Devourer from Pirates

Chapter 38 The Statue Problem

Chapter 38 The Statue Problem
Two days later, on the main street of Rogge Town, Loya looked at the curious and suspicious eyes around him, and asked in puzzlement, "Is there any sand on my face?"

Originally, he planned to go directly to Upside Down Mountain, but because the last time the Pirate Alliance brought disaster to Rogge Town, the branch suffered a lot of losses, so he planned to take a look. After all, Rogge Town was attacked, there is His reason, but I didn't expect that after he disembarked, Rogge Town had restored its previous prosperity, but the people on the road looked at him as if they were looking at rare animals. Although he was used to being noticed, he was not wearing a military uniform now. , Such inexplicable staring made him a little uncomfortable.

Not long after, as a young man approached uncertainly, he said excitedly, "You, are you Lieutenant General Loya?"

Luo Ya was taken aback, and after a careful look, he said, "How do you know?"

"It's really Lieutenant General Loya, Lieutenant General Luoya is here!" the man shouted excitedly when he heard this.

The people around were startled and looked over one after another, and when they saw it clearly, they ran over excitedly one by one.

"Real Lieutenant General Loya"

"Lieutenant General Loya, didn't Lieutenant General Sauro come with you?"

"You are my idol"

"Thank you for saving Rogue Town"

Looking at the growing crowd and some reporters who were excited to take pictures, Luo Ya was stunned for a moment. Is he already so famous?
Seeing the turbulent scene, the momentum in his body expanded slightly, and the surrounding people were immediately moved back a few feet in surprise, Loya said softly: "Thank you, everyone, it is only natural for the navy to protect the people, but everyone is How did you recognize me?"

The navy is not a pirate, and there is a reward order. Under normal circumstances, other people just hear about the name.

"Lieutenant General, you don't know, there are statues of you and Lieutenant General Sauro in the square!"


"What?" Loya frowned.

At this time, a large number of navy arrived, and after separating the crowd, a second lieutenant said excitedly: "Vice Admiral Loya"

After Roya took a look, he said unexpectedly, "You are Belmer!"

The second lieutenant who came was actually Bermer who had met once a few months ago.

"It's me, Lieutenant General." Seeing that Loya still remembered her, Bermel said excitedly.

After Luo Ya frowned, he said, "Take me to the square immediately."

After being taken aback for a moment, Bermer nodded immediately.

Soon after, Loya came to the square, and saw two very tall and mighty statues standing in the center, the one on the left was him, and the one on the right was Sauro, and Roger's execution platform could be seen through the middle.

"Lieutenant General, this is carved for you and Lieutenant General Sauro by the people of Rogge Town after they eliminated the six pirate groups and took back their wealth."

"Bastard" However, upon hearing this, Luo Ya was not only not happy, but cursed instead.

"Ah!" Bermer was startled, they did something wrong.

. . . . .

Not long after, in the office of the branch, Ishit stood inside with a lieutenant-level officer.

"I asked you to promote Sauro, and I asked you to announce the news that the Pirate Alliance was wiped out, in order to increase the prestige of the navy and strengthen the navy's obedience to the people. Why are you erecting statues for us, flattering?" Loya tapped asked the table.

"Lieutenant General, this, this is the wish of the people," Isite said a little nervously.

"Saulo and I appreciate the kindness of the common people, but as a captain of the navy, you don't know that this is against the rules," Loya said sternly.

"Subordinates are wrong"

"What we did was to eliminate some pirates in the East China Sea. You know how much the headquarters has paid and how many casualties have been suffered during the great route in the New World. Even the Warring States Marshal, Mr. Zefa, and Lieutenant General Garp all If there is no statue, why should we have it? If you put two statues like this here, what will they think, what should the marshal do, are you helping us, or slapping Sauro in the face"

"Subordinates dare not," Isite immediately said loudly.

"Send my order to sink the two statues into the bottom of the sea immediately," Loya ordered.


"Go!" Loya waved.


"Also, connect me to the headquarters"


. . . . .

Soon, in the office room, the voice of Warring States sounded: "Luo Ya, you finally have news, where have you been these past few months, and you can't get through on the phone"

"I'm sorry General Warring States, I've been practicing for a while, and I just arrived in Rogge Town today, this time I'm here to apologize to you," Loya said apologetically.

"Apology" Warring States was surprised.

"Colonel Ishit of Rogge Town didn't know the seriousness, but he erected statues for me and Sauro. Although it was well-intentioned, it was absolutely wrong. So many brothers in the New World sacrificed their lives to stabilize the world while fighting , and we just did a little thing in the East China Sea, so we made such an exaggeration. This is fame and fortune, flattery, and it is absolutely unacceptable in our navy. I have already ordered Ishit to sink the statue into the sea immediately. "Luo Ya is ashamed.

"Haha" Hearing this, Zhan Guo laughed loudly, and praised: "Okay, good! Sure enough, it is the same Loya from before, and he is the most talented general in Zhan Guo, but I have known about this for a long time. , since it has already been carved, there is no need.”

"No, Marshal, neither you nor Lieutenant General Karp, nor Teacher Zefa, what qualifications do we have, this will affect the internal peace, if it is necessary, then unless the three of you are added," Loya said.

"You brat, we don't want to, that's fine, since I have the heart, I will listen to you, but Shen Hai is a bit too much, after all, this is the heart of the people. You are stingy, the headquarters ignores heroes, so let’s do this! Just put the statue in the navy branch and use it as an encouragement to the soldiers,” Warring States said happily.


"Don't do this, stop that, this is my order, execute it immediately," Zhan Guo said loudly.

"Yes, Marshal." Loya nodded.

After hanging up the phone, Loya said to the side: "Go and tell Ixite, let's put it in the branch!"


"Lieutenant General, drink some water." At this moment, Bermer came over with a cup of tea.

After Loya took it, he looked at the nervous expression and said with a smile: "Did I be too fierce just now?"

"No." Bermel shook his head immediately.

"Haha, by the way, why are you still in Rogge Town?" Loya asked curiously. Bermer didn't seem to be from the Rogge Town branch.

"Rogge Town is a transit point on the way to the great route. I want to catch pirates here and hone myself, so I applied," Bermel replied immediately.

Loya raised his eyebrows and came to Rogge Town. What about Nami and the others?
After thinking for a while, Luo Ya said: "With your strength, I guess it won't be of much help."

Hearing this, Bell Melton lowered his head in shame.

"There are still very few female soldiers in the navy. You have this courage, which is commendable. Let's do this! Do me a favor, and I'll give you a chance." Loya suddenly smiled. Since it is possible to change the future, it should be changed completely. .

"Please order, Lieutenant General," Bermer immediately saluted.

"I will recommend you to study at the Navy Headquarters, and you will follow Lieutenant Admiral Gion in the future," Loya ordered.

"Vice Admiral Gion" Bermer was taken aback,
"He's my girlfriend, very strong. I can't go back because of other things. How about you help me take care of her and learn from her at the same time?" Loya said with a smile.

"Girlfriend" Bermer was startled, and quickly said, "Yes, Lieutenant General, I will definitely complete the task."

"Okay." Loya smiled.

(End of this chapter)

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