Devourer from Pirates

Chapter 72 BIG-MOM Strikes

Chapter 72 BIG-MOM Strikes
Two months later, it was 1504 in the lunar calendar. This day was the birthday party of Prince Fred of the Kingdom of Crete. He was already one year old.

However, on a day that should have been joyous, the arrival of a group of people caused great tension. I saw a pirate flag flying on the side of the port of Wanggong Island. The pattern of the flag was a top hat and a collar Fluffy, lipstick-smearing beckoning skull.

Anyone with knowledge will know that this pirate flag is the symbol of the current emperor of the sea, the big pirate big-mom.

In the resplendent Cretan palace, Windsor with a crown sits high on the throne, and two men with black and white masks stand beside her.

And below them, there are also two men. The one on the left is wearing a top hat with many lollipops on it. He is slender, has a long nose and tongue, and holds a candy cane in his hand, while the other, People must not ignore it, with a strong majesty, tall stature, short amaranth red hair, strong muscles, slender legs, and stitched scars on each cheek. The overall clothing style is full of strong black metal style. With the air of a king.

"Hello, Queen of Windsor, Perospero, the eldest son of my mother, this time I came here not only to congratulate Prince Fred's birthday in your country, but also because my mother admires the queen. Mother is the overlord of the new world, and the queen is the overlord of the North Sea." , Many people say that women are vassals, but this is stupid, the queen and mother are the greatest women in the world," Charlotte Perospero, 33, said with a smile.

Mary Windsor shook her head after her gaze shifted, "Thank you for your praise, Mrs. Big-mom, but Windsor only has a bit of prestige in the small North Sea, which is far worse than Mrs. Big-mom's world-shaking reputation."

"The queen is being polite. My mother said that since we are all women, we should help each other. My mother just gave birth to a younger sister, Brin, and she loves her very much. Therefore, she is willing to marry Prince Fred. I don't know if Her Royal Highness is willing. " Perospero smiled.

"What?" Mary Windsor frowned. Big-mom is indeed powerful, but anyway, she is a pirate. As the future heir of Crete, how could she marry a pirate's daughter? In addition, Fred's marriage , nor can he alone have the final say.

After taking a closer look, Perospero seemed to feel Windsor's rejection, and said with a hint of coldness: "Is the queen unwilling?"

"Fred is too young, it's not the time to talk about marriage now," Mary Windsor shook her head politely and refused.

Hearing this, Perospero's eyes sharpened immediately, "Queen Windsor, you may not know that no one can refuse mother's order"

Mary Windsor's face sank, "Are you threatening me?"

"It can be said that Prince Fred must become mother's son-in-law," Perospero said seriously.

Hearing this, the king man next to him stood up, and after sweeping his majestic eyes slightly, an astonishing aura swept over him.

"The overlord is domineering!!"

Seeing this scene, the men who had been guarding both sides of Windsor had their eyes startled, and after a slight flash, they stood in front of Mary Windsor.

After the man glanced at it, "You are the impermanence guards of Beihai!"

"A bounty of [-] million Baileys is offered, and Katakuri, the second son of BIG MOM, who claims to be a perfect existence." The man in the black and white mask on the left stepped out and sneered, "It is said that you are very powerful, but this is Crete and the North Sea. I am one of the commanders of Wuchangwei, King Guang of Qin, Gallus"

"King Qin Guang, what an interesting title" Katakuri murmured, then shook his head and said, "I really didn't expect such a strong man like you to exist in a mere North Sea country, but you are not my opponent."

"Really? Then take a look at it." After Gallus said coldly, he suddenly disappeared with a flash of his body.

After Katakuri glanced at it, he disappeared in the same place at the same time, and the sound of bang bang crashed continuously from various places in the palace, and the figures of the two fought against each other at an extremely fast speed.

After the last dull collision, a gust of wind and waves swept away. After the wind and waves dissipated, Gallus took the lead back in front of Windsor, his palms trembling slightly.

After Katakuri landed steadily, he shook his head and said: "I said, you are not my opponent, agree to marry, or die"

Looking at Katakuri who had just experienced a big battle and didn't even take a breath, Gallus' eyes became serious, and suddenly there was a circular device in the palm of his hand.

"Qin Guang, Chu Jiang back down" at this moment, Mary Windsor suddenly ordered.

Hearing this, Gallus was stunned for a moment, retracted the circular device of the can again, and retreated to the sides with his head lowered.

Looking at Katakuri in front of her, Mary Windsor stood up slowly, and said with a smile, "It's no wonder that he is the most powerful son of Lord Big-Mom."

"Her Majesty Queen Windsor, the Impermanence Guard of the Kingdom of Crete is indeed astonishing. Our Charlotte family definitely has enough sincerity. Once the two parties get married, no matter who they are in the future, they will move the Kingdom of Crete with our Charlotte family." Enemy, this is a win-win situation." Perospero stood up again, smiling even wider.

Wuchangwei's strength surprised him. If they can get married, it means that Beihai is also indirectly controlled by their pirate group.

When Mary Windsor heard this, she dragged a long silk scarf and walked down from the high platform step by step, with a smile on her beautiful face, she said: "Just now I saw the strength of Lord Katakuri, to be honest, The king is also a little moved, but the son is not mine alone, even if I agree, it is useless."

"Of course, but it is said that no one knows who Prince Fred's biological father is? If the queen is willing, she can tell us. I believe no one can refuse my mother's suggestion," Perospero said with a hint of arrogance.

"His father probably doesn't have time, but you can ask his future master first. If he is willing, there is no harm in getting married." Mary Windsor smiled calmly.

"Master" Perospero was taken aback for a moment. At this moment, Katakuri, who had been expressionless, was startled, and suddenly turned his head to look seriously.

After the sound of light footsteps, I saw a black top hat with white fluff on his head, a wine red patterned shirt, a black windbreaker, white trousers, a cross knife hanging on his chest, and the world's strongest black knife on his back. The eagle-eyed Mihawk with sharp eyes came in step by step from the outside.

"He is Fred's future master, the world's number one swordsman Hawkeye Mihawk," Mary Windsor said with a cold smile.

"What!!" After Perospero looked at it, he didn't dare to believe it.

(End of this chapter)

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