Devourer from Pirates

Chapter 96 Kaido's Provocation

Chapter 96 Kaido's Provocation
Loya in the Kingdom of God also knew about Whitebeard speaking for Murloc Island, and at the same time learned about the situation of some children. very satisfied.

Originally, after this matter was over, he was about to cast his eyes on the mysterious power Demon Palace that Drago had mentioned, but not long after he calmed down, another sudden incident interrupted his sight.

Trouble caused by a madman.

"He's looking for death!" After reading the letter in his hand, Luo Ya's eyes flashed a cold light.

"King of God, Kaido is a lunatic. During this period of time, he has been sending people to attack the First Bank, in various branches of the New World, and even acted by himself. It is estimated that he wants to force the King of God to go out. His subordinates plan to mobilize all the eight departments immediately. With the power, go to deal with the Beast Pirates," said Crowe on the side.

After hearing this, Luo Ya glanced at the letter again and said, "Do you think he is a lunatic?"

"What does the God King mean?" Crowe asked with some doubts. People who commit suicide every day are not lunatics, what are they?
"The Kingdom of God has a very detailed investigation of the four emperors. Kaido is crazy, but judging from his attitude towards people, he also has the magnanimity of a hero. The so-called courting death is more about tempering himself. After so many years, He didn't move before, why did he suddenly move now?" Loya asked back.

"God King, this may have something to do with Doflamingo." At this moment, Kong Ming suddenly walked in from the outside.

"What, there is a result?" Loya asked.

"Yes, God King, God King should remember that Doflamingo has a business agreement with the Kingdom of Crete, or that he has a business agreement with the kingdom of God. The reason why the eight parts have the most people is because This," Kong Ming said.

"You mean man-made devil fruit?" Loya raised his brows, how could he forget about this matter.

"Yes, it is said that Kaido once sent someone to find Doflamingo in order to monopolize all the man-made devil fruit business, but this guy, Doflamingo, couldn't afford to offend Kaido, so he directly threw all the responsibility on us The kingdom of God is over, that’s why Kaido launched an attack on the first bank in the new world, he is going to cut off the financial resources of the kingdom of God, snatch artificial devil fruits, and at the same time show his strength,” Kong Ming nodded.

"So that's the case." Luo Ya smiled.

"King of God, no matter what the reason is, Kaido dared to attack the property of the Kingdom of God, this is absolutely unstoppable," Crowe said coldly.

"What are you going to do?" Loya asked.

"My subordinates implore the order of the God King to mobilize the eight divisions of the Kingdom of God, the elite of the Ten Palaces, and [-] troops to completely wipe out the Beast Pirates in the New World and establish the supreme prestige of the Kingdom of God," Crowe said loudly.

"What, God King Order?" Kong Ming was startled, and said: "No, the current situation is just the destruction of some banks. Kaido can't touch the vaults of our First Bank, but some buildings have been destroyed. It’s a bit too much to just issue the god king’s order, and it’s easy for the navy and the world government to take advantage of it.”

"It's not just the bank, it's because Kaido insulted the majesty of the god king. If he doesn't punish severely, how will the world see my kingdom of God?" Crowe said loudly.

"Crow, once 10,000+ divine soldiers descend into the realm, the ending will be endless. In addition, the Kingdom of God is still a year and a half away from the ten-year agreement. With such a big move, it is difficult to guarantee that others will not gossip."

"Then it's really good to use this opportunity to break the ten-year ban of the god king, and no one can say anything," Kloe said.

"Okay." Hearing this, Luo Ya waved his hand suddenly, and the two stopped arguing immediately.

"It's really not the right time to issue the order of the god king. The ten-year agreement is the last request that Teacher Zefa made to this king. Even if the first bank is gone, this king will not violate it," Luo Ya affirmed.

"But God King, Kaido's strength, you know well, if you don't make a big move, you probably won't be able to take it," Crowe said seriously.

"That's not necessarily the case," Kong Ming suddenly smiled.

"Kong Ming, what can you do?" Luo Ya asked.

"God King, we can ask the navy to help," Kong Ming said with a smile.

"Navy" Loya was taken aback.

"God King, you may have forgotten that the Divine Kingdom of Heaven is actually a franchise country of the World Government. The annual franchise fee is sent to the subordinates, just to occupy the name. Now, the new The World Conference is coming up in three days"

"World Conference" Luo Ya moved his eyes, showed a smile, nodded and said: "Okay, very good, you go there yourself."


"King of God, my Kingdom of God doesn't need this at all. Even if the four emperors gather together, my Kingdom of God still has this foundation," Crowe said in a low voice.

"It is the best policy to subdue the enemy without fighting." Luo Ya smiled slightly and said, "Don't waste the elite of the Kingdom of God against a crazy person like Kaido."

"God King!!"

"Okay." After Luo Ya said something, he said, "Kong Ming will be fully responsible for this matter, so you don't need to worry about it."

Hearing this, Crowe sighed.

"Haha, Crowe, don't worry, sooner or later the army of the Kingdom of God will have time to roam the world," Loya comforted.


. . . . .

Two days later, San Marie Gioia.

The World Conference is a world-class conference held every four years by the monarchs of more than 50 countries that have joined the world government in the holy land of Mariejoa, discussing issues related to world-wide security and order.

Every world conference will be guarded by an admiral in person. This time it will be guarded by Akainu Sakaski. The monarchs of all countries have basically arrived, and it will be officially held tomorrow.

Outside a villa in the Holy Land, I saw Sakaski, who was more mature and restrained than before, holding a pair of scissors, trimming vase plants, with a rare clean look.

"General Sakaski" Not long after, a major general staff officer ran over anxiously.

"What's wrong?" Sakaski turned his head and asked.

"I just got the news that the Kingdom of God, headed by Zuo Priest Kong Ming, and represented by Giant God Bradley and Spirit God Casalu, will participate in this World Conference," the major general said earnestly.

"Kingdom of God" Sakaski frowned, put down the scissors, and said, "They didn't participate last time, right?"


"Looks like it's because of Kaido." Sakaski sneered. The First Bank was attacked, and the navy was of course the first to receive the news.

"General, the five elders have said that although the intention of the Kingdom of Heaven is unknown, it is still a member country of the government in name, and the government still needs to show some kindness, so I hope the general will greet you in person," the major general said.

"Let me meet you." After hearing this, Sakarski shook his head and said in disdain, "You send me a message back. I won't pick him up when he comes, and I won't see him off when he leaves."

After speaking, he picked up the scissors again and trimmed.


"Go ahead," Sakarski waved.

Hearing this, the staff officer nodded helplessly and said, "Yes."

Not long after, the task of meeting Shenguo and others was handed over to Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel.

(End of this chapter)

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