Devourer from Pirates

Chapter 91 Seven Martial Arts - Hai Xia

Chapter 91 Seven Martial Seas - Sea Man
Not long after, in the cabin of the Sun Pirates, looking at Fisher Tiger lying there with his eyes closed, Jinbe had a sad face, knelt down regretfully, and said loudly: "Brother Tai, yes My fault, I shouldn't have left you!"

"Jinbe, it's not your fault, it's our fault that we shouldn't believe in human beings," comforted Aladdin next to him.

At this time, the evil dragon suddenly pushed away Xiaoba who was supporting him, and said loudly and coldly: "We must no longer trust human beings. They are not only an inferior race, but also killed Big Brother Tai. I want revenge, with blood!" Repay the blood and avenge Big Brother Tai"

Hearing this, Lance, who was standing next to him, frowned, but he didn't say anything, and closed his eyes silently.

When the sun gradually sets and dusk falls on this day, on the deck,
"Evil Dragon, I am also very sad about the death of Brother Tai, but it is really because of this, and I must ensure that such a tragedy will not happen again. I have seen King Luoshen, and I have also been to the Kingdom of God. There is no discrimination there, only equality." Jinping is serious road.

"That's all a lie, they will do it sooner or later," the evil dragon said stubbornly.

Hearing this, Lance, who had endured for a whole day, looked at the evil dragon coldly, "Keep your mouth clean, are you saying that the king of gods lied to Jinping?"

"Not bad" the evil dragon nodded.

"Shut up!" Hearing this, Jinbe roared angrily, and then felt Lance's unbearable killing intent, and apologized: "Lance, I'm sorry, he's just too sad because of Brother Tai."

Looking at Jinbei, and looking at other eyes that were either avoiding, angry, or sighing, Lance shook his head, took out a phone bug, and said, "Jinbei, I think you need time to deal with it. , when you are done with it, contact me."

"Lance" Jinbe looked at it, and said with shame on his face, after all, he was the one who begged.

"It's okay, I trust you, whether it's me or the king of gods, but you have to remember one thing, the kingdom of gods will never accept murlocs who harbor resentment."

After Lance said, the rising cloud had already landed beside him, and when he was about to step on it, he suddenly turned his head and looked at the evil dragon and said coldly: "Don't think too highly of yourself, if it wasn't because the god king really appreciates Jinping, you wouldn't be I won’t interfere in such things, let alone a character like you, even the entire Murloc Island, my Kingdom of God can be destroyed in minutes, humans are at fault, but are all Murlocs good Murlocs?”

After everyone was taken aback for a moment, Lance had already left directly on Shengkongyun.

Seeing this scene, Jinbe shook his head, sat down silently, lowered his head and clenched his fists and said, "I know, because of Brother Tai, people don't want to trust humans anymore. I am also very angry about this matter, but this is wrong. If you're not in Krall, you can blame our murlocs for being too weak, anyone can bully us."

"That's why I went to the Kingdom of God. We need to find a backer, not only to protect ourselves, but also to protect the entire Murloc Island."

"Why do we have to find humans as backers? We can breathe in water, and our strength is ten times that of humans. Why can't we stand up on our own?" the evil dragon said loudly.

"Because we murlocs are not strong." After Jinbe said loudly, he looked at everyone and said, "Yes, we are stronger than humans, and we can drill into the bottom of the sea, but why are we not the masters of the world, but humans? Because of us The strength is too bad, don't blindly fantasize about subverting the rule of mankind, that will only lead to the complete extinction of the entire murloc clan."

"The strength of the government, the strength of the Kingdom of God, is unimaginable"

"Dragon, didn't you despair when you faced the yellow ape?"

The evil dragon trembled suddenly, and the others gradually fell silent. The strength of the admiral was no longer something they could escape by diving.

"I understand that it is impossible for you to make up your mind now, but I will give you three days to think about it carefully," Jinbe said, and left.

. . .

At the same time, on the other side, on a distant warship, Polusalino looked at the phone and rushed: "Marshal, that's the way it is."

"Murloc Island can't let Loyala pass by, how about Jinbei?" Sengoku asked seriously after a slight silence.

"He is very strong. I feel that he seems to be stronger than Tiger," Polusalino said casually.

"The Seven Martial Seas under the King, there are still two missing. The matter of Tiger is actually a discord between races. Now that Tiger is dead, it needs to be repaired. Let him take the top!" Warring States Road.

"Seven Wuhai?"


"However, this estimate is not enough. From what they said, Loya seems to have given him a great position," Polusalino said.

"Haha, Loya is amazing, but it's a pity that he is imprisoned in the Kingdom of God and is still in the sky. It is probably impossible for the Sun Pirates to serve humans now, but the position of Qiwuhai can indeed exempt these pirates Sin, let them live freely, I have learned about Jinpei carefully, he is a very affectionate person, and there are still some murlocs in our hands, he will definitely agree," Sengoku said confidently.

"So that's the case, I understand." Polusalino nodded.

"However, you don't need to dispatch this right now. Tiger is dead, and you will come back soon. There are only two years left in ten years. If Luo Ya makes such a sudden move, he probably can't bear it anymore. We need to discuss it carefully." Warring States said seriously .

"it is good"

. . . .

After a few days, on a quiet island, Lance looked at Jinbe who was bending over deeply, shook his head and said, "Jinbe, you really want to join the government Shichibukai"

Just yesterday, the world government had sent an invitation card to Shichibukai.

"I'm sorry, Lance, I really want to go to the Kingdom of God, but I can't be so selfish. There are still many of my compatriots on Murloc Island who are being threatened. In addition, as long as I join, the government will release the people who were arrested before. I have to do this for many people, and at the same time, many brothers on the ship are unable to relieve their hatred because of the death of Big Brother Tai. This is not suitable for entering the Kingdom of God, but please tell the King of God, Jinping will count as death, I won't take action against the Kingdom of God either," Jinbe apologized after raising his head.

Lance sighed, "After knowing that Tiger died, I knew it would be difficult. It seems that there will be a period of vacancy for the Shuibu Zhengshen in my kingdom of God."

"No! Lance, I want to recommend someone," Jinbe said seriously.

"Oh!" Lance was taken aback.

"It's Brother Aladdin," Jinbe said.

"Him??" Lance called out to the murloc with the sky-high tail.

"That's right. Actually, if you think about it carefully, I also like freedom and I'm not suitable for being an official. But Brother Aladdin is different. Everyone says that I am the number two member of the Sun Pirates, but in fact he is the deputy of the Sun Pirates." The captain and ship doctor, he likes stability, and at the same time he is also a very calm person, I know the reason why the king of gods has not canonized Mizube Masamune is because of this position, the murloc is the most suitable, I can't go, but he can "Jinping said .

Lance nodded, "But is he willing?"

"I'll figure it out," Jinbe said.

After Lance pondered for a while, he said, "I need to report this matter to the God King first."

"I see"

(End of this chapter)

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