Devourer from Pirates

Chapter 74 Bank 1

Chapter 74 First Bank
"Mr. Raleigh, don't worry, the legacy of One Piece is doing well now, but at the same time, the entire Roger Pirates also owe my master a favor, and the favor needs to be repaid."

Lei Li was taken aback, looked at the baby in the man's arms, and said in surprise, "You wouldn't say it was him, would you?"

"Really, this is the third young master. The master hopes that Mr. Lei Li can raise the third young master and cultivate him into a talent."

Hearing this, even with Leili's calmness, he said in astonishment: "Your master has such great influence, which shows how terrible he is, why did he give the child to me?"

"The master said that Mr. Lei Li is the best teacher in the world, and he will definitely make the third young master a talent."

"Why doesn't he teach himself? If I teach, this kid may not be obedient in the future." Lei Li sneered.

Hearing this, the man smiled instead, and said, "Master, what you want is to be disobedient"

"What?" Lei Li shook his head after concentrating his eyes and said, "Okay, what a Lord of the Ten Palaces, he is really courageous. If I guessed correctly, his two elder brothers have probably been sent to the world's top figures." hands!"

"Sorry, I can't say that"

After hesitating for a while, Lei Li said solemnly: "I accept this child, but please tell your master that I hope he can treat Roger's son with the same kindness, otherwise I will never give up."

"Don't worry Mr. Raleigh"

Not long after, Lei Li held his arms in his arms without crying or fussing. He looked at his child curiously, shook his head and said, "I don't know if it's your luck or your misfortune to have such a father."

After sighing, Raleigh looked into the distance and said with a smile, "Roger, I knew you wouldn't just disappear like this. I hope I can see that little guy in the future."

"But the most important thing now is, how does this little guy tell Xia Qi?" Lei Li said anxiously.

. . . .

At this time, in the Goa Kingdom in the East China Sea, in the Gober Mountains, Garp in casual clothes looked at Granville who was holding Ace in front of him, and said solemnly: "Give me the child."

"Lieutenant General Garp, he is my son now" Granville laughed.

"What do you want to do? You want your son crazy," Karp said puzzled.

"Actually, I was just curious at the beginning, but later I was surprised, because One Piece still has blood, and the person who saved this blood turned out to be a magnificent naval hero." Granville shook his head.

"So you want to use him to threaten me." Garp's tone became much colder in an instant.

"Of course not. With your status and prestige in Lieutenant General Garp, even if it is really spread, others will not believe it, and the government will not allow it. The reason why I accept him is because I really like this child." Glanville Looking at the lovely Ace in his arms, he said with love on his face.

Garp was taken aback, and seemed to see that Granville didn't seem to be lying, "Since you know everything, you should know that once Ace's identity is exposed, it will pose a devastating threat to the entire Kingdom of Goa, otherwise we will I won’t hand him over to Dadan, I just don’t want to hurt anyone.”

"I understand this, but besides Lieutenant General Garp, who else knows?" After speaking confidently, Granville shook his head and said: "Lieutenant General Garp, in fact, your approach is wrong, you still want One Piece Your son became a navy, and he didn't have this bloody night in his body at all. You put him in the hands of bandits, seemingly protecting her, but you did make him lose the love of his parents, and at the same time isolate him. Can he be fine for the rest of his life?"

Garp's face changed, his eyes hesitated a little.

"That's impossible. I took the child away. In the future, he will be the adopted son of Kathy, the chief executive of the Kingdom of Goa. I will train him well. Lieutenant General Karp. The parents of a child have encountered so many things. What should I do? Give him protection, but give him warmth." After Granville said, he saluted Karp, turned around and was ready to leave.

Garp's face sank, and he warned: "I will visit him often. If something goes wrong with him, you know the consequences, but on the contrary, take good care of him. Goa Kingdom is still my country, Garp."

"Of course, you can come anytime, no matter what, you are his grandfather" Granville laughed

Looking at Granville and Ace leaving, Garp shook his head, "Little guy, I hope you can live happily in the future"

When Granville left the forest with Ace in his arms, he suddenly looked back nervously, and was relieved when he found that Garp hadn't followed. At this time, a figure rushed from the trees and bushes nearby come out.

"Master Chief Executive, are you okay with the young master?" A man in hardcover asked concerned.

"We're fine, go back," Granville said.


When Granville took Ace back to the city, just after entering his villa, he saw Flo sitting inside waiting.

After seeing Granville, Flo immediately stood up and said seriously: "Granville, the master just called."

After hearing this, Granville handed Ace to the servant beside him and said, "What's the matter?"

"Master, I'm a little dissatisfied with your private adoption of Ace," Flo said.

"If you are dissatisfied, I will accept it. The Kingdom of Goya and everything it is today is the result of my hard work. Do you want me to hand it over to the sons of other women? They are dreaming," Granville said firmly.

"Granville, do you know the master didn't mean that?" Flo said.

"He didn't, because he was afraid that those boys would come to snatch it by themselves in the future," Granville said seriously.

Flo smiled wryly, "Everything in the Kingdom of Goa will not be given to anyone, but to the master and your son. You also know the character of the master. The master will not allow anyone to take away the interests of his son, but the master also knows After this period of time, you really fell in love with Ace, and the owner admires Roger, so he decided to hand over 30.00% of the wealth of the First Bank to Ace in the future, making him the richest person in the world."

"First Bank" Granville was slightly surprised. This bank was established suddenly more than a year ago. With its strong wealth and terrifying amount of gold, it instantly became the peak of the bank. In a short time, it began to expand to the world. It is estimated that the total assets With more than 1000 billion Baileys, it is now the largest treasury under Loya's command.

The leader is the former rear admiral, chief logistics officer, and now the president of the First Bank, Kong Ming.

And 30.00%, that's at least tens of billions of Baileys. Even if you lie down and eat, the money will not be used up, and the wealth of the First Bank may continue to increase.

Seeing that Granville's face looked better, Flo smiled and said, "It seems you agree."

Granville didn't answer, but he didn't object either, saying: "Speaking of the First Bank, he transferred Kong Ming out, and it seems that he has completely given up the internal power of the navy."

"Yes, this can only explain one problem, the master no longer needs naval support," Flo admired.

"Maybe this is the only possibility," Granville said thoughtfully.

Seeing this scene, Flo said: "By the way, the master said that he will send someone to pick you up after a while to see him."

"What?" Glanville said anxiously after being surprised, "Why didn't you say it earlier?"

"Let my makeup artist and costume artist come here!" Granville immediately shouted excitedly.

(End of this chapter)

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