auction is on a very large scale. Among the auctioned items, there are many very precious items."

"So that's the case. Maybe the Vinsmoke family is interested in other things. Although the Kingdom of Crete is said to be very strong, they don't seem to have the strength for such an auction," Granville asked curiously. Some people have already said that this is the era of great pirates. Although the Ketri Kingdom is the leading power in the North Sea, but with so many high-level North Sea officials and even dark people coming, it is not a problem to deter them and hold the auction smoothly. simple things.

"The chief executive is wise. The reason why the Kingdom of Crete dared to hold the meeting is not only because of the domestic gold fighters, but also because they decided to hand over [-]% of the auction revenue to the world government. Therefore, the navy headquarters specially dispatched Vice Admiral Sakaski to come. , personally guard the auction," Richard said in awe.

"Sakaski" Granville stood up abruptly.

(End of this chapter)

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