Devourer from Pirates

Chapter 82 Arriving at the Navy Headquarters

Chapter 82 Arriving at the Navy Headquarters
When there was still one day before the canonization, on the coast of the headquarters, Ku Zan stood together with a man in a lieutenant general's uniform, who was not tall and looked a little wretched.

"I didn't expect Gion's character to be so stubborn, but she can't change it. You can, tea dolphin," Kuzan said seriously.

The man in front of him was officially the vice admiral who was the first to pursue Gion and was beaten up by Loya in the end.

"Aren't you jealous! Kuzan?" the tea dolphin laughed when he heard this.

"You know I didn't mean that," Kuzan said seriously.

After the tea dolphin shook his head, he said with a chill on his face: "Then why should I back down? Is it because of his current strength?"

"Although Luo Ya is gentle, he is also cold-blooded. If you dare to marry Gion, I'm afraid he will really touch you," Kuzan said.

"Then let him come! This bastard, back then I saw that Gion really loved him, so I backed down, not because I couldn't beat him, but now he only has four or five women, and there are still Bastard, what does he think of Gion, to tell you the truth, if he dares to come, I dare to beat him," said the tea dolphin, clenching his teeth and clenching his fist.

"But" Kuzan frowned.

"I know that Gion doesn't really want to marry me, he just wants to annoy Luo Ya, and he's just showing her own arrogance, but what does that matter, as long as I can see her every day, I am very satisfied" Tea Dolphin said happily.

Hearing this, Kuzan gave a wry smile, pressed his right hand on the shoulder of the tea dolphin, and said softly: "Since you have also made up your mind, then go forward firmly, I! I will not allow anyone to destroy the grand ceremony."

The tea dolphin was taken aback for a moment, then nodded, "Thank you."

. . . .

On the other side, in the marshal's room, I saw that Sakaski and Polusalino had also returned.

"Five elders, this is what I mean," Zhan Guo said to the phone in the office room.

"Since you have decided so, let's carry it out! We have submitted to Huajian, and your lord has agreed, the canonization of the four generals, the first wedding banquet of the navy, and we will proceed together."

"Thank you five elders"

"If he doesn't defeat BIG-MOM, he can do whatever he wants. The government is not afraid of him. Gion's steadfastness should be highly praised."

"Yes" after Sengoku hung up the phone, he looked at Sakaski and Polusalino and said, "The rest will be left to you. In order to prevent accidents, from now on you, plus Kuzan guarding Gion door, personally escort her to the wedding banquet",

"No one can take Gion away," Sakaski said, got up and left.

"It's scary, it seems that this time we will have a real activity." Polusalino put down his teacup and left as well.

Looking at the backs of the two, Zhan Guo's expression relaxed a little.

On this day, when the golden sun is about to fall slowly, outside Crane's villa, there are three gorgeous chairs, which are prepared for Kuzan, Sakaski, and Polusalino. Yes, they guard until the wedding is over.

On the second floor of the villa, Bermer looked at the three chairs below, gritted his silver teeth lightly, and ran back, looking at Gion, who was dressed in a snow-white wedding dress, looking even more glamorous and pure as snow. Said: "Sister Gion, General Kuzan and the others are coming soon. It is still too late for you to change your mind. Otherwise, once the three generals arrive, things will be irreversible."

In fact, he knew that he was sorry for the clothes he was wearing when he said such a thing, but both Luo Ya and Sister Gion were very kind to her, and he really didn't want to see Gion being depressed for the rest of his life.

Looking at himself in the mirror, Gion suddenly turned his head and said with a smile, "Make up for me!"

"Miss Gion!" Bellmel shouted distressedly, and suddenly there was a knock on the door. Bellmel was stunned, and ran to open the door, only to see a soldier with his head bowed unexpectedly standing outside.

"What's up?"

"I just received a few letters, addressed to the lieutenant general," the soldier said without looking up.

"Letter" Bellemel was taken aback for a moment, and after closing the door again, he walked up to Gion: "Sister Gion, someone sent you a letter"

"For me" Gion took it unexpectedly, and found that there was no sender on the letter. When he curiously opened the first letter, his face turned cold for a moment.

"Miss Gion, what's the matter?" Bermel asked in confusion
After Gion opened several other letters, his face was filled with chills.

Belmer took it over curiously and looked at it, and was immediately shocked.

"Why, Lieutenant General Gion, admit defeat, you are nothing more than that!"

"Originally, my son was satisfied with the Kingdom of Crete and Hawkeye as his master, but since you are going to marry, it seems that he can seek to inherit the Kingdom of God and become the King of God in the future."

"Miss Gion, thank you and wish you happiness"

"My son has assets worth tens of billions of Baileys in the First Bank, and the gift will be sent there later, otherwise the life of the Navy is too poor"

"This, these" Bermer immediately prepared to chase the soldier.

"Don't chase after them, they are demonstrating to me," Gion gritted his teeth.

Hearing this, Bermel glanced at the letter, and after moving his eyes, he suddenly sighed: "Sister Gion, they are actually right, because of Sister Gion, they were not officially recognized, and now Sister Gion You are going to get married, I guess they are already preparing for their son to enter the kingdom of the gods of heaven."

"The beauty they want," Gion said coldly, threw off the veil and walked outside.

Seeing this scene, Bermer showed a slight smile.

When Gion took Bermer out of the villa, Kuzan, Sakaski, and Polusalino were already blocking the outside.

"Gion, where are you going?" Kuzan asked.

"I'm going to find Loya," Gion said seriously.

"Are you kidding?" Sakaski frowned upon hearing this.

"I know I'm impulsive, but I don't want those women to take advantage of me. I'm sorry." Just as Gion was about to leave, Sakaski stretched out his hand and said coldly, "Gion, do you know if you What is the face of the navy if you do this?"

"I will make up for this in the future," said Gion.

"To make up, right now," Sakaski said coldly.

Gion's face changed, "Sakaski, are you threatening me?"

"I'm just maintaining the majesty of the navy," Sakaski said seriously.

At this time, there was a rumbling sound, and a gust of wind was coming. Rolling black clouds and rolling thunder filled the sky above the headquarters. Huge waves were raised in the ocean, and bursts of exclamations sounded from all over the place.

"Coming" Kuzan suddenly turned his head and said seriously.

"Are you here?" On a house in the distance, Garp looked at the astonishing celestial phenomenon, and said seriously with his cloak rolling behind him.

"I didn't expect that when you returned to the headquarters again, it would be like this." Outside a college, Zefa stood at the door with Smoker, looked at everything in the sky, and murmured sighing.

(End of this chapter)

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