Chapter 44
Around noon, on the three islands of the Kingdom of Crete, Technological Island, on a street full of people, in a big shop with "tech" written on it, Loya, Sakaski, and Jonathan three People sit on a sofa.

"Three honored guests, this is the most precious weapon in our store, the flamethrower. It only takes half an hour to turn a street into ruins." A boss with a mustache pointed at the three people in Loya In front of him was a huge, black gun with energy tubes, and he proudly introduced it.

After Sakalski glanced at it, he ignored it.

Loya picked it up, and looked around with some interest.

Looking at the two no-nonsense bosses in front of him, Jonathan shook his head and said, "Boss, you are very good, how many Baileys?"

"It's not expensive, 15 Baileys," the boss said.

'15 is not expensive! "Jonathan was a little surprised.

"Sir, this is a top-notch weapon, absolutely worth the money," the boss immediately explained.

"You don't have a trigger for this gun." At this moment, Loya said suddenly.

The boss smiled slightly, and said: "It seems that this is the first time for a distinguished guest. Although our technology island sells weapons, the main thing is daily necessities. In order to ensure absolute safety, the triggers of weapons are always waiting to leave. only when it is delivered”

"Then how do I know, how is this gun?" Loya asked.

"Please don't worry about this, if something goes wrong, I will take back the original price and compensate you."

Loya smiled, "Is this weapon produced by your own factory, or did you buy it from other places?"

"Nature is what we produce"

"Where is your headquarters?" Loya asked.

"Let me answer this. All the factories are concentrated on Nine Islands, and they are managed by Leo Golden Warrior Gao Wen," Jonathan said.

"That's right, because there is no transportation fee, our weapons are definitely high-quality and cheap. If we go to other places, it will cost twice as much," the boss nodded confidently.

"This weapon is indeed good, but it's too big, and if I'm right, he can use it up to six times before it becomes useless." Loya laughed.

Hearing this, the store owner's expression changed.

"Looks like I was right"

"It turns out that the distinguished guests are experts, so I don't know what the distinguished guests want?".

"What we want is not these bluffing things. Do you have products from the Vinsmoke family here, or do you have some truly powerful products in the kingdom?" Loya asked.

The owner of the "Winsmoke Family" shop was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled wryly, "How could we have this? The Vinsmoke Family is the pride of our North Sea, and their products are directly shipped to Wanggong Island."

"Then what about your kingdom?" Loya continued.

"Our store is already the top technology of the kingdom, and it represents the kingdom," said the boss.

"This is the top technology." Luo Ya raised his eyebrows and shook his head, "Boss, you are not telling the truth. How did I hear that even more terrifying equipment seems to be produced in the kingdom?"

"No, if there is new equipment in Nine Islands, our headquarters will know about it a long time ago, unless there are technological troops in Wanggong Island, they don't go through Nine Islands."

Hearing this, Loya smiled and said, "Are there any technological troops on the palace island?"

Hearing this, the boss paused for a while, then smiled and said nothing.

After taking a look, Loya casually threw out a small black bag, "I bought this gun."

The boss took it, opened it for a closer look, and immediately revealed a trace of excitement. After looking around, he whispered: "This is a secret. About six years ago, when His Royal Highness was still a prince, he called a meeting Many top research talents entered the palace island, but they never came back. The king said that when they went to sea to study, they met pirates, and unfortunately all died. At first, some researchers’ families didn’t believe it, but then As time went by, things calmed down."

As soon as the words came out, Sakaski and Loya looked at each other.

"Didn't you even see the corpse?" Jonathan asked curiously at this moment.

"No, these people seem to have disappeared completely," the boss replied.

The corner of Loya's mouth raised, "Please, boss, pack this gun for me, we will leave later"

"it is good"

After the store owner left, Jonathan frowned and said, "There must be something wrong with the scientific research team that suddenly disappeared."

"But what exactly did the Kingdom of Crete discover?" Sakaski asked seriously.

"I really want to meet this King Bonaparte now," Loya said with a smile.

"Then let's go directly to Wanggong Island!" Just after Sakaski said, the voice of the phone bug rang.

After Jonathan took it out and took a look, he nodded slightly to Sakaski and Loya, and then walked aside. When he came back, Jonathan said seriously: "The Vinsmoke family is ready to do something, just Yesterday, they had just put pressure on the government, and the army had already begun to gather. The marshal ordered that as long as the auction goes smoothly, nothing else will be involved.”

Sakaski stared, "Looks like it's almost time."

"Haha, let's see how many hole cards the Kingdom of Crete has, and actually challenged the Vinsmoke family." Loya laughed. Don't look at the previous life. In escaping, the Vinsmoke family has made great efforts. Facing the terrifying members of the Four Emperor Pirates, they can still fight. In this North Sea, they can be said to be the real overlords.

. . . .

Not long after, when the three of them left the shop under the sound of gratitude from the boss, suddenly a man wrapped in a black robe and covering his face came here, looked at the boss and said coldly: "Those three people just bought What, what did you say?"

After the boss was stunned for a moment, he smiled and rubbed his fingers together, showing a greedy look.

After looking at it, the man in black robe casually threw a bag over.

After weighing it for a while, the boss said with a smile: "Thank you, thank you, they just now"

The boss immediately said what he said just now.

After the black-robed man finished listening, he suddenly said with a trace of anger: "How dare you betray the secret of the kingdom?"

The boss was stunned for a moment, but before he could react, a cold light flashed, and the boss had a bloodstain on his throat, and he fell down slowly in disbelief.

After looking at it, the black-robed man immediately took out a phone bug, "Scorpio, it's not good, Sakasky and the others seem to have found something? They are already tracking down the group of researchers who disappeared six years ago."

After a slight silence on the other side, an admiring voice sounded, "It's not Sakaski, he's about to find out, he probably checked it out a long time ago, it's Loya, this guy is really powerful, he touched our secret on the first day he came "

"What should I do?"

"For enemies who are temporarily unable to deal with them, we can only appease, monitor, and distract him, and let Libra go to accompany them," ordered the other side.

"Has Libra returned?" the man in black robe asked unexpectedly.

"Just came back yesterday. She has met the Joker, the covenant has been signed, and the cadres of the Don Quixote family are already on their way. This time, the Vinsmoke family must be uprooted and the Jemal Kingdom will be completely destroyed. Go to the peak," said the other side coldly.


(End of this chapter)

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