Chapter 94
Hearing this, Neptune asked curiously, "Jinbe, where have you seen it?"

"Kingdom of God" Jinbe said honestly.

Everyone in the "Kingdom of God" was taken aback.

"I'm sorry everyone, I can't tell you exactly what happened, but I clearly remember that the King of God once gave a big man such a black card. That big man is comparable to the existence of Papa Whitebeard. This is called the Throne Black Card. It can mobilize tens of billions of Baileys in the First Bank at any time." Jinping explained that he remembered that the day before he left the Kingdom of God, Dorag said that he would hand over all the starting funds for the Revolutionary Army to the First Bank, and Loya gave it to the First Bank. Such a card.

"Ten billion" many people shouted.

"How is this possible? Why is such a thing in Peter's hands? Could it be that Peter's parents are very rich?" Diamond Joz, the captain of the second team of the Whitebeard Pirates, wondered.

"No, this kind of card is not something that money can give at all. He doesn't have enough strength, status, and reputation. Even if he has more money, he won't give it. The treasury, that’s hundreds of billions of Berries, enough to support hundreds of thousands of troops, enough to buy several big countries,” Jinping said.

"What?" Everyone took a breath.

"Brother Jinping, I have another one here, do you know it?" Peter suddenly took out a crystal-clear dragon jade pendant glowing with purple charm.

"This, this is..." After Jinbe saw it, he trembled suddenly, looked at Little Peter in disbelief, and said, "This is also by your side since childhood."

"Why, you know?" Marco's expression froze.

"This jade pendant, I'm here..." Just as Jinping was about to say something, suddenly a domineering aura swept the entire hall, shocking everyone.


At this moment, White Beard looked serious, and Hong said: "I gave this jade pendant to him, just because I was afraid that this little devil would be sad."

"That's it!" Hearing these words, everyone was slightly surprised, even stared at White Beard with a solemn face, then nodded in confusion, "That may be a mistake."

Hearing this, among the crowd of the Whitebeard Pirates, two ordinary-faced men looked at each other and breathed a sigh of relief.

. . . .

Not long after, when the banquet ended amid bursts of curiosity, Whitebeard, Neptune, and Jinbe gathered together in the main hall of the Dragon Palace.

White Beard looked at Jinbei and said seriously: "What did you guess?"

"Father with a white beard, just now Peter's fast jade pendant I saw with my own eyes that the King of God also has a piece of it, and I wear it at any time, because it is the peerless jade from the bottom of the Tianchi Lake in Gion, the Queen of God, and was forged by the craftsman of the Kingdom of God. The cloud of the dragon's movement, such a precious jade, is only available in the Kingdom of God, and only the biological sons of the King and Queen of God are eligible to wear it. Peter is not the death of his parents, he is the eldest prince of the Kingdom of God, and also the future emperor. The first heir to the Kingdom of God," Jinbe said loudly.

"What?" Neptune shouted in surprise.

Hearing this, White Beard closed his eyes slightly, sighed, and said: "Yes, when Cong suddenly floated on my boat, I felt that his background was probably not simple, just now you mentioned the throne black card I guessed it when


"I don't care whose son he is, but now he is the son of my white beard. I don't want to see him become like the Tianlong people. I hope he can understand himself better. This may be what Loya meant. In addition, since Luo Ya handed over his son to me, I have the responsibility to take on this responsibility, so remember, you can't tell him before you are 20 years old," White Beard said seriously.

Jinbe was taken aback, nodded, and begged: "I understand, old man with white beard, I won't say anything, but I hope you can agree that you can let me visit the pirates often, which is also my kindness to the king of gods." A little bit of compensation"

"Of course you can," Whitebeard laughed.

"It's no wonder little Peter, at such a young age, has such amazing potential and consciousness. It seems that he has inherited the blood of King Luoshen." At this time, Neptune sighed.

"The bloodline is much stronger, but whether he can truly become an indomitable man depends on himself," White Beard said seriously.

. . . .

But at this time, on the other side, on a high platform in the palace island, Peter sat there alone, looking at the sea fish and turtles swimming outside, with expectation and puzzlement in his eyes.

"What are you thinking?" After the sound of light footsteps, Marco sat beside him.

"Brother Marco, why do you think they don't want me anymore?" Peter lowered his head, looking a little sad.

Hearing this, Marco's expression froze, and he said seriously: "Peter, you must not think so, maybe they have difficulties, maybe they want you to become a real man, if they can leave you a black card of the throne, then It shows that they are probably paying attention to you all the time"

"Actually, I don't even need to tell you, I already know who he is?" Peter suddenly raised his head and said with deep eyes.

Marco sighed. In fact, he also had a premonition, but he couldn't believe it, and said softly: "Then do you want to go back? As long as you go back, you may have the same lofty status as the Tianlong people, and it is unique. of"

"No! Dad is my only father, I will never leave the Whitebeard Pirates, this is my home" Peter said suddenly and firmly.

After being taken aback for a moment, Marco immediately showed a relieved smile, put his arms around Peter, and said, "My boy, you really did not live up to our expectations of you."

"In the future, I will work harder, not to show him, but to protect my family like my father, and help my father become the Pirate King," Peter said loudly.

"You can do it," Marco encouraged with a smile.

Not far away, I saw two men hiding in the corner. When they looked at Peter who was smiling again, the tension and worry on his face disappeared a lot.

"Jinping, just talking too much, if it wasn't for Dad, he would have almost exposed the identity of the eldest prince"

"We can't blame Jinping either, who told the Queen of God to steal private goods from the King of God, he is probably also surprised."

"Say nothing will happen! Today, although Dad stopped me, some people are still paying attention. Should we send someone to notify the Kingdom of God immediately, or just send someone to take the eldest prince back? If something goes wrong, The two of us can't afford it"

"I don't think so. As long as the white beard father is still there, no one will be able to hurt the eldest prince for a short time. When the eldest prince grows up, his own strength will be the most powerful support. This is actually what the god king needs. of"

"Hey, what are you doing hiding here?" At this moment, a deep voice suddenly sounded, and the two turned their heads to look, only to see Tiqi holding a bottle of wine and asked curiously.

"Oh! Tiqi, it's okay." After the eyes of the two changed slightly, they stood up with a smile.

"Captain Vista, I have something to do with you," Tiqi said after raising his eyebrows.

"Okay" After the two nodded, they left directly.

After taking a look, Tiqi took a few steps forward and glanced at Marco and Peter who were chatting. After turning his eyes, he showed an evil smile.

And just as his mind was turning, Peter's body tensed up, and he couldn't help but look back, just in time to see Tiqi's back.

"What's wrong?" Marco said.

After raising the corner of Peter's mouth, he said, "Brother Marco, do you know who is the most dangerous?"

"A man of great strength," Marco said.

"No! My ability is the most able to detect people's loyalty and traitors, and also the most able to perceive misfortunes and blessings. The truly dangerous person is the kind of person who is honest on the outside and cruel on the inside. You treat him as a family member, and he treats you as a tool. Let's see how ambitious someone is, and how long he can stay silent." After Peter said coldly, his eyes seemed to be thundering, and the flames superimposed.

Looking at Peter at this time, Marco showed a trace of surprise on his face, not because of what he said just now, but because the expression of Peter now is exactly the same as that of Loya, who came down and just became the king of Luoshen.

 Ask for recommendation, ask for collection, ask for everything


(End of this chapter)

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