Devourer from Pirates

Chapter 80 Soul Soul Fruit

Chapter 80 Soul Soul Fruit
Half a month later, Cake Island, the base camp of Pirate Queen BIGMOM.

I saw that this place was already in ruins at this time, and the countless toy army seemed to be scorched by lightning, and they fell to the ground, with a single figure lying everywhere, and the scene was extremely tragic.

In the very center of the island, under the cake city that seemed to have been cut off by half, a tall, fat woman with thick lipstick, light purple eye shadow, and a large pink dress half-kneeled on the ground, hair The silk drifted away, the blood was flowing from the mouth, and the eyes were serious looking ahead.

"Mom" At this moment, a black cloud with life, Lie Yan (raging flames) flew over quickly, and shouted worriedly.

After the sound of light footsteps, Loya gradually appeared in front of his eyes. At this time, he was holding Katakuri with blood on his left hand.

"Okay, very good, thanks to the Pirate Queen bigmom, her strength is really terrifying, especially the toughness of her body is even more surprising." Loya threw Katakuri on the ground casually.

Hearing this, BIGMOM looked at Katakuri who couldn't stand up anymore and was panting violently. With a big hand, he crushed the ground and stood up abruptly. He looked at Loya fiercely, and after pinching his hands, black The clouds and flames gathered in the hands again.

Seeing this scene, Luo Ya shook his head and said: "What a woman who refuses to admit defeat"

"I will not lose to you" BIGMOM gasped.

"Haha" Luo Ya laughed loudly and praised: "Although I am a woman, I am not inferior to a man. Originally, I planned to kill the entire bigmom pirate group, but seeing your momentum, forget it, but the soul Give me the soul fruit, it doesn't belong to you"

"Don't even think about it" BIG-MOM said angrily when he heard this.

"Really?" Loya stepped on Katakuri's chest with one foot, and there was a sudden pain.

"What are you doing, stop it" BIG-MOM said anxiously.

"It seems that you still value this son very much." After hearing this, Luo Ya smiled slightly, and suddenly said coldly: "I only want fruits, and if you give them, I will let them go, otherwise, no one will be left."

After speaking, thick and thick vines surged out of the ground, and each figure was bound in mid-air.

"Mom..." Painful voices sounded out one after another.

Seeing this scene, BIG-MOM was finally moved, and said angrily: "I have already eaten the fruit, how can I give it to you?"

The corner of Luo Ya's mouth raised, and a whirlpool twisted out of the palm of his right hand, "Devil Eater Nine Turns"

A solemn voice sounded.

"As long as you don't resist, I can take it away myself." After saying that, a black vortex surged out, enveloping BIG-MOM in an instant.

"Don't even think about it," Flaming Prometheus said angrily, but was caught by BIG-MOM.


BIG-MOM panted, looking at the man in front of him, the proud face seemed to show weakness for the first time, after a little silence, he said loudly: "Two demands, if you agree, I will not resist."

The corner of Luoya's mouth raised, "Say"

"Zeus and Prometheus cannot go"


"In the last kingdom of heaven, you can't hurt anyone in the BIG-MOM pirate group," BIG-MOM said seriously.

After Luo Ya frowned, after a little thought, he nodded and said: "Yes, as long as they don't offend the Kingdom of God, I can promise not to take the initiative to deal with them."

Hearing this, BIG-MOM gritted his teeth, then gradually relaxed his clenched fists, and slowly closed his eyes.

"Mom" Seeing this scene, Zeus and Prometheus shouted sadly.

"Mom" Katakuri on the ground gritted his teeth and cried.

Loya's eyes froze immediately, and the black vortex increased its power. After BIG-MOM screamed in pain, dots of white light began to gather. When the black vortex was recovered with a bang, a black devil fruit fell on Loya. hands.

And BIG-MOM's complexion was pale, his eyes blurred and he fell down.

"Mom" everyone yelled sadly.

"Finally got it." After Luo Ya glanced at the soul soul fruit, after being slightly excited, he opened his mouth and took a bite. The terrible vortex appeared behind him again, and the whole person shouted excitedly. Extreme momentum swept the entire cake island.

"Ha ha!!"

After Luo Ya laughed excitedly, four black air currents blasted into the sky, fell into the ground, melted into the sea, and melted into the fire. The whole world seemed to be shaking.

"Come out for me, somersault of the god of sky, Gonggong of the god of water, Zhu Rong of the god of fire, lord of the earth, forge my throne"

After the rumbling sound, a golden cloud descended from the sky first, and after the sharp hawk crowed, a flaming eagle flew out, the ocean exploded, and a long dragon whose body was made of water fell on Loya's side and feet one after another. When the ground trembled for a while, a yellow throne that seemed to have the image of a nine dragon taking off rose out of the ground.

After Luo Ya sat gently, a long dragon circled his body, and a flying eagle circled the sky. The whole body seemed to be instantly transformed into a god king above the heavens. Above the golden clouds, there was endless honor and glory.

At this time, a black light flashed, and the Demon Devourer also came to Luo Ya's feet, lying on the somersault cloud like a divine beast.

"BIG-MOM, I will do what I say. As long as your children don't offend the Kingdom of God, I won't deal with them." After Loya said, golden somersault clouds began to float slowly.

"Wait a minute" I saw Katakuri gritted his teeth suddenly on the ground, stood up with difficulty, looked at Luo Ya with a blank face, who seemed to be fascinated by Cong Fan, and said with hatred: "You'd better kill me now, otherwise One day, I will defeat you"

Hearing this, Luo Ya glanced slightly, then shook his head and said: "You are excellent, but there are some things that cannot be made up for by your hard work. Your hard work may just be my starting point. Go to the sea to wake up."

After Luo Ya finished speaking, a huge stream of water spit out from the mouth of the long dragon Gong Gong, and Katakuri was thrown to the not-deep seashore with a sweep.

"King of God, King of God, I am willing to join the Divine Kingdom of Heaven" At this moment, a man wearing a fist hat suddenly stood on the ground and shouted loudly.

"You, are you the son of BIG-MOM?" Loya glanced at him.


"Traitor" Hearing this, other imprisoned children of BIGMOM said angrily.

"Mom doesn't treat us as children at all, he just uses it, and the kingdom of God is the destination of everything," the man worshiped enthusiastically.

"Hahaha" Luo Ya laughed loudly, and suddenly slapped the throne of the earth, and a soil thorn rushed out from the ground, piercing his heart.

"Unfaithful, unkind, unfilial, what qualifications do you have to enter the Kingdom of God?" After the disdainful voice said, Luo Ya flew into the blue sky on a golden cloud.

And as Luo Ya left, all the bound people fell to the ground one after another.

After the "mother" was freed, everyone immediately ran towards the fainted BIGMOM with tears in their eyes.

. . . .

And above the sky, Luo Ya took out a phone bug and said, "Is it Boliu?"

"God King, it's me"

"One month, the Kingdom of God is formally established, and all forces are ordered to gather the Kingdom of God"

"God King, everyone?" Hearing this, Bo Liu was surprised.


"Yes, but there is not enough time!" Boliu said anxiously.

"That's enough." After Luo Ya said something, he suddenly looked towards the sky seriously, and after a blood-red light flashed in his eyes, he frowned slightly, and shouted: "Zhu Rong, go and have a look."

"Yes, God King" I saw the Flaming Eagle immediately rushed towards the position indicated by Loya.

"Master, what's the matter?" the Demon Devourer lying on the cloud asked curiously.

"Someone seemed to be spying on me just now," Loya said seriously.

Hearing this, the Demon Devourer also looked over. After staring at it for a long time, he shook his head and said, "No! Master"

"Yes, there must be. I devoured the fruit of soul and soul. With the help of the tree of omniscience, my spiritual flame increased greatly. I can't hide it from me. It seems that the person who prevented me from flying out appeared again." Luo Ya said coldly road.

"God King, I didn't find it," Zhu Rongfei said after returning.

"Since the master said that, it must be weird. As I said before, this world is not simple. What is the master going to do?"

"Soldiers come to block, water to cover with earth" Luo Ya said lightly, now the six fruits of Vulture, Lush, Piao Piao, Thunder, Shadow, and Soul Soul are gathered together, and then they can obtain the Nine Ranks of Demon Devouring from the Demon Devouring Beast. , There is nothing in this world that he can fear.

And when Luo Ya left, two figures emerged.

"Good guy, it seems we underestimated him, his progress is amazing"

"Especially when he took out the fruit completely just now, it is obviously not relying on the holy beast. Could it be that the holy beast has other functions, we don't know."

"I don't know, but some time ago, the emperor personally came, which shows that he is definitely not an ordinary heir. It seems that we need to change our treatment strategy. Maybe we will have to rely on him in the future."

"That's right, even though his current strength is a bit worse than ours, it's only an inch away. In my opinion, he is qualified to start."

"Don't worry. Since you want to invest, let him accumulate more. If he can surpass us, then he will have the real capital to compete."

(End of this chapter)

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