Chapter 122
Looking at the broom star struggling in the air, he said coldly, "I'm talking to the Jade Emperor, when will you interrupt?" With his left hand together, the broom star suddenly burst, and blood began to rain in the sky.Li Tianwang quickly swept away the blood rain over the Jade Emperor with a wave of his hand.

The Jade Emperor flashed the majesty that an emperor should have. Although his words had no effect on Ye Guxin, he still said: "Ye Guxin, you are a bit too arrogant to kill people in front of the widow. Do you still have me in your eyes?" This Jade Emperor." Hearing this, Ye Guxin couldn't help but shook his head and said, "Why do you let me admit that you are the Jade Emperor, you are the ruler of the heaven? Why?"

"You Heavenly Court has enslaved my mountain god land for thousands of years. When did we get your attention? Should we be like a dog, coming when you call it, and going away when you wave it? At that time, how did you see it? Are there lands like our mountain gods? Jade Emperor, you promised to take the land of the mountain gods given to me and all the world in the North Fear Luzhou as a shelter. But you turned your back on your ears and kept your word. Forcing me to enter the end of the sky, it’s true It's a good way," Ye Guxin said coldly.

The Jade Emperor knew that although there were many people in Tianting today, according to the situation of Ye Guxin fighting Tathagata, no one here could stop him from doing anything.This also includes taking his life.

When Taibai heard it, how could he not understand what Ye Guxin meant, just now he said that he asked the Jade Emperor to give him a reason not to kill him, that is, he planned to let the Jade Emperor go, but even if he let go, the matter would not be so easy.There must be some conditions or something to make the Jade Emperor suffer.

Even so, the Jade Emperor is the symbol of the Heavenly Court. If he is punished, wouldn't it be a slap in the face for the people in the Heavenly Realm?Taibai came out and said: "Ye Guxin, although the Jade Emperor was wrong back then, he was the Lord of Heaven after all. It's okay for an emperor of the world to know that he was wrong. How about uncovering this matter from now on?"

When the Jade Emperor saw the stairs, he also looked at Ye Guxin and said: "What happened back then was my fault, the widow's fault, as long as you are willing to expose this past. From then on, the land of the mountain gods will never be enslaved again. Their identities You will be equal to all immortals. My heavenly court can also prove your identity as the emperor to the world. You will no longer be under the control of my heavenly court. I don’t know what you want?"

Ye Guxin suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed.The people around didn't understand why Ye Guxin was laughing at all, and what was so funny about it.Looking at him for a while, he didn't know what to say, and the Jade Emperor didn't understand why. Could there be something wrong with what he just said, so funny?
Ye Guxin's laughter suddenly stopped and said: "Jade Emperor, I don't have to kill you today, but you have to write a letter of guilt and apologize to the mountain gods and lands in the world. We will write off the past, or..." Zhan Tian Suddenly appeared in Ye Guxin's hand, pointing the sword at the Jade Emperor, and all the immortals in the heavens saw a sword suddenly appearing in Ye Guxin's hand, and quickly blocked the Jade Emperor.But Ye Guxin didn't look at them at all, pointing directly at the Jade Emperor and said: "Otherwise, today is your death day."

"Bold, Ye Guxin, don't you know what's good or bad?" Li Tianwang stood up angrily and said to Ye Guxin when he heard that Ye Guxin was so disrespectful to the Jade Emperor.

"Hum..." Ye Guxin snorted coldly, Li Tianwang suddenly felt a huge force rushing towards him from the air, and it was too late to take precautions, he was directly knocked out of a mouthful of blood by that force.

Since Ye Guxin made the move, he didn't intend to just let it go so easily, a powerful aura came out from him, pressing towards the immortals on the other side of the heavenly court.Taibai Jinxing and the others seemed to be on the cusp of the storm for a moment, enveloped by the waves and waves of momentum like heaven and earth.

At this moment, a piece of auspicious cloud suddenly floated from the sky, on which stood a boy in Tsing Yi, who quickly came to the sky, and saw Ye Guxin fighting with them.Hastily said: "Ye Guxin, wait a moment"

Ye Guxin took a look at the boy in Tsing Yi, and found that his cultivation was extremely high.Just don't know who it is.Withdrawing his momentum, he asked, "Who are you?"

"Earth Emperor, I am a boy in Tsing Yi under the master Yuanshi Tianzun. I am here to intercede with you by the order of the master. The Jade Emperor was kissed by the Sanqing sage, and he can enjoy the infinite way. I may be wrong now, but I have admitted it. The emperor of the earth can turn war into jade." The boy in Tsing Yi said respectfully to Ye Guxin.He listened to the sermon by Yuan Shi's side, and was specially told not to provoke Ye Guxin, and Ye Guxin was actually equal to him in his tone.At that time, the boy in Tsing Yi knew that Ye Guxin must not be an ordinary person.Maybe he can also prove the Hunyuan Zhengguo.Beyond the way of heaven.At that time, maybe there was still time to rely on Ye Guxin, so when talking to Ye Guxin, he showed a special respect.

Ye Guxin looked at the boy in Tsing Yi, and still said in that cold tone: "Give me a reason not to kill him."

The boy in Tsing Yi smiled faintly and waved his hand.An enchantment has been set up around them, and then I saw the boy in Tsing Yi talking to Ye Guxin inside. Ye Guxin's expression didn't change at first, but as time passed, the boy in Tsing Yi talked more and more. There was also a hint of surprise.

After a while, the boy in Tsing Yi waved his hand to remove the barriers around them.Ye Guxin pointed to the Jade Emperor and said: "Jade Emperor, if you can do what you just said, the grievances between us will be wiped out. From then on, you will follow your Yangguan Road, and I will take my single-plank bridge. It has nothing to do with each other. Or ..." With a wave of Ye Guxin Zhantian in the void, another horn disappeared from the Lingxiao Palace in an instant.Ye Guxin did not say the latter, but his actions have already told everyone.

After Ye Guxin finished these, he said to the boy in Tsing Yi: "Tell your master, I, Ye Guxin, don't believe in fate, and I don't believe in his criticism either. He has his way, and I have my way. My things hope Don't meddle any more." Then he turned to Sun Wukong and said, "Let's go." With a wave of his hand, all the monsters in the heaven disappeared in front of the Jade Emperor and the others together.

After the Jade Emperor saw Ye Guxin leaving, he asked the boy in Tsing Yi respectfully: "Senior brother, I don't know how the teacher is." The boy in Tsing Yi looked at him and nodded, "Everything is fine, teacher. To provoke Ye Guxin."

Upon hearing this, the Jade Emperor quickly asked: "Senior brother, why is this? That Ye Guxin made me lose face in the Heavenly Court and lose all my majesty."

The boy in Tsing Yi smiled lightly and said: "Brother, if you provoke Ye Guxin again, even I can't do anything about it. You must know that the teacher puts his position at the same height as him. What does that mean, I think You should be very clear." After a pause, he continued: "Junior brother, please take care of yourself, I have to go back and give orders to the teacher." The boy in Tsing Yi didn't wait for the Jade Emperor to answer him, and left the heaven with Xiangyun directly.

The Jade Emperor looked at the distant figure of the boy in Tsing Yi, and he was in a state of confusion, wondering what he was thinking.The words of the boy in Tsing Yi kept appearing repeatedly in his mind, "The teacher puts Ye Guxin on the same level as him." What kind of concept is this?

The Jade Emperor sighed and returned to Yaochi.Afterwards, a decree was drafted to seal Ye Guxin as the emperor of the earth, beyond all realms and not among the five elements.No one is in control.The land of the mountain gods in the world has the same treatment as immortals. Anyone who does not want to enslave the land of the mountain gods again will be killed without mercy.

It is said that Ye Guxin directly transferred Sun Wukong and the others to the North Fear Luzhou. When they came outside the temple, the Bull Demon King and the others saw that the North Fear Luzhou, which used to be known as the place of death, turned out to be a scene of birds singing and flowers, a thriving scene. Ye Guxin's great supernatural power It is even more admirable.

Ye Guxin looked at the Bull Demon King and the others, smiled lightly and said to Monkey King, "Wukong, why don't you introduce these friends to me?"

Upon hearing this, Sun Wukong quickly introduced to Ye Guxin: "Master, these are the six brothers I met on Huaguo Mountain. Bull Demon King, Jiao Demon King, Peng Demon King, Lion Camel King, Macaque King, and Yuyu Marmoset King." listen.Hastily said: "The Bull Demon King, the Flood Demon King, the Peng Demon King, the Lion Camel King, the Macaque King, and the Yuyu Marmoset King pay homage to the Earth Emperor."

Ye Guxin nodded and said: "I am very glad to meet you all. I am also very grateful for your help to Wukong. I will hold a performance in two days. If you are interested, you can come and listen together. Your cultivation has helped." After speaking, he suddenly said to the void: "Zhang Cong, you can arrange a place for them to settle down in Beiwei Luzhou."

"Yes, Master" Zhang Cong's voice suddenly came from the void, and then his figure appeared in front of Ye Guxin. He first greeted Ye Guxin: "Master" and then said to the Bull Demon King and the others: "Where are you?" My junior brother's brother, that is my brother, there is nothing else in the Northern Territory, except for the vast land. I will take you to find a place to live first."

None of the Bull Demon King and the others dared to act presumptuously in front of Ye Guxin, and now hearing Ye Guxin's tone, it was obvious that they planned to let them stay in Beiwei Luzhou.As soon as he came in, he felt that the aura of Beidou Luzhou was extremely strong, and if he practiced here, he would definitely be able to get twice the result with half the effort.Now that he has this opportunity, how could he be unhappy.And they can also get the chance to listen to the sermon under Ye Guxin.Is this simply a pie falling from the sky?

The six people hurriedly said to Ye Guxin: "Thank you, Emperor, for making things perfect." Ye Guxin nodded, waved his hand and said, "Zhang Cong, take them there." Zhang Cong respectfully said, "Yes, Master, I will take them there right away." "

Although Zhang Cong was talking, he was very excited in his heart. The master was about to open the dojo, and he finally really listened to the teaching of the master.

You must know that in the past, because of a lot of things, Ye Guxin only passed on the practice formulas to them, and did not really teach them.And Tian Nan and the others also taught themselves how to practice.This kind of effect is very poor, and there are many problems in cultivation.

Zhang Cong quickly took the Bull Demon King and the others to find a safe place.

After Ye Guxin saw Zhang Cong and the others leave, the only ones left in front of him were the fourth brother Monkey King.Looking at them, there was a trace of guilt in his eyes.Thinking about it, the few apprentices I have accepted have never taught them well, this time I will make up for all the delays before, and hope that they can get enough strength before the war.Can make a breakthrough.But under the overthrow, how can the nest be finished.

(Suddenly the inspiration disappeared yesterday, and I felt very ashamed. But it doesn’t matter, I spent a whole night thinking about the bright moon last night, and finally got a little inspiration.)
(End of this chapter)

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