Devourer from Pirates

Chapter 67 The gluttonous beast

Chapter 67 The gluttonous beast

"Tell me, what's wrong with Harley?" After entering the cabin, Loya sat on the sofa and lit a cigarette.

"It seems you still remember," Kuzan laughed.

"He was brought back by me, why can't I remember, did he get into trouble?" Loya asked.

"That's not true. He is better than anyone else. Although his aptitude is mediocre, he is one of the best in the academy for his hard work. Teacher Zefa is also very satisfied with him, and he only pays more attention to him than Smoker, who has the ability of natural fruits. Down" Kuzan sat aside and said.

"That's a good thing," Loya said with relief.

"Don't be too happy, I haven't finished yet. Although Harley worked hard, his personality was a little impulsive. Just a month ago, the teacher of the academy took a group of their students to practice outside, and accidentally ran into someone from the world's nobles. Hai Chuan, you also know the character of the nobles of the world, Harley came from a small place, did not understand the seriousness of this, and openly provoked the nobles of the world," Kuzan said seriously.

Loya frowned, "How is he?"

"Don't worry, although there is a lot of pressure from above, because you recommended him, Teacher Zefa personally went to the Holy Land to protect him. However, although the Holy Land agreed, he is not allowed to stay in the academy. Arranged in a health team in the headquarters, this incident hit him hard, especially in terms of thinking, there was a lot of problems, I went to see, if it continues like this, he may go the wrong way." Kuzan Seriously.

Luo Ya's expression froze, and he said: "The child made a mistake, why is it so serious? It's true that those who don't know don't blame him. He is only so old. If he is kicked out of the academy and let him work as a hygienist, that is tantamount to abolishing him. In the future, you and I both know how different the college students are from ordinary soldiers in the headquarters. Naturally, he cannot accept such a psychological gap."

"That's why Teacher Zefa hopes that you can persuade him to let him go back when the limelight comes over," Kuzan said.

After a little hesitation, Loya nodded and said, "I'll talk to him when O'Hara's matter is over."

"it is good"

. . . .

However, at this moment, in Marine Vanduo, in the headquarters of the Navy, Harley, who seemed to be a little stronger with a cropped cut, was sitting on the shore with a broom. It was gloomy.

"Colonel, why don't you stop them"

"They are the nobles of the world and have all the privileges, Harley, don't be impulsive"

"They are killing people indiscriminately. One of the sisters is pregnant. As a navy, how can we face such a thing and ignore it?"

"I'm sorry, Harley, you have to leave for a while"

"President Zeyuan, is this the justice of the navy? If so, then it is no wonder that the general will leave"

"Shut up, Harley"

"I was wrong. If you have power, you can do whatever you want. They are more hated than pirates. If our efforts are to protect such scum, I would rather not learn."

After thinking of this, Harley clenched his fists with a look of unwillingness on his face.

"Are you very angry and dissatisfied?" At this moment, a sudden voice sounded, which seemed to be filled with endless coldness.

"you shut up"

"Why are you still resisting? Oh! I know, you are waiting for Loya to come back, and you are waiting for him to uphold justice, right?"

"Lieutenant General Luo Ya will never allow such a thing"

"Hehe.. What a simple child. You think too highly of this guy named Luo Ya. I have some news. I found out about the store by accident. Do you want to hear it?"

"I don't want to," Harley gritted his teeth.

"Hey, the most respected Lieutenant General Loya in your heart is now destroying an island for the person you hate the most, killing all the people on the island. He is not as great as you think, maybe you are not in him at all. in memory"

"You're talking nonsense," Harley said angrily.

"Haley, you have to understand that you can never rely on others. Only when you are strong enough to make everyone afraid of you, can you stop the evil in your heart, and you can perform real justice. With your own will For the world to run, and I can help you," the voice said seductively.

"What kind of monster are you?" Harley gritted his teeth.

"It doesn't matter what I am, the key is what kind of person you want to be. You have now changed from an eye-catching and enviable college student to a sanitation worker who sweeps garbage. Many people are watching you as a joke, even if Luo Ya is He is back, but he is not a marshal after all, he feels unfair for you at most, at best he comforts you, which is not bad, but in your own heart, you have always hoped to become a strong man, turn back to the warship island, let you Grandpa, friend, proud of you"

"Harley, let go of your defenses and become one with me. I will make you the most powerful person in the world. Even Loya is far from your opponent."

Harley's lips were already biting blood, and he said coldly, "Why did you help me?"

"I'm not helping you, you and I are one, if you die, I won't exist, and if you become stronger, I will be stronger too, so you don't have to worry about me threatening you"

Hearing this, Harley bowed his head in silence for a long time, then said in a low voice, "You can really make me the most powerful existence in the world."

"Of course, because I have the ability to devour everything, including devil fruit"

After Harley's face trembled, he said seriously: "What's your name?"

"You can call me a gluttonous beast!" After the haughty voice sounded, a billowing black mist suddenly enveloped Harley's body. When the black mist gradually disappeared, Harley opened his eyes suddenly, and saw a pair of dead gray pupils appearing in front of him. out of sight.

"Let's go find the first target." Harley's murmured voice seemed to carry the souls of two people, and the evil and cold smile at the corner of his mouth was shocking.

But what Harley didn't know was that when he merged with the gluttonous beast, two mysterious figures who had appeared in the East China Sea appeared again in the sky above him.


"What the hell is going on above? They even asked us to bring gluttonous beasts into this world. If this continues, many people will die."

"It doesn't matter, but the population of a mere world, even if they are all dead, is not worth mentioning. But what is worrying now is that although Taotie is far inferior to the holy beast in quality, he has no limit and can devour it all the time. But the Holy Beast can’t do it, there will be at most three more times, the Holy Beast will be immune to the Devil Fruit, and it needs a higher level of Holy Objects to evolve, and it is estimated that Luo Ya may not be the opponent in the future.”

"That doesn't matter. As long as the Demon Devourer truly awakens, Taotie will not be its opponent at all. Moreover, the place where Luo Ya went this time, there is a 5000-year-old sacred plant. If Luo Ya can find it, he will definitely benefit a lot. !"

"Hmm! This Harley is probably the last test for Loya's future."

"That's right, and the higher-ups have spoken, 30 years, 30 years later, if Luo Ya is not dead, he must leave, no matter what level he is"

"30 years, maybe enough!"

(End of this chapter)

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