Devourer from Pirates

Chapter 89 Meeting

Chapter 89 Meeting
When the night gradually fell, the stars emerged, as in the present.

Standing outside a large hall specially for guests on Lingxiao Island, Jinbe stood here, looking at the stars above his head, which seemed to be far away, and murmured intoxicatedly: "It's so beautiful!"

He and Drago were placed separately after meeting Kong Ming, who was in charge of the internal affairs of the 33 islands and developed the people's livelihood in the Kingdom of God.

"God King, here" At this time, after a guard shouted outside the hall, Jing Ping's expression froze, and he quickly straightened his simple clothes.

When Luo Ya walked in with Kong Ming, Jinbe immediately bowed down and saluted: "Jinpei from Murloc Island pays homage to King Luoshen."

"Haha, Jinbe, you don't need to be polite." Looking at the familiar figure in front of him, Luo Ya waved his hands enthusiastically. Although Jinpei in his previous life was not one of the top heroes, his strength was one of the best, but his character, character, loyalty, calmness, calmness, and certainty Let him appreciate it very much.

"Thank God King" Jinbe just raised his head at this time, looking at the face that he had seen in the newspaper, he apologized again: "Jinping didn't know that the princess of the Kingdom of God was born, so I came in a hurry and didn't prepare any gifts, please Don't blame the god king"

"Jinbei, as I said, you don't have to be so polite, come on." After Luo Ya took the magic item, he came to the main seat, pointed to the side and clicked.

"King Xie Luo"

"Brother Jinping, the god king can come to you first!" Sitting opposite Jinping, Kong Ming, who was more elegant and calm, said with a smile.

"Really?" Jinping was slightly startled, and said again: "Thank you, God King, for showing mercy to my murloc clan."

Hearing this, Loya shook his head, "I understand the situation of the murlocs and mermaids, but the reason why I came to you first is not because of them, but mainly because of you."

"Me?" Jinbe was taken aback.

"Haha, you must be here because of Fisher Tiger's matter, there is no problem, the Kingdom of God is willing to accept it," Luo Ya said.

"Really" Jinbe immediately stood up excitedly.

"Don't worry, the king hasn't finished talking yet," Luo Ya said.

"King Luoshen, as long as you can take in Big Brother Tai, no matter what, I'm even willing to do it," Jinbe said immediately,

Luo Ya smiled and said: "The Kingdom of God controls the universe and the sky, and the government controls the world. This is the contract made back then. In addition, I still have a ten-year agreement. I don't need Fishman Island to do anything. king wants you"

"I" Jinbe trembled.

"That's right, the god of the Eight Divisions of the Kingdom of God has been vacant all the time. I hope you can stay and take charge of the Water Division," Luo Ya said.

After Jinbe was taken aback for a moment, he said, "Jinbe is willing to stay, but this is the rightful god of the Water Department, please grant it to Big Brother Tai from the God King."

Loya shook his head and said: "Tiger is a brave murloc and an admirable warrior, but he is free by nature and unrestrained, even if he is given to him, he will not be. In addition, do you think Taige Will Ge be the subordinate of this king, a human being?"

"This..." Jinbei's eyes trembled, how could he forget this.

"The Ministry of Water is said to be the most important of the next eight. You can bring many murlocs up, and this king will announce to the world that you will become the righteous god of the Ministry of Water of the Kingdom of God, which means that you will invade the Murloc Island. , is to offend the Kingdom of God," Loya said seriously.

Hearing those last words, Jinbe's face was finally moved.

"Don't worry, think about it carefully, there is more time." After Luo Ya patted Jinping's shoulder lightly, he got up and left with Kong Ming.

After Jinbe sighed slightly, he went back to the sofa and fell into deep thought.

. . . . .

Not long after, in another hall, there was misty smoke. Loya and Drago sat together with a cigarette in each hand, and the scene looked very relaxed.

There is no way to do this. Regardless of strength, status, or previous experience, Drago is not even comparable.

"Dorag, you are going to overthrow the government at every turn. If you overthrow it, Lieutenant General Karp will not get paid," Loya laughed.

"The revolutionary army overthrew the government, not the navy. The navy will always stand, and the world needs their protection. You and I both know that the key to the problem lies with Mary Joya, not Marlin Fando," Dorag said.

"But I want to tell you that the strength of Holy Land is unimaginable to you. You are very strong, but you alone are not enough. In addition, although the government is dark, 90.00% of the people in the world still trust him. This is popularity, revolution. There is no sufficient reason for the army to raise troops at all," Loya said.

"One Piece has left this for us. I believe that a new generation of young people will find ONiece and unravel all the hypocrisy and darkness," Dorag affirmed.

Luo Ya was taken aback, nodded with a smile, of course, that person is your son.

"As for strength, isn't it you?" Drago said with a smile.

"You just want me to accompany you on an adventure with just a few words!" Luo Ya said with a cross-eyed look.

"Of course not. The revolutionary army pursues freedom, but freedom is by no means unrestricted. The world still needs a management institution to determine laws and punish evil, but there will no longer be such an existence as Tianlong people, and this institution needs someone to manage it. I Willing to push you up," Dorag said seriously.

"Haha..." Luo Ya laughed loudly, and said, "You are not afraid that I will end up like the Tianlong people."

"So I came to the Kingdom of God in person. I know that not only will you not, but you will even abolish the nobility," Drago affirmed.

Luo Ya raised his eyebrows and said, "Why do you say that?"

"Didn't you already take action? When you didn't come, I asked. There used to be many nobles on the 33 islands, but you deprived them of their privileges for various reasons. This shows that you also understand , A regime that does not take freedom and the people as its foundation will collapse sooner or later," said Dorag.

Loya smiled, "Back to the question just now, I went up, what do you do?"

"I, I just want to go home and rest." Hearing this, Dorag suddenly said with a hint of concern.

"Rest" Luo Ya was stunned for a moment, then nodded and said: "Your words are very tempting, I agree."

"Really" Dorag said unexpectedly, he originally thought that there would be a lot to discuss.

"Why don't you agree to such a good thing, but now these are still pies in the sky, the heir of One Piece has not yet appeared, and the world has not yet fallen to the point where we need to attack. Sometimes patience is more important than anything else. In addition, the current situation, the world Things are changing too fast," Loya said.

"I understand that." Drago nodded.

"Well, that's all for today, it's rare for you to come here, tomorrow I'll take you around personally," Luo Ya said.

"I'll talk about the transfer later, I have one more thing to ask you." Drago suddenly became serious.

"What's wrong?" Loya asked curiously.

"Aren't you in the world, and there are hidden forces that haven't withdrawn!" Drago frowned.

"Why do you ask that?" Loya frowned.

"Recently, the Revolutionary Army has found an organization called the Devil's Palace. They are very mysterious. The members of the organization are extremely powerful, and they are secretly controlling some kingdoms. However, they will not harm ordinary people casually. The targets are all It is those nobles who have privileges, and their methods are very cruel, so I have reason to believe that their highest goal is to overthrow the Tianlong people."

"There is such a thing." Luo Ya's eyes froze.

"That's right, their leader seems to call himself the Devil Emperor, which is somewhat similar to you, the God King, except that he seems to represent darkness, and you represent light. One thing is certain is that the Qiwu Sea Sand Crocodile Crocodile is already a member of the Demon Palace. One member," Dorag said.

"What??" Loya finally became serious.

(End of this chapter)

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