Chapter 114
Although the casualties on both sides were very heavy, the battle would not stop just because of a little casualty, so the battle-continue.But this time it is no longer a battle between the heavenly soldiers and the little demons under him, but a contest between the generals of both sides.Catch and fight, although there were not as many people as last time, the intense scene was not worse than last time, and it was even worse.All of them were turned upside down, the earth was shaken, and the sun and the moon were dark.

Now Monkey King is fighting with Tota Li Tianwang, how could Li Jingneng become the Tianwang's subordinate without some means.In addition, the Linglong Pagoda in his hand is an artifact that is no less than the Ruyi Golden Cudgel in Monkey King's hand, and it is worthy of a tie with Monkey King.The pagoda in his hand emits a burst of precious light from time to time, Sun Wukong didn't know what it was at first, he was illuminated by the precious light for a while, and then he couldn't move in the precious light, as if he was hit by a fixed body spell.Fortunately, at that time, the golden cudgel protected his body and counterattacked automatically, which saved him from the light of the precious light. Otherwise, he would have to take off a layer of skin if he was not dead.

After Sun Wukong once again escaped the precious light from the Linglong Pagoda, Li Tianwang said to him: "Sun Wukong, I think you are the apprentice of the Emperor of the Earth. As long as you are ready to be arrested now, I will intercede for you in front of the Jade Emperor. Maybe you will return!" Will let you live. Otherwise you will die."

"Hey, isn't my old grandson the kind of person who is greedy for life and afraid of death, how can he say he's defeated when the outcome is not decided?" After Monkey King finished speaking, the golden cudgel in his hand smashed down on the top of his head.Li Tianwang heard the wind, quickly resisted, and fought into a group again.

Over there, the Bull Demon King used a ox stick to fight with Tianpeng. The most powerful thing about the Bull Demon King is his whole body strength. He opened and closed his bull fork widely, and using his powerful bull fork, his whole body glowed purple. The radiance is obviously the performance of the skill that has been transported to the limit, and the canopy is even more airtight when it sees the rake in its hand.The body also exudes white light, fighting with the Bull Demon King.From time to time, there were bursts of intense noise around.It turned out to be half a catty.No difference.His Marshal Peng was not in vain.No one will obey him without strength.

After playing for a while, the canopy yelled: the sky is like the earth.The body shape began to increase rapidly.When the Bull Demon King saw it, he didn't show weakness, and showed his original shape. A huge bull appeared in front of the canopy. The two horns on the Bull Demon King's head gleamed coldly. One of the top ten murder weapons prepared.

The Bull Demon King roared loudly, and the surrounding air seemed to be shaken by his roar.Then he rushed towards the canopy that has grown countless times. The current canopy is too big, and the speed of the Bull Demon King is so fast that it is impossible to hide. , The rake in his hand became extremely huge, and it landed on the final path of the Bull Demon King. With a bang, the two horns of the Bull Demon King hit the nine-toothed rake first.

No one can match the impact of the Bull Demon King now, he directly knocked the rake out, with more momentum, he slammed into the canopy, and the canopy is not a coward, seeing the two bull horns of the Bull Demon King coming in front of him, he grabbed it with both hands He stopped, trying to block the Bull Demon King, but he retreated several hundred meters under the enormous strength of the Bull Demon King.

With a flick of his head, the Bull Demon King threw out the canopy that was holding his horns, and then changed back to its original appearance, saying coldly: "If you dare to grab my old cow's horns, I really don't know whether to live or die." Niu Cha kept moving toward the canopy that was still in the air...
Goutian's opponent is Shui De Xingjun, Shui De Xingjun is an expert in water control, a water dragon appears and disappears in his hands, changing in many ways, but Goutian is not without means, his hands are even more miraculous. There seemed to be a strange attraction, as long as one of Shui De Xingjun's water dragon was near his palm, it would tend to be sucked into it, and the frightened Shui De Xing Jun called it evil in his heart.Sure enough, Ye Guxin's apprentices are not so easy to mess with.

He was more careful when driving the water dragon, trying to bypass Goutian's hand, but no matter how he changed his tactics, Goutian's hand would always appear in front of the water dragon at the last moment.And every time it appears, the water dragon will always be smaller.Shui De Xingjun knew that Goutian's hands were too evil, so he didn't dare to let Goutian get close.Just dance the water dragon in the hand to the wind and water.The water dragon in the air suddenly let out a dragon cry.With a wave of the dragon's claws, the surrounding air began to become sharply cold, and ice swords began to rain down from the sky in an instant.

Seeing this situation, Goutian snorted coldly, his left hand suddenly became extremely huge, blocking the top of his head, the moment those ice swords touched Goutian's hand, they would be sucked into it instantly.And Goutian's hand seemed to have a universe in it, no matter how many ice swords there were in the sky, they could all be recruited correctly.Shui De Xingjun didn't have any temper after beating him.It looked like it was only a matter of time before Goutian won.

Here, Sun Wukong saw that Li Tianwang's exquisite pagoda was powerful, and he was still blocked by the precious light. He was so angry that he grabbed a handful of hair from his body and blew it into the air. Countless identical Monkey Kings appeared in Li Tianwang In front of them, after they turned around, Li Tianwang could no longer tell who was the real Monkey King.

As soon as Li Tianwang saw this situation, he knew it was not good, and the Linglong Pagoda in his hand instantly released a yellow light to cover him, and when he was covered, Monkey King's Ruyi Golden Cudgel also arrived at him at this time The top of the head, but it was still blocked by the yellow light.

If it weren't for Li Tianwang's quick reaction, he would definitely not die or be seriously injured.The Linglong Orb on the top of the Linglong Pagoda emits thousands of yellow lights and covers Monkey King in the sky.

Sun Wukong looked at it and snorted coldly: "Do you think I'm really afraid of your Linglong Baoguang, Tian-gang-di-sha-huo?"

All of a sudden, one hundred and eight different fire lights appeared on Sun Wukong's body. The method and the number of changes are easy to practice, but if you want to practice to the extreme, without excellent talent and continuous hard work, it is impossible to succeed in cultivation.

Back then, Ye Guxin didn't want him to practice all of the [-] Tiangang Disha changes, but he didn't want him to be too greedy, so that he couldn't practice to the end.But Sun Wukong is indeed worthy of his extraordinary talent. He has practiced all the one hundred and eight changes to the extreme, and he has also obtained a great supernatural power-the heavenly gang earth evil fire.Sun Wukong has never said or used this supernatural power to anyone, and today is the first time he has shown it in front of everyone.

One hundred and eight flames surrounded Sun Wukong, and the Linglong Baoguang actually flinched under the light of the evil fire of Tiangangdi. Monkey King opened his hands, and the one hundred and eight evil fires of Tiangangdi on his body instantly dispersed to the surroundings.But the directions in which they disperse are not without purpose.Instead, they each stayed in a strange position, standing still.

And every time those flames reach a place, they will turn into a huge beam of light, rising to the horizon, and a certain star in the sky will emit a starlight into the beam of light.The brilliance emitted by the beam of light is even brighter after it touches the starlight.

As soon as Li Tianwang saw the starlight entering the beam of light, the beam of light emitted a strong pressure. It was the power of heaven and earth. Li Tianwang knew it was not good when he saw this. The supernatural power of Tiangang Dishahuo, I have only heard of the supernatural power of the number of changes before, but I have never seen it.

I didn't expect to see it on Sun Wukong today, and I sighed in my heart: "Ye Guxin's apprentices are really not so easy to deal with, each one is more difficult to deal with, fortunately, the few who were in Beiwei Luzhou did not come out, otherwise ..." He didn't even dare to think about it, there are so many mountain god lands in Luzhou in the north, and after so many years of cultivation, they don't know what level each of them has reached. If they all come out, it must be a powerful force.At that time, the trouble was really not a little bit.

Although there were tens of thousands of thoughts in his heart, he was not slow under his hands. The Linglong Pagoda instantly became bigger, and then he was covered in it all at once. After that, what he saw was a huge Linglong Pagoda erected at the position where Li Tianwang had just stood. .

After the Linglong Pagoda fell to the ground, the Linglong Orb on the top emitted thousands of yellow auspicious lights.The place where the yellow light passed actually dissipated the murderous aura left by the battle between the two sides.But it also completely shrouded the surrounding area of ​​[-] meters in yellow light.And the yellow light became more and more intense.Knowing that it has changed until the Linglong Pagoda can no longer be seen.

The heavenly gangster and earthshade flames released by Sun Wukong attracted the power of one hundred and eight stars from the sky.After combining the power of the stars, the pillar of evil light exuded endless power.The place where the flame of Tiangang Disha was located just happened to form a formation of Tiangang Disha.

Feeling the infinite power emanating from the Tiangangdisha Formation, all the people around who were still desperately fighting for their lives stopped unknowingly.Watching the battle between Monkey King and Li Tianwang engrossed.

From the yellow light emanating from the Linglong Pagoda, many people can feel that the power is not weaker than that of the Heavenly Gang Earth Sha Formation.And when the yellow light reached a peak, the Linglong Pearl on the Linglong Pagoda also appeared in front of everyone instantly.A figure appeared inside the Linglong Pearl. Nezha and the others took a closer look and found that it was Li Tianwang inside, and Li Tianwang inside was not idle, his hands were dancing non-stop, and he was holding various formulas in his hands. .Countless handprints.With the appearance of his handprints, the exquisite pagoda that was originally on the ground began to slowly rise into the air.

When the Linglong Pagoda was lifted into the sky, huge thunder and lightning flashed continuously around it.The sound of roaring is even more endless.The momentum can be described as huge.

(End of this chapter)

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