Devourer from Pirates

Chapter 62 Navy Xeon 1 Generation

Chapter 62 Navy Xeon Generation

With the arrival of Karp, the war finally subsided, but the impact it brought was indeed amazing
The destruction of Palauli Island, the grandeur of the world auction, the attack of the Vinsmoke family, the loss of one-third of the people in the Kingdom of Crete, the madness of King Bonaparte, and the ruins of the Palace Island, all this Each case, one after another, was quickly spread all over the world with the communication pigeons and the reporters frantically coming from all over the world, and the protagonists of these events, the names of Loya and Sakaski, were also thoroughly resounded. world.

Three days after the incident ended, with the violent repercussions from all over the world, in order to frighten the pirates all over the world, the Warring States announced to the world that there is no so-called era of great pirates, only the Xeon generation of the navy.

Loya, Sakaski, Kuzan, Polusalino, and Gion are the fifth lieutenant generals of the Xeon generation.

Once this declaration was made, the heavens and the earth suddenly fell into a greater boiling, and the Navy's Xeon generation became synonymous with the invincibility of the Navy Headquarters.

In the Goa Kingdom in the East China Sea, Granville looked at the newspaper in his hand with a hint of excitement on his face.

"This is the master's strength! An island has been destroyed, it's no wonder it's the Xeon generation." Standing beside him, Flo admired.

Granville smiled, "This is his strength, and I guess he still has reservations?"

"The master ranks first among the five generals of the Xeon generation, which is exciting, but if the swamp fruit is eaten by Auster, will it be a problem?" Flo frowned.

"It's okay, I asked about this before the auction started, and I called again yesterday. Loya said that since Oster has this luck, the fruit ability will be given to him. My colleagues asked us to promote him as Chief of the Palace Guard," Granville said.

"The master is kind, but you and I both know that this is a natural fruit. If you don't control it well, there may be troubles. After all, the master may not come back in a short time," Flo said seriously.

"You don't worry too much. I know Oster's character very well. Since I dare to let him eat, I have absolute confidence in him. In addition, the father has spoken, and tomorrow he will teach us how to learn domineering. If we don't have complete control Before, he would guard it himself," Granville said.

"Uncle Nagle? Then it's all right." Flo immediately felt relieved when he heard this.

"Flo, in order to collect the [-] million Baileys this time, the treasury is very empty. I think it's time to start planning. The search for devil fruits must not stop, and money comes first," Granville said earnestly.

"Just do it, I'll sign," Flo said.

"Okay." Granville nodded heavily.

. . . .

On the other side, in the middle of the great route, on an island like an oven, full of fire and heat, Mihawk stepped on the steaming ground, read it carefully with a newspaper, and said with a smile: "So There will be a big commotion soon, and the Xeon generation is interesting.”

"It seems that you are getting stronger and stronger." After Mihawk said, he looked at a huge mountain that was spewing magma in front of him, and said with a trace of expectation in his eyes: "Whether you can challenge Xeon or not depends on here"

At this moment, there was a piercing sharp sound, and Mihawk turned his head to look, and saw many fiery red beasts that looked like tigers and leopards appearing in front of him, staring at him with cold eyes.

"This great route really has everything weird and weird." After Mihawk shook his head and said, the flaming cheetah immediately rushed towards him frantically.

After Mihawk glanced at it, he stepped on his right leg lightly, and in an instant, amazing sword energy swept out, and a large number of flame leopards were beheaded on the spot, and he couldn't even get close to him.

Seeing the instinctive fear of the remaining ones, Mihawk shook his head and said, "Don't stop me, it has been waiting for me for too long."

After speaking, Mihawk gradually entered the volcano.

. . . . . .

The next day, on the Chambord Islands, on a pirate ship with a membrane and a skeleton pirate flag with pink wings and a foil sword, I saw a sand crocodile that has attracted the attention of the headquarters and has a reward of 8000 million Baileys. After reading the newspaper for a long time, Crocodile said with a sneer, "Is it the Xeon generation of the navy? I didn't expect such a big event to happen in Beihai."

"The five of them are probably the most powerful existence of the young generation of the navy, the future generals," a tall, muscular man with thick hair and firm eyes said seriously.

Crocodile looked at the photos of Loya and Sakaski in the newspaper, raised the corner of his mouth, and said, "Isn't this more interesting?"

"We will soon enter the new world, with such a strong combat power, the Navy Headquarters may transfer them there"

"It doesn't matter." Crocodile threw the newspaper on the ground, stood up, and said with a firm face, "Bonis, my goal is Whitebeard."

The man next to him is really future Baroque Works MR1 ​​Daz Bowness.

When Bonnies heard this, his eyes froze, "Are you really not thinking about it? That's Whitebeard. If you choose such a terrifying existence from the beginning, something might go wrong."

"You think I will fail?" Crocodile's eyes immediately showed a chill.

"No, you are invincible, and I will always follow," Bowness replied calmly.

"That's fine." After hearing this, Crocodile said loudly: "Full speed ahead, New World"


"I will cut off Whitebeard's head with my own hands and become the strongest pirate in the world," Crocodile said proudly.

Bowness frowned, a trace of worry crossed his face.

. . . .

And just when the reputation of Loya, Sakaski, and the Xeon generation of the navy became more and more famous, Mary Joya of the Holy Land was in the middle.

Wearing a marshal's costume, Zhan Guo stepped into a circular hall with a serious face, and the five old men sitting in it looked at him seriously.

"Crazy Kaido, he has destroyed the three kingdoms in a short period of time. He has completely provoked the bottom line of the entire government. Take it down." After one of the people's angry voice sounded, the hall seemed to tremble slightly.

"I've let Kuzan and Polusalino pass," Sengoku replied.

"Very well, the Xeon generation of the Navy, except that Gion can't be dispatched at will, it's time for the world to see the edge"

"Five elders rest assured"

. . .

Two days later, the new world.

On an island that seemed to be completely destroyed and was full of ruins, many naval soldiers looked ahead in fear.

"Where's the Navy's Xeon generation? Let them come over"

After the domineering voice sounded, a terrifying wave of air swept across the entire island. Among the dust, there was a tall and burly man with black hair draped over his shoulders, a pair of horns, and a beard as long as a dragon's beard on his mouth. , with a dragon scale tattoo on his left arm.The upper body is naked, with a cross scar on the right abdomen, a purple jacket hanging around the waist, two gold chains hanging from the bottom of the jacket, and a Shimenawa tied around the waist, like an ancient demon god, standing proudly in the center of the island.

"Kaido," a major general who fell to the ground, was full of anger, but the sweat that appeared on his forehead due to fear and weakness was clearly visible.

"If no one can kill me, I will destroy this world" Kaido announced loudly.

At this time, a warship came from afar, and I saw Kuzan and Polusalino standing on it with their hands in their pockets.

"This guy really treats the two of us as a display," Kuzan said coldly.

"It's so scary." After taking a look at the situation on the island, Polusalino seemed to be in a difficult tone, but his whole body turned into a bright beam of light and headed towards the island. Soon, a huge explosion exploded with Kaido as the center. It seemed that the entire island was about to be destroyed.

Kuzan looked at the astonishing wind and waves, shook his head and smiled, and the figure disappeared in a flash, leaving only a pinch of ice behind.

 Ask for collection, ask for recommendation, ask for everything


(End of this chapter)

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