Devourer from Pirates

Chapter 8 Self-Justice

Chapter 8 Self-Justice

"Captain, I robbed a lot of things today"

"Haha, what's this, little ones, our Double Knife Pirates will definitely be able to sweep the entire great route and find the treasure left by the One Piece." A burly, 1.8-meter-tall man with two knives on his back and a long whip Han, shouted proudly.

"Aw..." Huge cheers followed immediately.

"You! No chance to go"

The voice with strong killing intent echoed, and Loya had already appeared not far from them.

After being startled, the members of the Two Swords Pirates became surprised when they looked at Loya who was alone.

"Who are you?" Bunch Oakley, who was carrying two knives, said coldly.

"I am..." After Luo Ya's eyes were slightly in a trance, he said, "I'm not flattering people"

"What's wrong with you? I think you're looking for death." A pirate who couldn't bear it directly took a knife and quickly killed Loya.

"kill him"

"take his arm off"

"kick his balls"

Looking at the cruel, killing, and excited pirates, Loya sighed. There are indeed many problems within the navy. It is indeed the dog of the Tianlong people, but the navy is doing its best to protect the pirates. People, stabilize the order and control the overall situation. How many pirates in this world are like Luffy, who go to sea for blood and fight for love.

boom. .

I saw a section of the knife head flying up, and the knife that was cut directly on Luo Ya's head seemed to have touched the strongest metal, and split in two. Luo Ya had already used the iron block.

"Ah!" This scene instantly frightened all the pirates in the Twin Swords Pirates.

Loya looked at the frightened crowd in front of him, shook his head and said, "Maybe Kuzan is right, I am my own justice, and today I will sentence you to death with my justice."

After speaking, he waved his right hand fiercely, and after a faint black airflow circled, bloodthirsty bats rushed out from the shadow under his feet.

"Bat-turning blade" Luo Ya said indifferently, and saw that countless shadow bats suddenly turned into sharp blades. With the push of his right hand, the wailing sounded immediately, and the shadow blades pierced through the pirates The figure was sharper than a knife and faster than a gun. Blood was continuously sprayed out, and corpses quickly fell on the beach.

Even the future Shichibukai Moonlight-Molia died in his hands, let alone these wastes.

The only one who could hold on was the captain of the Twin Swords Pirates, Bunch Oakley. The two swords he swung seemed to turn into wind wheels, blocking the Shadow Blade. After Loya saw it, a flicker, Then came to him.

"Finger, die!" Sharp fingers pierced his abdomen. After Bunch Oakley yelled in pain, he fell to the ground, looked at the expressionless man in front of him, and said in fear: "Forgive, spare, I Wrong, I am willing to give you all the treasures I have robbed."

Loya looked indifferently, looked at the shadow of Beverly under the sun, and said coldly: "My justice does not allow your crimes."

Saying that, he suddenly grabbed Beverly's shadow with his right hand, and the shadow struggled like a living thing.

"Turn into ashes!"

With a wave of the knife in Loya's hand, the shadow was directly torn apart. As the shadow was taken away, after Bunch Oakley on the ground was irradiated by the sun, he suddenly covered his face and wailed violently, his body burning inexplicably. A flame was ignited, and amidst the extremely painful voice, it quickly disappeared into the world and turned into a faint dust.

And with the disappearance of the main body, the shadow in Loya's hand also disappeared, but Loya didn't even bother with a shadow of this level. To be honest, he didn't even have the zombie road behind Moriah. Interest, in his view, although it is possible to rely on external assistance, the most important thing is one's own ability.

Loya glanced around, and when there was no life left, he stretched out his right hand, and the Demon-Eating Shadow Sword appeared in his hand. Looking at the empty double-knife pirate ship, he slashed violently, and a huge black sword glow swept out. With a bang, the entire pirate ship was cut in half.

"Luo, Brother Loya" At this moment, a shout sounded, and Bogudan, who was worried, also came, looking at the corpses all over the ground, and Loya holding the shadow sword, his face was full of shock.

. . . .

At night, in the village of Gunkanjima, the surviving children worshiped and looked at Luo Ya gratefully.

"Okay, okay, don't be around." Bogudan came over, holding a bowl of soup, and said in awe: "Brother Luo Ya, eat something!"

"Thank you, Uncle Bogudan," Loya thanked. .

"Brother Loya, thank you today." Bogudan said gratefully after being silent for a while, if it wasn't for Loya's presence, it would be impossible for him to avenge him, and he would even get involved.

"You're welcome, Uncle Bogudan, now with the words of Pirate King Roger before his death, the ocean is in chaos. Although a group has been wiped out today, this is just the beginning. You must be more careful in the future," Luo Ya reminded. , now is the initial stage, as time ferments, more and more people will go to sea, looking for so-called treasures, and Bailey is required to raise the crew, ordinary pirates, vicious pirates, the eyes are on the common people, especially the casual ones. With the large-scale distribution of reward orders, it has become a kind of pride. However, the power of the navy cannot be divided into every island. The reward orders are actually prepared for those pirate hunters and hidden masters, to extinguish this era of great pirates. , To extinguish the fantasy of Roger's great secret treasure, it is gradually not enough to rely on the Navy Headquarters alone.

"I understand." Bogudan sighed and asked curiously, "Brother Loya, why don't you join the navy with such a great ability? Kill all these hateful pirates."

Luo Ya was taken aback, then shook his head and said: "The navy is not suitable for me, but don't worry, Uncle Bogudan, there are also masters in the navy, and many people in the younger generation are much better than me. They will not let the pirates be so presumptuous."

"Really?" Bogudan breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this.

After Luo Ya finished speaking, just as he was about to have a sip of soup, he suddenly frowned and said, "Uncle Bogudan, quickly take the children to hide, there are people coming, and there are quite a few of them."

"What?" Bogudan was surprised. Could there be pirates? He quickly looked at all the children gathered not far away, and quickly said, "Children, quickly hide in the cellar."

Hearing this, the children immediately hid in fear.

Loya put down the soup bowl, stood up slowly, and walked outside. When he opened the door, his face showed a hint of surprise, and saw a lieutenant colonel coming here with a large number of naval soldiers.

"It's the Navy." Bogudan hid the children, and after running out, he was suddenly pleasantly surprised.

When the lieutenant colonel saw Luo Ya, a trace of excitement flashed across his face, and he quickly saluted: "Major General Luo Ya"

The other navy soldiers also saluted immediately: "Major Admiral"

Seeing this scene, Bogudan opened his mouth wide in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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