Devourer from Pirates

Chapter 50 Jonathan Has an Accident

Chapter 50 Jonathan Has an Accident
After hearing the excitement in the words on the other side, Sakaski stood up and walked outside with interest.

After seeing it, Luo Ya smiled slightly and said, "It's so late, so I didn't bother you?"

"No, I've been waiting for your contact," Kong Ming said excitedly.

Luo Ya nodded and said, "Kong Ming, I'm glad you still trust me."

"Lieutenant General, no matter what time it is, as long as it is your order, we will not hesitate to do so," Kong Ming said firmly.

"Okay" Luo Ya said after being a little moved, "How are you brothers recently?"

"Everything is fine, only Bastiyu was punished a little while ago, but it has calmed down," Kong Ming said.

"What's wrong with him?" Luo Ya frowned.

Bastiyu is the future lieutenant general who was crushed by Sabo's armed domineering dragon claws. He was one of the most obedient thugs in school back then.

"It's like this. Because of the sudden departure of the lieutenant general, there were some rumors in the headquarters. Some time ago, Stieres blatantly attacked the lieutenant general at the high-level meeting of the generals of the headquarters. Bastiyu was there at the time, and the two immediately quarreled. , and even almost made a move," Kong Ming said seriously.

"Stieres" Loya murmured softly, "He seems to be Kuzan's subordinate!"

"Yes, so this matter directly led to the quarrel between our second and third students, but it seems that Lieutenant General Kuzan called back from the New World later, and the matter gradually subsided," Kong Ming said in a low voice.

"Hahaha" Luo Ya laughed loudly and said, "Do you think this matter has something to do with Kuzan?"

"The subordinates feel that Lieutenant General Kuzan is not such a person," Kong Ming said.

"That's right, Kuzan is generous and not greedy for authority. He would rather fight me for three days and three nights than use such methods. Shi Tieresi is a relatively fair man, and he just became a general. He is probably just telling the truth, you tell Bastiyu to let him calm down, I will go back and have a look when I have time."

"Yes, lieutenant general," Kong Ming replied.

After a little hesitation, Luo Ya said: "That,,"

"Does Lieutenant General want to ask Lieutenant General Gion?" Kong Ming laughed immediately.

"Kong Ming also knows me," Luo Ya praised.

"The lieutenant general is overwhelmed. Lieutenant general Gion is fine now. Since the lieutenant general left, many things that our brothers in the second term couldn't handle well will be handled by lieutenant general Gion. The matter of Bastiyu, only Lieutenant General Yuan also talked with Lieutenant General Kuzan on the phone. In addition, the Belmer that Lieutenant General arranged to come back has also been placed. Lieutenant General Gion loves her very much," Kong Ming said.

"Okay." After Luo Ya nodded in satisfaction, he said, "It's not too early, you should go to bed early."

"Lieutenant General, is there anything else?" Kong Ming said unexpectedly when he heard this.

After being stunned for a moment, Loya patted his head and said: "I almost forgot the business while talking with you. I have someone here, or a friend of Sakaski, who plans to arrange it in the naval logistics. You can see if there is any no suitable location”

"Lieutenant General, please wait a moment." After flipping through Kong Ming's side for a while, he said, "Lieutenant General, yes, there is currently a shortage of financial personnel, a head nurse is missing in the medical center, and the news department of our Navy Headquarters is also missing." One less contributor”

Loya nodded lightly, and when he was about to speak, there was a sudden knock on the door, "Lieutenant General Luoya, Lieutenant General Luoya"

After Luo Ya was taken aback, a red light flashed, and the Devourer suddenly appeared in front of his eyes, and said seriously: "Master, it's not good, something happened to Jonathan."

"What?" Loya stood up abruptly.

. . . . .

Not long after, in a bedroom, Jonathan was lying on the bed. He seemed to have fainted, and his face still had a look of pain.

"What's going on here?" Sakaski asked with a cold face standing beside the bed. Jonathan was one of his best friends.

"Lieutenant General Sakaski, we don't know, when we were patrolling today, we found Major General Jonathan in a jungle. Brought it back," a palace guard next to him replied anxiously.

"Didn't Jonathan come back with you?" Hearing this, Sakaski turned his head to look at Loya. He didn't notice whether Jonathan came back because of Nao's affairs.

"He said he wanted to get rid of the alcohol and see the night view of Wanggong Island." After Luo Ya shook his head, he was already communicating urgently with the Devouring Beast in his mind, "What's going on?"

"Master, fortunately you let me check the underground base of the Palace Island. On the way, I smelled a decaying smell. After I ran over, I ran into Jonathan. At that time, a terrible black mist was about to Devouring his body, if it weren't for my two demon-devouring lights, he would probably be finished," the monster said seriously.

"Black mist" Luo Ya said solemnly.

"That's right, master, that black mist seems to be some kind of remnant spirit," the Demon Devourer said seriously.

"Remnant spirit" Luo Ya asked curiously.

"It's the elves that remain after some people die, that is, the soul," Demon Devourer explained.

Hearing this, "Soul" reminded Loya of Brook's fruit of the underworld.

"Is it the devil fruit ability?" Loya asked.

"I'm not sure, but it's very possible, but master, don't worry, this kind of low-level disabled spirit only has mental power. If he didn't escape quickly this time, I would swallow him in one gulp," the Devourer said eagerly.

Loya stared, "Then why did he attack Jonathan?"

"It is estimated that Jonathan discovered something, so I have to silence it"

"He won't be in danger!"

"Master, don't worry, he just lost part of his mental power, and he will recover in a few days. However, master, if there is no external cultivation method, the residual spirit cannot survive for a long time. If my guess is right, the next time of this kingdom Inside, there will definitely be big changes.”

"Big change" after Loya murmured, Sakaski had already ordered: "I want to see your king immediately."


. . . .

But at this time, in the depths of the ground, in a huge base, in a secret bedroom, after bursts of painful sounds, two beautiful maids with gray complexions and white eyes lie there.

At this moment, beside them, the figure of King Bonaparte emerged. His eyes were closed, and he exuded a cold-blooded aura, without the kindness and generosity at the dinner party.

When he slowly opened his eyes, he said with deep fear on his face, "What is that, it was almost swallowed?"

After Bonaparte swallowed, he said nervously, "Why didn't you find out before?"

After thinking for a while, Bonaparte's eyes trembled, "It's Loya, it's him, he just appeared when he came."

"Such an existence will definitely destroy my plan, and my body can't last much longer."

"How to do how to do?"

After a change of complexion, King Bonaparte's complexion changed. He picked up the phone next to him and said, "Scorpio, call Nao, who took Sakaski away tomorrow, and I want to talk to her about her father."

"Yes, Your Highness"

"Loya must not be allowed to have time to interfere with the affairs of my Kingdom of Crete, and no one can take away my kingdom and my wealth." After gritting his teeth, Bonaparte said seriously: "It seems that the auction cannot be delayed any longer. "

(End of this chapter)

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