Devourer from Pirates

Chapter 52 1 Days 1 Nights

Chapter 52

Palauli Island.

Loya looked at Sakaski on the opposite side, and after a slight movement of his eyes, he said loudly: "Is your brain blocked by magma?"

"Killing for life is justified," Sakaski said coldly, only to hear that his right fist had turned fiery red, and billowing black smoke rose out.

"It seems that no matter how much I tell you, it's all nonsense." After Luo Ya shook his head, he stepped on his right foot slightly as he was on the palace island that day, and the ground shook instantly, and vigorous trees fell from the ground. They grew out one after another, and soon, there was a lush sea of ​​trees in the middle of the island.

Loya pointed lightly with his right hand, and saw more than a dozen thick vines bursting out near Sakalski, like poisonous snakes, and instantly Sakalski wrapped himself up.

"Loya, your abilities are useless to me"

After the haughty voice, the inside of the vines that bound Sakaski suddenly burst into red light, and after an explosion with a bang, terrible magma shot out of it like cannonballs, towards Loya's body. Kill the sea of ​​trees.

Luo Ya frowned, and lightly pressed his palm on a big tree in front of him. In an instant, the branches of the surrounding trees seemed to come to life, like a horse whip, constantly twitching rapidly, and in the sky, bright sparks appeared from time to time. burst.

Although the magma was shattered, the remnants still ignited raging fires all over the sea of ​​trees.

"Big fire" At this moment, after Sakalski yelled in a cold voice, a fiery red magma fist that seemed to be the size of a battleship swept from a distance. The terrifying power instantly destroyed all the blocking trees.

After Loya's eyes were fixed, he flashed slightly, and the whole person came to the sky. After the violent explosion, the sea of ​​trees under his feet had turned into a billowing magma ocean.

"Are you serious?" Loya said seriously, looking at Sakaski with no expression in front of him.

"You're scared." Sakaski sneered, seeing that the magma ocean shone with light, and suddenly a series of volcanic bombs rushed out of it, hitting Loya in the air.

Luo Ya's complexion sank, and after clenching his fist, he yelled loudly, and suddenly an astonishing force swept out from his body, and the volcanic bombs shot were directly shaken back by the air wave, and his right hand slammed With a flick, the domineering Devil-eating Qingtian Halberd was held in his hand.

After Sakaski glanced at it unexpectedly, Loya said seriously: "We have never really fought, so let's fight to the death today."

With a flicker, Loya came to Sakaski at an astonishing speed. After slashing heavily with the Celestial Halberd, Sakaski turned pale and immediately dodged away. The halberd hit the ground immediately, and after a layer of ripples , pieces of the ground exploded, and terrifying air waves radiated out.

Sakaski, who jumped a few times in the air, stabilized his body, with a hint of excitement on his face, "Loya, come on!"

The two fought hand to hand in an instant, you come and go.

Sakaski's hands turned into scorching magma, continuously lasing with astonishing destructive power.

The halberd in Luo Ya's hand seemed to turn into a roaring black dragon, and the powerful halberd burst out from time to time.

The battle between the two gradually intensified, making the whole island seem to tremble.

Outside the island, in the vibrating ocean, on a huge warship, Major Cass looked at the exploding magma in the island, and shouted anxiously, "Lieutenant General Garp, where are you going?"

"Kar, Lieutenant General Karp and the others seem to have just entered the windless zone," said a soldier with a pale face.


At this time, there was a sound of jumping through the air, Cass looked up suspiciously, and said in surprise: "Doflamingo"

I saw Doflamingo flying to the shore of the island at an astonishing speed as if he was stepping on illusory silk threads. Looking at the shaking island, he grinned and said, "Heh heh, is it a duel between future generals?"

After speaking, he rushed in.

"Stop!" Cass shouted anxiously, but how could Doflamingo care about him.

However, just as Doflamingo was about to go in, a sudden gust of wind came, and when a figure flashed, a tall man wrapped in a green military robe led several people to block in front of Doflamingo.

"You are?" Doflamingo stared.

"No one is allowed to get involved in this war." The man raised his head and revealed Dorag's resolute face. He didn't know why he was here, and he didn't know why he wanted to stop it.

After Doflamingo's eyes turned cold, he laughed again, "I didn't expect Beihai to have such a strong person like you."

"I'm not Beihai, and I won't affect you," Drago shook his head.

As soon as the words were finished, a huge halberd suddenly shot out from the depths of the island. Drago and Doflamingo's expressions changed, and they all dodged away. ,
After seeing it, Doflamingo sneered, "Is this a warning?"

Drago looked at the shaking island with a hint of expectation in his eyes.

The thrilling battle between Loya and Sakaski continued from day to night, and from night to day, for a whole day and night without stopping.

In the early morning of the second day, more and more forces from all sides of the North Sea came to watch the battle, and Doflamingo, who had been watching outside, was already serious.

At this time, Palauli Island has been divided into two distinct parts. The peninsula on the left seems to have become a sea of ​​magma, while the right is indeed a forest, which is extremely lush.

"The strength is so strong." After Doflamingo frowned and muttered, the phone buzzer suddenly rang.

After Doflamingo took it, a serious voice sounded, "Dover, the auction is about to start, and the Vinsmoke family has already dispatched."

"I see." After Doflamingo glanced again, he suddenly turned and left. After Duo LaGe took a look, he ignored it.

. . .

In the royal palace of the Kingdom of Crete, King Bonaparte looked at the dark screen. From the time of the official battle between Loya and Sakaski, the camera phone bug was quickly destroyed.

"Your Highness, they are still fighting. Many people have seen it, and it is estimated that Palauli Island will not be able to survive." An official ran in and reported nervously.

"Haha, I guessed it a long time ago. Judging from their posture, I guess they are really going to die." After Bonaparte said excitedly, he stood up and came to the window, and said seriously: "Boliu and the others are ready?" ?”

"Already prepared"

"Okay." Bonaparte tidied up his clothes and said excitedly, "The auction is about to start, and I'm going to preside over it myself."


"Oh! I keep my word. Since Naiyang is willing to sacrifice for the kingdom, let his father go!" Bonaparte laughed.


Not long after, at a port on Wanggong Island, a middle-aged man with a haggard complexion took a group of family members onto an ordinary sea boat.

When the ship was not far from the island, the door of the cabin opened, and an excited figure rushed out, hugged the middle-aged man, and said in tears, "Father"

"elder sister"


There was a sound of surprise, and after a closer look, it turned out to be Nao, who everyone thought was dead.

"Miss Nao, it's not time to be happy yet. The Lieutenant General and the others want to see what King Bonaparte wants to do. In addition, the Vinsmoke family will call soon, and we must leave as soon as possible." A crew member said calmly.

"Thank you, Colonel Roberts," Nao said emotionally.

"Miss Nao, you're welcome, all of this was arranged by the lieutenant general." Roberts smiled slightly.

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(End of this chapter)

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