Devourer from Pirates

Chapter 69 Hey Hee Hee! !

Chapter 69 Hey Hee Hee! !

When Spandain led the CP personnel to leave in a hurry, the sound of artillery fire became more intensive, and the towns on the island seemed to be being destroyed inch by inch. Loya looked at the angry Dr. Clover, and was just about to proceed to the next step. when.

"Robin" suddenly yelled anxiously, and after heavy steps came over, Sauro's figure appeared in front of him.

After Sauro arrived, he looked at Olivia lying on the ground with blood streaming from his chest, trembled, and then looked at Loya who was expressionless.

"Sauluo, save my mother!" Robin cried when he saw Sauro.

Sauro hurried over, took a look, and said softly: "Olivia, we meet again."

"Sauro" Olivia said in surprise.

"I'll take you to see a doctor" Sauro immediately prepared to do it.

But Loya's eyes moved, and he said coldly: "Sauluo, what are you doing?"

"I'm saving people!" Sauro looked at Loya and roared.

"The five elders have personally ordered that everyone here will die today. For the sake of Rogge Town, I will let you leave, but don't force me," Luo Ya said seriously.

"Loya, are you crazy? They're just a group of ordinary people. Even if you can't do anything about it, there's no need to do it so badly," Sauro said angrily.

"You don't understand, leave immediately," Loya said seriously.

"Sauluo" heard this, Olivia suddenly grabbed Sauron's thick fingers, and begged: "Leave us alone, we can't escape, take Robin away, go quickly"

"I must let my daughter escape"

"I said, no one is allowed to leave." Loya walked directly towards them.

"Let's go!" Olivia stood up with difficulty, and looked at Loya firmly.

"Mom, I don't want to leave you anymore." Robin grabbed Olivia's clothes and shook her head loudly.

Olivia bit her lip, tears kept streaming from the corners of her eyes, but finally pulled out the corner of her clothes, clutched her chest and walked towards Loya.


"Robin, come with me!" Sauro knew very well how terrifying Roja's strength was, and if he stayed any longer, he would be unable to leave, so he picked up Robin and ran to the distance.

"Mom" Robin looked at Olivia who was facing Loya alone, and said sadly.

After seeing Robin rescued by Sauro, Loya breathed a sigh of relief, looked at Olivia in front of him, nodded and said: "You are a great historian and a kind mother, But it is a pity that you have violated the law, and the law has no mercy"

Olivia sneered, "The truth of history will be discovered sooner or later. No matter how strong you are, someone will defeat you, and you will all become sinners."

After Loya was taken aback, the corner of his mouth suddenly raised, looking at Sauro who had gone far away, a faint light flashed, and the Devourer came to Loya's shoulder, and the tree of omniscience in front of him with serious eyes gave a sudden After jumping, he jumped up.

"What are you going to do?" Seeing this scene, Clover asked in surprise.

Loya smiled mysteriously. Not long after, an incomparably bright green light burst out from under the Tree of Omniscience. After exclamations, the Tree of Omniscience, which represented O'Hara's glory and brilliance, began to gradually fade away. Withered, the leaves fell one by one.

Boom, boom, boom! ! !
At this time, one by one shells hit the thick tree trunk, and suddenly the 5000-year-old tree began to burn violently.

Under the flames, Loya closed his eyes, and vivid wooden sculptures appeared in front of him, including the scholar of O'Hara, Dr. Clover, and Nicole Olivia,

When Luo Ya suddenly opened his eyes, two green lights shot out, and there seemed to be circles of green halos in the pupils.

"Master, I'm going to sleep for a while," the Devourer suddenly said seriously.

"Sleep, leave it to me." After Luoya nodded, he looked at Olivia who had turned into a wood carving, and said softly, "I'm sorry, this is the only way to hide everything. Don't worry, Robin will be fine. , he will surely fulfill your wishes."

"I hope to see you again." After Loya slowly stretched out his right hand, trees rushed out of the ground one after another. All O'Hara scholars slowly merged into the huge trees, and then these trees slowly It melted into the depths of the soil and disappeared.

Loya looked at his current ability, shook his head and said, "I never thought that an elf of the Tree of Omniscience could evolve the ability of lush fruit to this point."

Looking at the giant tree gradually disappearing in the fire, Loya murmured: "I promised you, I will do it, thank you"

After speaking, Loya closed his eyes. After the faint breeze passed, the flowers, plants and trees on O'Hara seemed to have received orders, and they moved slightly. Loya immediately looked to the northwest, "Kuzan is here too. "

. . . .

Not long after, on the northwest coast, I saw a few broken warships floating on the sea. At this time, Sauro half-kneeled on the ground with blood on his face, looked at the indifferent Kuzan in front of him, and gritted his teeth: "Kuzan , you and Loya are crazy, are you proud of such destruction?"

"Sauro, for the future and stability of the world, there is no way. The so-called justice depends on the situation, so I don't blame you, but if you dare to block our actions, I can't do anything, even if You are my good friend," Kuzan said flatly.

"Boom" At this moment, there was a sudden violent explosion.

Robin, who had been protected by Sauro all this time, turned his head to look and trembled, "Why, why?"

"Asshole, that's a civilian refuge ship"

"It was ordered by Lieutenant General Stoberg"

Seeing this scene, Kuzan's expression sank, and he murmured, "You are so brave, Stoberg."

At this time on the warship, Stolberry closed his eyes in shame, and saw a phone bug on his palm.

The soldiers on the side of the "Lieutenant General" were shocked.

"The highest military order, I would rather kill the wrong one than let it go, and leave none behind," Stolberry gritted his teeth.

"This, this is the so-called justice." Seeing the blown up refuge ship, Sauro roared with unprecedented anger, and punched Kuzan directly with his fists clenched.

After a slight flash, Kuzan gritted his teeth and said, "This is not my order."

"Robin, hurry up, they are no longer human!" Sauro turned around and shouted. ,
"Sauro," Robin cried.

After "Ice Age" Kuzan shouted, half of Sauro's body turned into an ice sculpture.

"Run, Robin, run as hard as you can, don't look back." Sauro fell to the ground.

"how about you?"

"I can't do it, you go, be my raft and escape"

"I don't want it, there is no one in the sea." Robin shook his head violently and refused.

"Listen to me, Robin." Sauro gasped, and said softly, "You are indeed alone now, but the sea is infinite. One day, there will be partners who will protect you, and they will stop these demons to hurt you"

"Companion" Robin was taken aback.

"There is absolutely no one who is always lonely in the world. Remember my words. When you are in pain, you should smile like this. Hehehehe." When Sauro laughed, his whole body turned into an ice sculpture.

"Sauluo" Robin cried out, gritted his teeth, turned and ran away.

"Follow them and live together." When Robin heard these last words, tears fell into the air.

. . . .

When the artillery fire became more and more intense, Loya came to a shore, looked at the two ice lines on the sea, turned to look at Kuzan sitting next to him, "You let her go"

"No, she ran away." After shaking his head, Kuzan turned and left.

"Aren't you afraid of me chasing you?" Loya suddenly turned his head and said.

"If you really want to deal with them, it's impossible for Sauro to walk in front of me," Kuzan said calmly.

After being stunned for a moment, Loya said seriously: "Stobery, disobedient to the order, acted on the refuge ship without authorization, and immediately told the marshal to deprive one of them of the rank of general. If you don't want to, I will do it myself."

"You don't need to say that," Kuzan left with a cold face.

. . . . .

At this time, on a small boat in the ocean, Robin looked at the fiery red island and suddenly laughed, "Hey hee hee..."

But after laughing twice, Robin burst into tears again, "Doctor, Mom, Sauro..."

(End of this chapter)

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