Devourer from Pirates

Chapter 40 Lush Fruits

Chapter 40 Lush Fruits ([-]rd)
"That's right." Kulocas nodded heavily, with a serious expression on his face.

"That's weird, don't worry about me going back on my word." Luo Ya laughed and said, if he were, he would never be at ease with someone he met once, even if this person is a saint.

"You won't." After shaking his head confidently, Kurokas said with sharp eyes: "Although my strength is very unusual, but I am old, and I can't feel wrong from people. You give me the same feeling. Mr. Rayleigh was very similar when he was young. He was confident, unrestrained, and calm. He was not a hero, but a little more mysterious. Mr. Rayleigh was the person most admired and admired by all of us other than the captain. Mr. Lee, Roger can't be the One Piece, and we can't go that far."

"Master, this guy is domineering and knowledgeable, but it's a pity that his own ability is mediocre," the Demon Devourer suddenly said.

Luo Ya smiled slightly and said: "Since uncle is so praised, then I have nothing to say, but I would like to hear, what kind of help do you want from my navy?"

"Don't worry." Kulocas suddenly got up and walked towards a small room behind.

Loya took a sip of the coffee, and Kulocas suddenly came out with a treasure chest, put it on the table casually, and said, "You don't need to look for it, I have a devil fruit here."

"What?" Luo Ya was taken aback, and looked at the treasure chest in surprise.

"This fruit was given to me by Mr. Raleigh when we disbanded. He hoped that I would be able to protect myself in the future, but I have to take care of Rab, so I can't become a landlubber," Kulocas said.

"It smells so fragrant, master, this fruit is not simple!" the Demon Devourer excitedly said.

When Luo Ya heard this, a look of surprise flashed across his face. He went to the North Sea without hesitation, just to seek the fruit, but he didn't expect it to be so simple in front of him now.

"How about it, is this chip enough?" Kulocas said.

Luo Ya smiled, "This is indeed very important to me, but uncle even took out the gift from Pluto, it seems that the request is not simple!"

Hearing this, Kurokas stood up, looked into the distance, and sighed: "I can't help it, but only in this way may it be possible to solve it"

"Let's hear it," Loya said curiously.

"Roger, Roger's child is about to be born," Kulocas suddenly said with a hint of excitement.

Loja's eyes froze, it turned out that it was because of Ace.

"I just got a message a few days ago that the government and the headquarters are searching for Roger, the only heir. If no one helps, he will definitely not survive, but Roger is dead, and we are no longer the rampant All the pirates in the world, if we are born again because of Roger’s son, the end will only be wiped out, and this child will not be able to live a truly peaceful life.” Tears welled up in Kurokas’s eyes.

Hearing this, Luo Ya suddenly laughed and said, "Uncle, it seems that I am not qualified to take this fruit."

"No, you can." Kulocas said seriously after turning his head, "You are the Navy. If the child is in your hands, no one will doubt it, and depending on your situation, you don't have much sense of belonging to the Navy. , as long as you want, you can take this devil fruit."

Luo Ya stood up, shook his head and said: "Uncle, you misunderstood, the reason why I said I am not eligible to take it is because Roger has already made arrangements, he thinks the same as you, this child is fine"

"What?" Kulocas was startled, then suddenly reacted, and said excitedly, "Is it Karp?"

"This is what you thought of yourself, I didn't say it," Loya spread his hands.

"It turns out to be like this, it turns out to be like this." After Kulocas said excitedly, he suddenly walked to the side of the treasure chest, and when he opened it, a yellow fruit that looked like a pineapple appeared in front of him, and he said seriously: "This a lush fruit to you"

"Flourishing fruit" Luo Ya said unexpectedly. He seems to remember that this fruit is the fruit of the ability of Binz, a student who will leave with Teacher Zefa in the future. It can control nearby plants and accelerate the growth of plants. The power is not small.

"Now it's really Karp, so we can finally retire with peace of mind. Thank you for telling me the good news. I don't have any use for this fruit. I almost lost it last time. Let's make a good relationship and give it to you." Ku Locas smiled.

"I lost it." Luo Ya was slightly taken aback, could it be that this is the case, the future was obtained by Binz.

"Master, take it quickly, take it quickly, this fruit belongs to the wood type fruit, once awakened, it will be amazingly powerful." At this time, the Demon Devourer said anxiously.

After taking a breath, Luo Ya nodded and said: "Thank you, uncle, this fruit is really useful to me, so I won't refuse it, but I, Luo Ya, am not a stingy person, nor a person who likes to remember favors , the price of a devil fruit is probably more than [-] million Baileys, I know uncle, you don’t care about money, but Lieutenant General Garp can’t take care of Ace all the time, and I just know where he will go in the future”

After speaking, Luo Ya took out a backpack, took out the phone bug and placed it on the table, and dialed the number.

"Master" soon, Flo's respectful voice sounded.

"It is estimated that Garp will return in the near future. Keep an eye on me. If he brings a child back, pass orders to Granville and order the most elite men to protect the child 24 hours a day, but he must not Let him know that if something goes wrong, I will never let it go," Loya ordered.

"Yes, master," Flo immediately responded.

After the phone bug hung up, Loya looked a little surprised at Kulocas, "Uncle, there is only so much I can do, but one thing must be made clear, if this child grows up in the future and has his own ideas, If there is a disturbance, then I will not get involved, and I will even destroy it with my own hands.”

Although the devil fruit is precious, it is far from reaching the point where he can always protect Ace. In the battle on the top, he will not stand beside Ace to deal with the people he respects.

"Of course, Roger's son, I'm afraid no one else can control him when he grows up, and he will naturally depend on himself in the future," Kulocas nodded understandingly.

"Okay" Luo Ya sucked it lightly, and the treasure chest fell into his hand immediately, and said with a smile: "This time seems to be right, uncle, your historical mission has been completed, and the glory and passion have also been experienced. Good job Let’s return! Don’t be born again. Although I have temporarily left the navy, I am still called by the headquarters. Therefore, if that time really comes, even if I have the feeling of this fruit, I will not show mercy. At that time It's not what it is now"

After Kulocas laughed loudly, he said: "Don't worry, our history, from the moment the Pirates were disbanded, from the moment Roger died, is completely over, and the Roger Pirates will not appear again Even I don’t know exactly where those old partners are now.”

"That's good, I'm leaving." After Luo Ya said, the Wings of the Devourer fluttered away again, with a light leap, the whole person flew up again, and turned towards the Reversing Mountain.

Looking up at the leaving figure, Kurokas shook his head and said, "What a mysterious and terrifying young man, he seems to know everything. The future of this era of great pirates is really exciting."

(End of this chapter)

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