Chapter 118
After Yang Jian saw it, he raised the three-pointed two-edged knife in his hand and greeted the golden cudgel.Countless roaring sounds came from between the two.Now both sides below are paying attention to the battle between the two.

Sun Wukong's power has completely exceeded the expectations of everyone in the heavens.When they discovered that Sun Wukong had cultivated Tiangang Dishahuo, they could not predict Sun Wukong's strength.

Heaven - Gang - Earth - Sha - Stick
In an instant, the sky was covered with countless stick shadows, and one hundred and eight Monkey Kings with different expressions appeared in the sky, with various flames on their bodies.Under the mutual induction of those forces, the place covered by the stick shadow turned into a closed space.

The space is full of chaotic forces tearing away, and in the center of the stick shadow is the Erlang God Yang Jian in a battle armor. Yang Jian has already felt the pressure from the air when Monkey King used the Tiangang Diba stick.But before he was given time to leave, the shadow of the golden cudgel had already filled the entire space.

Knowing that there was no hope of leaving, Yang Jian swiped the three-pointed two-edged knife in front of him, and suddenly a yellow light radiated from his surroundings.

Wu - Extreme - Illusion - Extinction
After Yang Jian said these words, his body surrounded by yellow light suddenly became smaller and smaller, until the yellow light suddenly disappeared, as if Erlang God had never appeared.And Sun Wukong's space blocked by the stick shadow instantly hit the air after Erlang Shen disappeared.

There was a loud noise in the air, and the air instantly spread to the surroundings in a form visible to the naked eye, and anything swept by the aftermath of the air was instantly wiped out.Even the majestic Lingxiao Palace was cut off a huge horn in this shock.

From this we can also see how powerful the Heavenly Gang Di Sha Stick is.After the aftermath, Erlang God suddenly appeared from the original place.

When Sun Wukong saw it, he laughed and said: "Yang Jian, why are you so afraid to accept my golden cudgel? If you are afraid, then leave quickly."

When Yang Jian heard this, he was furious, and the third eye on his head suddenly opened.A golden light shot out from the third eye.For a moment, Sun Wukong was covered inside, and the Monkey King suddenly became still.I saw that Monkey King was laughing wildly and was stopped by the golden light in the air.All of a sudden, the Bull Demon King and the others seemed a little unable to react. It was Sun Wukong who beat Yang Jian so hard that he couldn't fight back just now.Unexpectedly, the situation is suddenly reversed now.I can't turn around mentally.

Just when Yang Jian was about to show a triumphant smile, a golden stick suddenly appeared behind his head, and he took a closer look, it was Monkey King's Ruyi Golden Cudgel.The golden cudgel mixed with purple Tiangang Dishahuo was struck down, but fortunately that Erlang God is not a person with a false name.At this critical juncture, he quickly turned to the side, and the golden cudgel hit Yang Jian's left shoulder.

All of a sudden, everyone present heard a crisp "click", and Yang Jian's shoulders were shattered under the golden cudgel.

Even so, Yang Jian instantly raised the three-pointed two-edged knife in his hand and set the golden cudgel away.And quickly left the place where he had just stood.

Looking at the place where his golden light just settled, there is still a shadow of Monkey King.As soon as Erlang Shen thought about it, he knew that the person he had just immobilized was just the incarnation of that monkey.His real body came to the top of his head.

I am ashamed that I haven't seen through his incarnation for so long. From this, I can see that the number of changes in that monkey is beyond my ability to see through.Even so, Yang Jian did not give up, he wanted to fight Monkey King one last time.His left shoulder has been completely worn out. Although he can be demobilized, the current time does not allow him to do so.

The three-pointed and two-edged knife appeared in his right hand instantly, and the nine-turn Xuan Gong was input into the three-pointed and two-edged knife without reservation, and the three-pointed and two-edged knife made crisp and clear sounds.Space began to vibrate.

Sun Wukong knew at a glance that Yang Jian's move must be very important, and the sound of the crisp sound of the three-pointed and two-edged knife has the magic power to make people's heart beat along with it.The crisp sound of the three-pointed two-edged knife became stronger and stronger as Yang Jian input more and more nine-turn mystical skills.Everything around him disappeared with the crisp sound, and only Yang Jian in the armor remained in the air.

"Liu Er, Brother Niu, leave as soon as possible, the farther the better." After finishing speaking, he himself came across to Yang Jian, and the evil spirits on his body became more and more intense.Seeing this situation, Liu Er and the others knew that this was no longer a battle they could intervene in, and if they stayed here, it might bring disaster to Chi Yu.Not daring to stay for a long time, he quickly left the spot and stopped to watch the battle when he was tens of thousands of meters away from Monkey King and Yang Jian.

Needless to say, Jade Emperor and the others quickly disappeared in place.In an instant, only Monkey King and Yang Jian were left in the Heavenly Court, which was originally full of demons.In fact, if Sun Wukong wants to avoid Yang Jian's move, there are many ways, but he is the emperor's apprentice, so it is impossible for him to escape.

After Erlang God yelled this sentence, the three-pointed two-edged knife in his hand began to slowly draw circles one after another along wonderful trajectories in the air.It's slow to say these things, but it's all done in an instant.

Nine connected circles suddenly appeared in front of Yang Jian.Those nine circles are encircled by one circle, and one circle is encircled by another circle, nine is the extreme number.Nine is infinity.Nine is change.

Under the control of Erlang God, the nine circles of white light headed towards Sun Wukong at the speed of light. Where the circles of light passed, the space was also distorted, and it was distorted in a circular form.

Sun Wukong also raised his Heavenly Gang Earth Shahuo to the limit in an instant.In an instant, he seemed to be in a huge purple flame.The surrounding space collapsed under the burning of the heavenly and earthly evil fire.Make the surroundings become an independent space, that is the world of fire.That is the world that belongs to Monkey King.

At this time, Yang Jian's nine-reincarnation reincarnation has also reached outside the space of Monkey King.The place where the nine apertures pass looks like a huge distorted wormhole.It can be seen from this that one of the functions of the nine-reincarnation reincarnation is to distort space.When distorting space, gather the power of that space for your own use.So in the process of advancing, the nine apertures are getting stronger and stronger.But I don't know if it can distort Monkey King's space.

Under thousands of eyes, Nine Reincarnation finally collided with the space Sun Wukong built with strength, but there was no loud noise between them.There are only wordless distortions, which are space-to-space collisions.

As soon as Sun Wukong's space came into contact with the nine circles of light, the entire space vibrated suddenly. It was the kind of silent vibration. Others only saw that the space was suddenly distorted, but it returned to its original appearance in an instant.The endless heavenly and earthly evil fire in the space is burning the nine halos full of strange power.But it is full of the power of nine rounds of reincarnation.The Heavenly Gang and Earth Shahuo didn't have much effect on it.

Seeing that there was no effect, Sun Wukong decisively gave up his own space, and the space built by Tiangang Dishahuo disappeared instantly as Monkey King retracted Tiangangdishahuo.

Sun Wukong looked at the Ruyi Golden Cudgel in his hand and said to himself: "My good brother, it's all up to you." Looking at the halo that was thinking of him, he shouted: "Ruyi Golden Cudgel."

In an instant, the Ruyi golden cudgel in his hand became bigger in an instant.One head on the road ahead of the nine-turn reincarnation.Bang, those nine circles of light were blocked by the Ruyi Golden Cudgel.

At this time, Sun Wukong also felt a distorted force coming from the other end of the golden cudgel, and that distorted force seemed to distort the artifact golden cudgel.

Monkey King saw that all the strength of his body was injected into the golden cudgel to resist that powerful force.The Heavenly Gang Earth Fiend Fire also poured into it completely, but under the influence of that force, the purple flame actually existed in the form of a ring.

After holding each other for a while, Sun Wukong yelled: "What the hell is the nine-turn reincarnation, break it for me!" In an instant, all the power in his body rushed towards that circle.

After contacting Sun Wukong's power, the nine light circles began to rotate rapidly, and countless powers were discharged into the void by it.Countless lightning flashes between them.

The golden cudgel suddenly radiated golden light, and instantly burst into the nine rings, and the ring was like nine hula hoops covering the golden cudgel, but even so, those light circles were still tenacious He followed the golden cudgel towards Monkey King.

"Big, big, big, big, big, big, big" Sun Wukong saw that the halos could not be wiped out, and he came towards him with the golden cudgel.The golden cudgel in his hand instantly grew bigger.The golden cudgel can grow infinitely as long as Monkey King's mana allows.

But the waywardness of those apertures is surprisingly good, and they also become larger as the golden hoop gets bigger, but the writing aperture becomes much thinner. The purple-golden light formed by the "broken" golden cudgel and the celestial fire swallowed up the nine circles of light in an instant. With a "bang", the golden cudgel suddenly became smaller and returned to his hand.

Sun Wukong is dressed in a chain mail, holding a Ruyi golden cudgel, standing in the air, like an undefeated god of war.The golden cudgel pointed to the Jade Emperor in the distance and said: "Old Jade Emperor, you used despicable means to force my master into the sky, and today I will also be in your heaven, as long as you push my master Let it out from the end of the sky. Let’s pretend we haven’t been here today, otherwise, give me your Jade Emperor seat.”

The Jade Emperor snorted coldly and was about to speak.Suddenly, a glimmer of Buddha's light appeared in the west.The three figures moved from far to near, and they came to the place where everyone was fighting in an instant.At first glance, it turned out that the Tathagata came with two venerables, Anuo and Kasyapa, and stood in front of Sun Wukong. When Sun Wukong saw someone coming to block him, he was angry and shouted loudly: "You are the good man, dare to stop the swordsman!"

The Tathagata smiled and said, "I am the Venerable Sakyamuni in the Western Ultimate Bliss Land, Namo Amitabha Buddha. Now I heard that you are rampant in the countryside and dare to rebel against the heavenly palace. I don't know where you grew up and when you attained enlightenment. Why are you so violent?"

Sun Wukong was even more angry when he heard that, good you Tathagata, I will not look for you, but you actually came to the door.Today I must take good care of you for Master
(End of this chapter)

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