Chapter 104
Just as Ye Guxin was practicing, there was a loud noise outside Tianya City, followed by countless chaotic voices, and the outside of Tianya City seemed to be galloping.Coupled with the chaos in the city, Ye Guxin knew that something must have happened in Tianya City.

Ye Guxin didn't practice anymore, and went out of the room directly. After finding that the people outside were all running towards the top of the city, he shrank thousands of miles and came to the vicinity of the city gate.Seeing countless bustles running towards the top of the city, there are countless monsters roaring outside, and quickly came to the top of the city, looking at the strange monsters outside, and there are many of them.Looking at their huge bodies, it is also known that there is a huge power in an individual.

Reminiscent of what Sword God said before, he also knew that this must be the place called Haijiao who came to attack Tianya City.I'm afraid there are hundreds of thousands of those monsters.The total number of people in Tianya City is only 10.If these people were to challenge the hundreds of thousands of monsters in front of them, it would be impossible to win.But don't forget, Tianya City's artifacts are not vegetarian either.

Ye Guxin swept his eyes, and saw a group of people standing on the highest part of the city wall, Tianhai and Shaoshi were inside, what Ye Guxin didn't expect was that Sword God and Houtu also came, standing next to Tianhai and the others .The one in the middle is obviously the lord of Tianya City.

But Ye Guxin doesn't care what kind of city owner you are, he has never paid attention to it, his eyes stopped for a moment after seeing Houtu, but even this is enough for Ye Guxin to look at it once. earth.Now Houtu actually looks extremely haggard, and his previous plain temperament has become full of worries.

At this time, the monsters outside were getting impatient, and there was a sharp cry from behind them. Those monsters seemed to have received some signal, and ran towards Tianya City desperately in an instant.

If you think about how powerful hundreds of thousands of monsters are when they run, no one can explain it in words.Ye Guxin and the others just felt that the entire Tianya City was shaking.But the people on the top of the city didn't panic. It's not like they haven't experienced this kind of thing before. They have long been numb. So what if there are more monsters?Tianya City is protected by artifacts, and it has never been heard that anyone can break through.

Sure enough, when those monsters were about to reach the city wall, a white light appeared on the city wall.Although those monsters saw it, they didn't stop, and they were even faster, colliding with the white light in an instant.The white light flashed violently, and the monsters that hit the white light disappeared just like that, but the monsters behind did not stop because of this, one by one they rushed forward to attack the white light.

That white light is not omnipotent, this white light is emitted by Tianya Stone, a divine tool in Tianya City. Although Tianya Stone is also a divine tool, it requires a lot of energy to activate it.When the energy was used up, the Tianya Stone temporarily lost its effect. After a period of time, the white light protecting Tianya City has gradually weakened.And the cry behind the monster also became urgent.

Countless monsters attacked Bai Guang recklessly, and finally Bai Guang disappeared after eliminating a batch of monsters.And Tianya City was also nakedly exposed in front of the monsters.

Although Tianya Stone has wiped out many monsters, there are still about [-] monsters in front of Ye Guxin.I saw that the city lord at the top of the city didn't panic, and with a wave of his hand, the closed city gate suddenly opened, and a team of ten thousand cavalry in black armor rushed towards the monster with an indomitable momentum.

The black cavalry was inserted into the monster like a black dagger, Ye Guxin saw that the fighting power of those cavalry was surprisingly strong, and they were not at a disadvantage in fighting those monsters.

As soon as they entered it, there was a bloody storm, but the number of monsters was too many, so the black cavalry also began to suffer casualties.Those monsters are not easy to deal with, each of them is extremely powerful and huge.After seeing the situation of the black cavalry, many people with high martial arts skills flew down from the city wall. Although their martial arts skills were so vulnerable to Ye Guxin's visitors from outside the sky, they are still very powerful here.

All of a sudden, countless monsters died in the hands of these martial artists.At this moment, the cries behind the monster became even more weird, and countless monsters bigger than Ye Guxin appeared on the horizon. Those monsters were extremely fast, and they appeared in front of Ye Guxin in an instant.And after those monsters joined, those black cavalry and martial arts people became vulnerable.The strength is several times that of the monsters that appeared before.

Seeing the heavy casualties below, the city lord Tianya waved his hand again, and there was a strange sound from the gate tower, and the black cavalry and martial arts figures outside the city immediately left the battlefield and returned to the city.Ye Guxin saw that the person who just went out can come back with three achievements is already very good.

Ye Guxin smiled slightly and thought: "Isn't now the best time for me to leave Tianya City? As long as the Lord of Tianya City uses the magic weapon, he will not care about it anymore. With his current strength, there is nothing wrong with rushing out of the city." The question. Thinking of Ye Guxin, he couldn't help but glance at Houtu, thought for a while, and made a decision in his heart.

Hou Tu was looking at the monster outside, and now she had no feeling for the monster in front of her, she had seen this kind of scene countless times.Coupled with Ye Guxin's disappearance, her heart is not on these monsters in front of her at all.Suddenly, a voice of day and night thoughts came from her ear, and her body couldn't help but feel a burst.The voice said: "Houtu, I am Guxin. Today is the day I leave Tianya City. Would you like to go with me? You can also tell Sword God what I mean, tell them, if you are willing to go, Come rush out with me in a while." After finishing speaking, Ye Guxin's voice disappeared, but now Houtu's heart is full of surprise and joy, and the joy is that Ye Guxin is safe and sound.What surprised me was the sound transmission, Ye Guxin used the sound transmission just now, what does this mean, it means that Ye Guxin has recovered his skills.

After thinking about it, Hou Tu pulled Sword God and Vulcan God to a place, and whispered: "Just now Ye Guxin told me through voice transmission that today is his breakout day, and I want to ask you if you would like to go out together."

When Sword God heard it, he sent a sound transmission, and hurriedly said: "Houtu, what did you say, did you say that Ye Guxin was talking to you through sound transmission?" .They all understood what Transsion represented to them.That means that Ye Guxin has recovered his skills, and they know that if Ye Guxin really recovers his skills, then they will have hope when they leave Tianya City, and they will also have hope when they leave this world.

Vulcan and the others looked at each other and nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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