Chapter 130
Ye Guxin used his spiritual sense to observe the North Fear of Luzhou and found that there was nothing wrong, so he also started to practice. He had already planned to go out for a walk after Tian Nan and the others left.

On the second day, after saying goodbye to Ye Guxin, Tian Nan and the other five left the teleportation array.Starting today, their experience has officially begun.During the experience, they experienced countless dangers, and they also achieved unimaginable growth in these dangers.But these are things for later.

Just one day after Ye Guxin left Tian Nan and the others, a small golden sword suddenly flew from the sky.The little sword fell into the temple in an instant, and Ye Guxin's eyes opened in an instant.It turned out to be the golden order he sent out.There are two small characters on it - Dihuang.Ye Guxin stared blankly, he only gave out one of these small swords, and that was the one given to Shopkeeper Qin in Chang'an before, but he handed it to Tian Nan and the others, there are two different types.Could it be that Shopkeeper Qin wants me to do something, or is there any danger?
With a movement of his hand, he pointed at the golden sword, and the golden sword instantly turned into a golden mirror. Inside the mirror, a figure very similar to the former shopkeeper Qin appeared. Ye Guxin knew that the shopkeeper Qin must have passed away a long time ago. It is his descendant, carefully look at this person who is very similar to Shopkeeper Qin.

The man who looked very similar to shopkeeper Qin had a look of anxiety on his face.First bowed, and then said: "My name is Qin Tian. I know your existence from my ancestors. Please forgive me for interrupting. But I have to disturb you. My daughter Qin Shuang doesn't know why Bedridden, I invited several experts to come and see, and they all said that my daughter’s soul is gone, but her life is still alive. They don’t know what to do. I hope you can save my daughter.” After finishing speaking He kowtowed his head on the ground.

In normal times, Ye Guxin might not go there in person, just send an apprentice over there to take a look, but now he also plans to go for a walk, after Ye Guxin sealed the temple, the golden mirror in front of him suddenly turned into a golden light Cut through the void and fly away to the outside.

Ye Guxin also turned into a white light and followed closely behind, leaving the North Fear of Luzhou.Fly quickly in the direction of Chang'an City.Chang'an Ye Guxin has only been there once, and only once had a drink in the restaurant of the shopkeeper Qin.Didn't even go shopping.Following the golden light, Ye Guxin came to a luxurious mansion in an instant.

At first glance, it is a majestic rockery, and the garden is full of flowers.There is a scent of flowers in the air, which is extremely pleasant.Judging from the situation inside the house, the current Qin family is doing business well and their wealth is astonishing.Ye Guxin walked slowly on the path in the garden.Go in the direction of Qin Tian.

As soon as Ye Guxin came to Qin Tian's house, all the situation in the house appeared in his mind.But what surprised him was that there was a strong ghostly aura in the house.The ghost energy was hidden very secretly, but no matter how secret it was, it would be difficult to hide from Ye Guxin's consciousness.

At this time, Qin Tian was walking up and down the front hall, anxious and uneasy. Standing in the hall was his son Qin Shang, although he had just used the golden sword that had been enshrined with incense according to the method recorded by his ancestors. , and the golden sword did fly out.I don't know whether the fairy that the ancestor said will agree or not.

Qin Shang saw his father walking up and down in the lobby, and he was also very anxious. A few days ago, after he received the news that his younger sister Qin Shuang was lying unconscious on the bed, he immediately put down his business and hurried back .He loved his only sister the most since he was a child.

For his sister who was bedridden and comatose, he had invited no less than dozens of practitioners, but none of them could tell what kind of disease Qin Shuang was suffering from?Everyone was helpless, and he could only watch his sister's delicate face getting thinner day by day.In the end, it was my father who suddenly saw the golden sword enshrined in front of the hall, and remembered something that his ancestors said when he passed away.Thinking of the existence of Ye Guxin.Finally, he used the golden sword, hoping to get Ye Guxin's help.

But the golden sword has been flying away for such a long time, and there is still no news of returning, and it is not known what the fairy meant.

Suddenly a young man dressed in black appeared in front of them, with a strong aloofness on his body.Qin Tian saw that the person who thought of the description of his ancestor was exactly the same as the person in front of him.He was also dressed in black, and he appeared here suddenly, obviously a person with great supernatural powers. Qin Tian and his son knelt down quickly, and then Qin Tian said: "The villain has the liberty to disturb the immortal's meditation, and I hope you will forgive me." ..." Qin Tian wanted to go on, but Ye Guxin brushed them up with a wave of his hand, and said: "I already know about your affairs. Back then, I gave your ancestors a golden sword to express that you can ask me for one thing .So I came here today just to fulfill my original promise."

When Qin Tian heard this, he hurriedly said: "The immortal, please sit up first and drink a cup of tea." Ye Guxin smiled lightly and said: "Let's go and see your daughter first. I also want to fulfill my previous promise as soon as possible." After finishing speaking, he stood up. Standing still, just waiting for them to lead the way.

Qin Tian and the others were already very anxious in their hearts, but the way of hospitality cannot be neglected, so they endured their anxiety and wanted to greet Ye Guxin first. Now that they heard that Ye Guxin was going to see his daughter, it didn't matter whether it was or not. Failing to be polite, he led the way with one hand, "Great Immortal, please" and then led the way to Qin Shuang's boudoir.

Ye Guxin followed Qin Tian and walked towards Qin Shuang's boudoir. At this moment, when Ye Guxin came, the ghostly aura that Ye Guxin felt suddenly became stronger and stronger.Ye Guxin couldn't help frowning.What's going on?How could such a powerful ghost energy exist in Qin Tian's house.And the place where the ghostly aura emanates is Qin Shuang's boudoir.

After a while, Qin Tian brought Ye Guxin outside Qin Shuang's room, and said, "Daxian, this is my little girl's boudoir, and my little girl is inside. I hope the fairy can save my daughter." Ye Guxin looked at the room, It was found that the inside was already full of ghost aura. If ordinary people entered, they would be invaded by ghost aura in an instant.Heart attack to death.

Looking at the two people, you just wait here, you can't stay inside, wait a minute, no matter what noises are inside, don't come in.Qin Tian and the two quickly responded.Ye Guxin opened the door, a cloud of yin energy suddenly came out from inside, Qin Tian and the two were blown by the yin energy, they couldn't help standing on their heads.There was a chill in my heart.

Ye Guxin didn't even look at the Yin Qi, and walked in directly.How could a little yin energy hurt him.After he entered, with a flick of his hand, the door behind him closed automatically.After Ye Guxin entered inside, he found that the ghost aura here was so strong that it was unbelievable, and there were continuous bursts of ghost cries in the ghost aura.

Ye Guxin snorted coldly, and said: "Such a trick, you dare to show it off in front of me." After he finished speaking, a white light suddenly appeared on his body, and after the white light appeared, it quickly filled the whole room. After that, it melted instantly like the white snow in summer.The boundless ghost energy dissipated in an instant.

And it was Ye Guxin who also saw a woman lying on the bed, that is, Qin Tian's daughter, Qin Shuang.Walking slowly to Qin Shuang's bedside, he found that Qin Shuang's appearance was no worse than that of Ice Fairy, Houtu and the others, and he still had a sickly sense of beauty lying on the bed.

Although Qin Shuang was beautiful, Ye Guxin had a calm expression on his face.There was no look of surprise.Ye Guxin has never taken a fancy to a woman's appearance.If it was beautiful, the Ice Fairy was just as good as her, and he had never been moved by the Ice Fairy's appearance back then.How could there be any exception for her today.

Ye Guxin watched waves of ghost energy continuously emanating from her body.Even the white light from his body couldn't stop him, so he couldn't help but frowned, shook his head and said, "Interesting."

The consciousness was released in an instant, and she began to scan Qin Shuang's whole body, trying to see if someone from the ghost world had murdered her.But after scanning with his consciousness, he found nothing.If it weren't for Qin Shuang but she was alone, with her ghostly aura, Ye Guxin would probably think of her as a person from the ghost world.

The ghost energy was actually emitted by Qin Shuang's own body, and there were no ghosts at all.And her body is slowly transforming from a mortal body into a ghost body.If she is allowed to continue like this, her body will completely turn into a ghost body in two days, and she will become an out-and-out person in the ghost world.

Suddenly, Ye Guxin felt a slight fluctuation in Qin Shuang's mind, which was not what a human being should have, and he couldn't help saying coldly: "Not coming out yet." His tone seemed to have an aura that could not be refused.

With a bang, Qin Shuang's body erupted with an unprecedented spooky aura, and the intensity of that spooky aura even gave Ye Guxin a sense of danger.But Ye Guxin still stood there without moving.The ghostly aura instantly shattered the bed below him.Qin Shuang also stood up suddenly.

Now Qin Shuang's body was full of ghostly aura, and an illusory shadow appeared on her body, and that shadow was also a woman.It looks seventy percent similar to Qin Shuang's.Qin Shuang looked at Ye Guxin in front of her and asked, "Who are you and why are you disturbing my reincarnation?" Even though she asked like this, her tone didn't feel threatening. You must know that she just felt an embarrassing feeling from Ye Guxin. Her breath of fear.That breath made her feel chilly.Fearing that Ye Guxin would hurt Qin Shuang's body, he could not show up and ask Ye Guxin.

The woman's heart is also up and down now, you must know that because of fighting with others before, her ghost body was shattered, leaving only a trace of spirit.You can't just reincarnate.In this life, because her reincarnated body, Qin Shuang, accidentally ate the ghost fruit, she who had been sleeping suddenly woke up.And instantly combined with Qin Shuang's consciousness.

After regaining consciousness, she also began to slowly transform Qin Shuang's body into a ghost body most suitable for cultivating the ghost way.And because she wanted to transform with one heart and one mind, she also fell into a deep sleep.Her father didn't know, and thought she was possessed by some ghost, so he invited several practitioners to see him.

But with the cultivation of those cultivators, how could she be aware of her existence, so it has been until today, but she never thought that his father would be able to invite such a powerful existence as Ye Guxin.

Ye Guxin's eyes turned cold, and he realized that the phantom was actually Qin Shuang's soul, but how could Qin Shuang's soul be so powerful.And she just said about reincarnation.He couldn't help but said coldly: "Who are you?

(I had a power outage here today. I just wrote a chapter and uploaded it immediately.)
(End of this chapter)

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