Legend of the Earth Emperor

Chapter 132 The Lonely Wife

Chapter 132 The Lonely Wife
The three of Houtu couldn't help being a little surprised when they heard that they were standing under their feet in the former Beidao Luzhou. You must know that the Beidao Luzhou in Houtu's time was not what it is now.At that time, there were immortal beasts everywhere in Beidou Luzhou, there were countless immortal flowers and herbs, and the aura was several times more than it is now.

But Houtu thought about it again, also, thinking that the North Fear Luzhou was invaded by countless poisonous barriers and poisonous beasts, and it is not easy for the current Beifear Luzhou to have the scene it is today.Thinking about it, he couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

Monkey King saw that Houtu didn't respond to his question, as if they didn't exist at all.I couldn't help being furious in my heart, thinking: These three people came from nowhere, and they are also very arrogant, it seems that the two of them are not regarded by them at all.Can't help snorting coldly.

Monkey King's cold snort also awakened Houtu from his memories, seeing the dissatisfied expressions of Monkey King and the two, he also knew what they were up to.He smiled lightly and said: "I was thinking about something just now, please forgive me if I neglected. I don't know if there is a person named Ye Guxin in Beiwei Luzhou." After finishing speaking, he looked at them with suspicious eyes , those eyes were filled with the look of Sun Wukong and the others who could tell her Ye Guxin's whereabouts.

When Sun Wukong heard that they came here to find Master, they couldn't help but glanced at each other. They had never heard that Master had contact with any woman, but the look in the eyes of the woman in front of them obviously had something to do with Master. A long friendship.

Now Sun Wukong doesn't know how to treat Houtu anymore. If he is really a friend of Master, he should treat each other with courtesy, but if he is an enemy, wouldn't he lead the wolf into the house by doing that?Just when he was in a dilemma, a mountain god saw the situation here, and the apprentices of the two emperors had arrived here. He thought something happened, so he ran over and was about to speak, but suddenly saw Houtu in front of him. Empress, she couldn't help but froze.

The mountain god looked at Houtu and stammered excitedly: "You are...you are Houtu... Your Majesty" The mountain god looked at Houtu from a distance when he was under the protection of Houtu, but it was this But the figure of Hou Tu will always exist in his heart, and he has never forgotten it.

Seeing the excited look of the mountain god, Houtu nodded lightly. She didn't expect that she would be recognized as soon as she returned to Beiluzhou.But this person is still the mountain god who was protected by her before.

After the mountain god got Houtu's confirmation, he immediately knelt down in front of Houtu excitedly, and said, "Welcome your mother back, welcome your mother back to Beibei Luzhou." Then he got up suddenly and ran to the distance , leaving only one sentence still in their ears, "Mother, I will go and tell everyone that you are back."

But at this time, Monkey King and Liu Er were stunned by this sudden change, and the person in front of them turned out to be the Empress Houtu from ancient times.Can't help being dumbfounded.He stared blankly at Houtu.

At the moment when Sun Wukong and the others were in a daze, the mountain god had already spread the news of Houtu's return to the ears of all the mountain god lands, and in an instant countless mountain god lands came to Houtu.Qiqi knelt down.

"See Empress Houtu, I welcome you back to Beiwei Luzhou" All the mountain gods and lands said back to Tutu in unison, their faces were full of excitement.Houtu has been protecting them, the land of the lowest mountain gods, since ancient times.If Houtu hadn't disappeared suddenly back then, how could they have been enslaved by the world for thousands of years.

At this time, Houtu suddenly showed his own benevolence, and Houtu is the mother of the earth.Also the mother of life.There was also a touch of majesty in her benevolence.Looking at the countless lands of the mountain gods in front of him, Hou Tu waved his hands and said, "You all get up." Her voice reached the ears of the lands of the mountain gods in an instant.

After "Xie Niangniang", those mountain gods stood up instantly.Hou Tu looked at Monkey King and Liu Er who were already a little dazed in front of him and asked again: "Can you tell me where Ye Guxin is? I have something very important to find him."

At this time, Sun Wukong also came back to his senses, and hurriedly saluted: "I pay my respects to Empress Houtu, just now our brothers and sisters offended me so much, please don't take offense." Houtu smiled lightly and said, "How could I blame you? After all, you didn’t even know it just now.”

Although Monkey King and Sun Wukong knew that the person in front of them was Empress Houtu, they felt that her prestige in front of the land of the mountain gods surpassed that of their master, and they were secretly vigilant in their hearts. Know which side to stand on.And they also took a look just now, and the temple that was originally suspended above the Dihuang City also suddenly disappeared.He didn't dare to tell Houtu about Ye Guxin.He just said: "I don't know who my mother is my master, why have I never heard of it from the master?"

After hearing Monkey King's question, Tu was also stunned for a moment, and also knew that Monkey King in front of him was Gu Xin's apprentice. If he didn't answer well, he obviously wouldn't tell him where Gu Xin went.But what are you and Guxin now, lovers?But I personally hurt him.stranger?But I have never forgotten him, and I will never forget him.Think about it, it's time for you to make up your mind.

Thinking of Houtu's face is also a little hot, after all, what I want to say later is a major event in my life.But now it must be said.Looking at them, he said: "I am Gu Xin's fiancée. We have been engaged since the end of the sky. This time I am looking for Gu Xin."

All of a sudden, there seemed to be a thunderbolt on the heads of countless people.Houtu turned out to be the fiancée of the emperor Ye Guxin, this news can shock the whole world.This thing is really surprising and unbelievable.

Monkey King murmured: "Impossible, Master never told us, but..." Everyone was blinded by this.

Standing behind Houtu, Xiao Zi saw Sun Wukong's disbelief, and said coquettishly, "You stinky monkey, can our mother still lie to you, can our mother make fun of her reputation? Hmph, Ye Guxin being able to marry our empress is a blessing he cultivated in his previous life."

Xiaozi originally did not say anything in the back because she really hurt Ye Guxin in the past, but now she couldn't help being furious when she saw the monkey's suspicious look, so she said these words.

After hearing this, Hou Tu quickly stopped him and said: "Xiao Zi, don't say it, I was indeed the one who was sorry for him back then, everything was my fault, now I just want to beg Gu Xin to forgive me, I hope..." After saying this Tu sighed again.

Monkey King thought about it, no one would say such things without being afraid of danger, if not, her reputation would be ruined in her life, but Houtu's identity as the mother of the earth is really amazing.It doesn't matter whether it's a problem now or not, the Houtu and the others should be settled down first.

Sun Wukong held one hand, and said to Houtu and the others: "Lady Houtu, we still don't know whether you are our master's fiancée or not. All this can only be known after my master comes out. I hope you can understand. Now I I will take you to a place to rest."

After hearing this, Houtu nodded and said, "Okay, yes, I don't know what your name is yet." My junior brother "Liu Er" Hou Tu heard it, and praised in his heart: Gu Xin's vision is really good, one of these two is a natural born stone monkey, the other is also a six-eared macaque among monkeys, both of them are talented and intelligent , the aura is compelling.Then Houtu waved his hand to let those mountain god lands disperse first, and those mountain god lands only bowed respectfully to Houtu before leaving.

Monkey King and the others took Houtu and the others into a house behind the temple in Dihuang City.Invite them to rest first, but Houtu doesn't have any thoughts to rest now, what she wants to see most now is Ye Guxin.Just after sitting down, he asked Sun Wukong: "Wukong, I don't know where Guxin is now, I want to see him as soon as possible."

Sun Wukong was taken aback, and it was difficult to answer her. You must know that he didn't know why the temple disappeared suddenly, and the disappearance of the temple also meant that the master also disappeared with the temple.Now he doesn't know where Ye Guxin went.Without hesitation, he said: "Well, we actually don't know where the master is now. In the past, the master practiced in the temple above the Dihuang City, but for some reason, the temple suddenly disappeared today. So we now I can't find the master either. Maybe the master is no longer in Luzhou in the north."

After hearing what Sun Wukong said, Houtu thought that the temple disappeared only after she came here. It was obvious that Ye Guxin was avoiding him and didn't want to see her, so he whispered: "It seems that you still don't want to see me, But I will not give up, I will definitely find you."

After finishing speaking, Tu's spiritual consciousness also suddenly unfolded, and her powerful spiritual consciousness instantly shrouded the entire North Fear Luzhou under her induction.The temple that disappeared in the air appeared in her mind for a moment, but she didn't notice anyone's presence in the temple except that she felt the aura inside the temple. Ye Guxin was obviously not in the temple anymore.Houtu withdrew his consciousness after seeing it.

Although Houtu's spiritual consciousness is powerful, he did not find the real body of the emperor hiding in the golden body.Under the protection of the strong power of faith.Hou Tu didn't notice his existence at all.All she saw was a shining golden statue.

Hou Tu looked outside and said: "Gu Xin, no matter where the world is, I will definitely find you. Even if you can't forgive me, I will stay by your side forever."

(End of this chapter)

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