Chapter 46
Looking at the palpitating breath exuding from his whole body and feeling the fluctuations on the ground, Hof on the side was full of anxiety. Looking at Sakalski who was expressionless with his hands intertwined, he immediately asked: "Sakalski Lieutenant General, this is a misunderstanding, a misunderstanding!"

Sakaski glanced at it, shook his head and said: "I'm sorry, Loya's military position is at the same level as mine. I can't control what he wants to do. In addition, you will have too many dangerous people in this auction. Why don't you clean up"

"This, this..." Hof became anxious.

Looking at the surprised three Simon brothers in front, Loya raised his right hand slightly, and said coldly: "The lush land, the planting world has come."

After finishing speaking, there was a rumbling sound. On the vast Wanggong Island, a large number of trees and flowers began to grow crazily one by one. Soon the height surpassed all the buildings, and the sky seemed to be covered by greenery.

"Oh yeah, is this the strength of the future admiral?"

In a tall building, a tall and strong man with a beard and dressed like a monk looked at the spectacular scene in front of him and said excitedly and admiringly.

"Master Bretta, what should we do now?" Several subordinates next to him worried.

Bretta shook her head, "It seems that the three Simon brothers have really offended them."

. . . .

"Godfather Woolley, it was Loya who made the move"

In another room not far away, after a man in a suit rushed in in surprise, a middle-aged man with a hat, a cigar in his mouth, a coat, a scar on his left face, and fierce eyes After concentrating his eyes, he stood up and said, "Follow me"


Just after the group walked out of the gate, they felt that the ground was shaking. They saw thick tree roots suddenly breaking through the ground and climbing continuously. Looking at such a drastic change, Wu Li held on to the gate, gritted his teeth and said: "What does Luo Ya want to do? Do you want to wipe out all the forces in our North Sea?"

. . . .

"Master Richard, be careful!" In an independent villa, a big tree suddenly rushed out from the floor of the house, and a guard hurriedly took a man in his fifties with short blue hair and eyes The shocked man leaped away.

"What, what's going on here?" Richard, who was ordered by Granville to buy the fruit, was surprised.

"Lord Richard." When the door opened, a tall man who looked like a chief guard rushed in. Seeing the big tree that had broken through the roof, he ran over quickly and picked up Richard on his back. , "My lord, I just heard that someone seems to have offended Lieutenant General Loya, let's go quickly"

"Lieutenant General Loya" Richard was taken aback for a moment, and he was afraid and puzzled: "Isn't Lieutenant General Luoya in our East China Sea?"

"I don't know, but I have to leave here now, the house is probably going to collapse soon"

. . .

In the center of the island, in the magnificent Crete Palace, on the edge of a circular window sill, there is a middle-aged man with a big orange back, a crown, a gorgeous gown, and a majestic gaze. Looking at the drastic changes in Wanggong Island, he shook his head slightly and said, "Did you see it? This is the strength of the government"

"The navy possesses a terrifying combat power that can easily destroy any country, and it also possesses the foundation of fearlessness."

"So I said, don't try to provoke them now, we are still far away"

"His Royal Highness, Marshal Warring States' call has been connected." At this moment, a man in a suit hurried over.

"Hello, Marshal of the Warring States Period, I am Bonaparte!" The man said in a deep voice. He was the ruler of the Kingdom of Crete, King Bonaparte.

. . . . . .

At this time, in front of Luo Ya, the three Simon brothers, looking at the huge and swaying trees, flowers and plants around them, drew out their swords in horror.

After Luo Ya stretched out his right hand lightly, countless branches and vines surged out immediately, like vicious poisonous snakes, innumerable.

"Be careful!" After the three brothers shouted, they immediately waved their swords and slashed continuously, but there were too many branches and vines, and soon the three of them, together with the subordinates behind them, were all tied up , One by one, they were pulled up to the sky.

"A trash-like existence dares to yell in front of me, Luo Ya." After Luo Ya said coldly, he suddenly looked around and said in a majestic voice: "And you, how dare you spy on me, Luo Ya?"

"not good"

"Go quickly"

After one after another exclamation, many people insinuated, but they were quickly restrained by vines and trees. A fierce battle seemed to erupt at this moment. Under his control, all the trees seemed to be given life. Soon, in the sky, apart from the three Simon brothers, a master from various parties who came to participate in the world auction was tied up there, calling for help loudly.

"Lieutenant General, don't be impulsive!" Jonathan looked anxiously, if he killed all these people like this, it would be difficult to explain to the superiors!

"Nine Stars Burst"

At this moment, a man wearing golden armor, handsome and extraordinary, with bright eyes and white hair suddenly appeared in the sky. He was holding a gorgeous golden bow in his hand, following him After pulling hard, the extremely sharp lightsabers shot out one after another, and the vines that bound everyone in the sky were cut in half.

"Coming," Sakalski murmured.

The corner of Luo Ya's mouth raised, and his right hand lightly pushed back. Under the feet of the man holding the bow, dense vines and branches surged out, and they rushed towards him.


A terrible sound wave suddenly sounded, and a powerful storm wave hit from afar, like an energy wave, it shattered a large number of plants in an instant.

Another warrior dressed in gold came, with a rough face, fluttering red hair, and a strong aura exuding from his body, like a great army.

"Haha, good." Luo Ya laughed, and after pressing his hands together, "Plant World-Wood Dragon Art"

I saw that after the earth shook again, the trees, flowers and other plants, after shaking violently, suddenly gathered together, and instantly two huge wooden dragons came out of the sky, and the two golden fighters who arrived couldn't dodge in time, and were instantly spit out blood The blow flew out.

"Twin Swords"

The figure flashed, and two more golden fighters rushed out. The two seemed to be exactly the same as the Simon brothers. They stood in front of the lion man and the archer man respectively, but their hands were not swords, but two sharp knives. The sharp knife in his hand seemed to be equipped with a motor. After a few quick cuts, the wooden dragon was chopped into several sections.

"Four? It's too few." After Luo Ya laughed, just when he was about to continue exerting his strength, suddenly an object was thrown from a distant place.

After Loya caught it casually, a man with an ordinary appearance but deep eyes and a tattoo like a poppy flower on his forehead came to Loya, and said respectfully: "The chief guard of the palace, Scorpio Golden Warrior Bo Liu, see Lieutenant General Loya"

After Luo Ya glanced at it, he opened his palm, only to see a phone bug appearing in front of him, just after picking it up.

"Loya..." Warring States' serious voice sounded.

(End of this chapter)

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